
  1. 她瞒着父亲开始去上舞蹈课。

    Unbeknownst to her father , she began taking dancing lessons .

  2. 所有学校都设有音乐和舞蹈课。

    All the schools have music and dancing as part of the curriculum

  3. 我在纽约上舞蹈课。

    I go to dance classes here in New York .

  4. 布里奇斯为所有年龄段的人开设舞蹈课。

    Bridges runs dance classes for all ages .

  5. 一年夏天,我妹妹玛吉要去上舞蹈课。

    One summer , my little sister Maggie was going to dance lessons .

  6. 她上了舞蹈课,所有老师都认为她是个优秀的学生。

    She took dancing lessons and all her teachers thought she was an excellent student .

  7. 在收起吉他或停上舞蹈课之前,你应该考虑如何在学习和爱好之间分配时间。

    Before putting away the guitar or stopping your dance lessons , you should think how you could divide your time between studying and hobbies .

  8. 小云儿的父母决定送她去上舞蹈课。

    The parents decided to send her to dancing classes .

  9. 我开始上舞蹈课了,特别有意思!

    I 've taken up dancing lessons – they 're great fun !

  10. 我和我朋友昨晚上了一门新的舞蹈课。我们真是累坏了!舞蹈动作好难!

    My friend and I tried a new dance class last night – we really sweated it out ! It was so hard !

  11. 有一天,她正在上舞蹈课,一个坏巫婆用她的魔棍把Rella公主变成了一只青蛙。

    One day while dancing in class , an evil witch used her magic wand and turned Princess Rella into a frog .

  12. 与五名家人在香港一套小公寓里长大的林隽永师从香港芭蕾舞界的泰斗王仁曼(JeanM.Wong),从7岁开始在她创办的芭蕾舞学校的一个小型分校上舞蹈课。

    He grew up in a small Hong Kong apartment with five relatives and started taking dance lessons at age 7 at a small branch of a chain of schools run by Jean M. Wong , the grande dame of the territory 's ballet teachers .

  13. 这家律师事务所有一个合唱团,并且组织芭蕾课和舞蹈课,而且,作为去年职工联谊活动的节目之一,他们还演出了舞台剧《潘赞斯的海盗》(thepiratesofpenzance)。

    The law firm has a choir , organises ballet and dance lessons and , as part of its alumni programme last year , staged a performance ofthe Pirates of Penzance .

  14. 关于在体育院校开设国际体育舞蹈课的几点思考

    Initiation of International Sports Dances Into Physical Education Institutes ′ Class

  15. 高校体育舞蹈课教学的调查研究

    A Survey on Teaching of Dance Course in College Physical Education

  16. 微格教学法在高师体育舞蹈课教学中的应用研究

    The Application of Microteaching Methodology in Sporting-Dance Teaching of Higher Education

  17. 今天上午,麦根的舞蹈课正式开始了。

    This morning , Megan went to her first dance class .

  18. 而且,我喜欢上了骑单车、散步、游泳和舞蹈课。

    I enjoy biking , walking , swimming and dancing classes .

  19. 谈高师体育专业开设体育舞蹈课的必要性

    Necessity of Dancing Class in Physical Education in Colleges and Universities

  20. 高师艺术教育舞蹈课探索

    A Study of Dance Class of the Art Education at Normal Universities

  21. 论体育舞蹈课在普通高校的设置

    On the Initiation of Sports Dancing in Colleges and Universities

  22. 玛丽希望借舞蹈课能够改善她的体态和平衡能力。

    Mary hoped the dance lessons would improve her poise and balance .

  23. 国标舞的美学价值与高校体育舞蹈课教学

    The aesthetic value and teaching of International Standard in colleges

  24. 丽塔:那是我的音乐舞蹈课。

    RITA : It 's my singing and dancing lesson .

  25. 乔治娅决定安排他们上舞蹈课,作为送给他们的圣诞礼物。

    Georgia decided to give them dance lessons as a Christmas gift .

  26. 她每个星期五去城堡的舞蹈课学跳舞。

    She went to Castle 's dancing class every Friday .

  27. 他年轻时修习舞蹈课

    As a young man , he took dancing lessons ,

  28. 我的舞蹈课真的要迟到了!

    I 'm gonna be really late for dance class !

  29. 她继续教舞蹈课,大多数学生都是年青的女孩。

    She continued to teach dancing classes , mostly to young girls .

  30. 对高校有氧舞蹈课教学相关因素的分析

    Research on the Impact of Teaching Factors of Aerobic Dance