
  1. 他们还学习了传统的肯尼亚乐器,舞蹈和歌曲。

    They also learned about traditional Kenyan instruments , dances and songs .

  2. 而二十世纪三十年代,它则是一种流行舞蹈和歌曲的名称。

    It also was the name of a popular dance and hit song in the1930s .

  3. “大美青海”则在小舞台上表演民族舞蹈和歌曲。

    In the exhibiting site of Qinghai province , folk songs and dances were also on show .

  4. 在斯洛伐克首都&布拉迪斯拉发,孩子们努力学习如何去保护和这些传统的舞蹈、歌曲和音乐。

    In the capital of Slovakia-Bratislava-the children learn to love the traditional dances , songs and music .

  5. 我相信中国人民一定会喜欢印度丰富多彩的舞蹈和歌曲。

    I 'm pretty sure that people in China will fall in love with colorful Indian dances and songs .

  6. 新闻稿指出,22年幸运的夫人将有一个不幸的是没有提供示范的舞蹈和歌曲的礼物。

    Press releases state that the lucky winner of22 years would have a gift for dance and song , unfortunately without providing demonstrations .

  7. 不管是一首新歌曲,或不同的舞蹈,歌曲已经在巡回赛上目前还不清楚,但新是新的!

    Whether that 's a new song , or a different dance to a song already on the tour is unclear , but new is new !

  8. 那时学校里教授英国舞蹈和英语歌曲,可是现在的情形似乎不再是这样了。

    In those days English dances as well as songs were taught at school , but that seems no longer to be so

  9. 厄斯特费尔德随后举行了一场包括舞蹈,杂技,歌曲在内的大型演出,人们以种种方式赞美阿尔卑斯的历史与文化。

    A lavish show then got under way for the assembled guests in Erstfeld , with dancers , acrobats , singers and musicians celebrating Alpine culture and history .