
wǔ chǎng
  • ballroom;dance hall
舞场 [wǔ chǎng]
  • [dance hall;ballroom] 专供人跳交际舞的营业性场所

舞场[wǔ chǎng]
  1. 繁华的街道像发巨大的舞场,路人都带着满脸喜庆的颜色在光影之间来回穿梭。

    The lively street sends the giant dance hall likely , the passers-by all has the full face jubilation color back and forth to shuttle back and forth between the light shade .

  2. 我在舞场舞蹈课上学到的第一种舞蹈是华尔兹舞。

    The first dance that I learned at my ballroom dancing classes was the waltz .

  3. 在舞场上,他比谁都能跳。

    He can outlast anyone on the dance floor .

  4. 我与几个同伴一起,在当地的一家夜总会经营每周一次的舞场。

    With partners I ran weekly dances at a local nightclub .

  5. 舞场:对跳舞场所的俗称。

    Boards : slang name for a place to dance .

  6. 那个白色的身影离开了舞场,独自一人站在树篱旁边。

    This white shape stood apart by the hedge alone .

  7. 这地方到9点就变成舞场了。

    This place turns into a dance club at9:00 .

  8. 舞场上有不少漂亮的姑娘。

    There 's some fantastic stuff at the mixer .

  9. 他们说我们是舞场中最优秀的舞者。

    We are the best dancers on the floor , they tell us .

  10. 你不是舞场王子吗?

    Aren 't you the Lord of the dance ?

  11. 这儿像是一个舞场。

    This here was Iike an open ballroom-type area .

  12. 而远处的鸟儿也开始高歌加入自然的舞场。

    And the birds in the distance add their music to nature 's chorus .

  13. 即使是残疾人也不碍事,他们也可以在舞场上转动。

    Even the handicapped were not hampered from a roll on the dance floor .

  14. 只要想想他们在舞场里的那种举止,就知道他们并不打算要讨一般人的好。

    Their behavior at the assembly had not been calculated to please in general .

  15. 达西:舞场上只有一位漂亮姑娘,她在跟你跳舞!

    DARCY : You are dancing with the only handsome girl in the room .

  16. 晚饭后,乐队的音乐一响起来,父亲和母亲便踏上了舞场。

    When the band began to play after dinner , my parents took the floor .

  17. 十二匹鬼马跑到舞场中央,猛地站住了,先用后腿直立起来,又踢起后蹄冲蹿。

    The horses galloped into the middle of the dance floor and halted , rearing and plunging .

  18. 说来遗憾,当时舞场上除了我自己人以外,一个女客也不认识。

    I had not at that time the honour of knowing any lady in the assembly beyond my own party .

  19. 这次我们会安排更大的舞场和更好的座位摆放方案。

    I hope to get the HK Convention Centre again : This time in a bigger arena with better seating arrangements .

  20. 后来她又开始破口大骂她的情人,就是在舞场上看到的那个电影导演。

    And then she began to rave about her lover , the movie director whom she had seen on the dance floor .

  21. 他能够看见姑娘们的白色身影在绿色的舞场上旋转着,就像刚才他在她们中间一起旋转一样。

    He could see the white figures of the girls in the green enclosure whirling about as they had whirled when he was among them .

  22. 上周六晚我们想去参加一个舞会。我说“我们想”,是是因为当我们最后赶到舞场上时已过10点了。

    We tried going to a party last Saturday night . I say " tried ", because it was gone ten before we finally got there .

  23. 我们也可以把不同见解比较一下。不&我无法在舞场里谈书本;我脑子里老是想着些别的事。

    We may compare our different opinions . No & I cannot talk of books in a ball-room ; my head is always full of something else .

  24. 当她走到离家几十码的地方,她听见了另外一种跟她刚刚离开的舞场上的节奏声不同的节奏声;那是她熟悉的声音非常熟悉的声音。

    While yet many score yards off , other rhythmic sounds than those she had quitted became audible to her ; sounds that she knew well - so well .

  25. 后来等到这群贵客走进舞场的时候,却一共只有五个人--彬格莱先生,他的两个姐妹,姐夫,还有另外一个青年。

    And when the party entered the assembly room , it consisted of only five altogether ; Mr. Bingley , his two sisters , the husband of the oldest , and another young man .

  26. 结婚盛典举行后,舞会开始了,新娘一走进舞场,约翰就全神贯注地盯着她的脸,突然间,新娘脸色苍白,就像死了一样倒在地上。

    The dance began , with the bride also taking part . Faithful Johannes was watchful and looked into her face . Suddenly she turned pale and fell to the ground as if she were dead .

  27. 舞池就像时装秀的T型台,酒店大堂同时也可以作为拍电影的场景,舞场休息厅漂亮得可以让人误以为这是时尚杂志拍照的地方。

    The dance floor might as well have been a fashion runway , the hotel lobby could easily have doubled as a movie set , and the ballroom foyer could have been confused for a magazine shoot .