
  • 网络aesthetics of dance
  1. 第四章以舞蹈美学的观点对其舞蹈作品的表现形式及其审美追求进行深层的分析,其属于深层性研究。

    Fourth chapter viewpoint manifestation with dance aesthetics to whose dance work and their appreciation of the beauty run after the analysis that deep being in progress spends .

  2. 本文从体育与美学关系入手,剖析体育舞蹈美学价值,提出体育舞蹈教学要在美的情境中开展,教学过程应贯穿心灵美教育。

    In this paper , the aesthetic values of sport dance were analyzed , depending on the relationship , between physical education and aesthetic education . It 's suggested that sport dance teaching should carry out in aesthetic situation , and teaching program should go through aesthetic education .

  3. 浅谈体育舞蹈的美学价值

    Simple Discussion on the Aesthetic Values in Sport Dance

  4. 国际体育舞蹈的美学分析

    The Aesthetic Analysis of International Sport Dance

  5. 体育舞蹈的美学构成因素包括标准舞姿、形体美、音乐美与服饰美。

    The aesthetic components of sports dance include standard dancing posture , beauty of form , beauty of music and beauty of dress .

  6. 黄梅戏是汇聚说唱、音乐、舞蹈以及美学等为一体的一种艺术表现形式。

    Huangmei opera is a kind of art performance which integrates rap , music , dance as well as aesthetic and so on .

  7. 书法除本学科的内容之外,还涉及文字学、文学、绘画、音乐、舞蹈、美学、科学和哲学等诸多学科。

    Besides its own subject , Chinese calligraphy deals with many areas such as philology , literature , painting , music , dance , aesthetics , science and philosophy .

  8. 构建了由教学训练、竞赛裁判、科研创编和相关理论知识四部分组成的理论部分教学内容,突出了音乐、舞蹈、美学、和健美操、团体操理论知识;

    Structure and train by teaching , scientific research create and weave referee contest , Have stressed the music , dancing , aesthetics , and aerobics , group callisthenics theory knowledge ;

  9. 健美操具有音乐、体育、舞蹈、美学的多种社会功能,对跳高选手的作用表现在:发展肌群力量,改善柔韧性;

    Its effects upon high jumpers are : developing the power and flexibility of muscles ; stimulating students interest in learning and grasping the basic techniques and skills of high jump ;

  10. 试谈舞蹈艺术的美学特征

    On the Aesthetic Features of the Art of Dancing

  11. 运用了舞蹈学、美学、历史学等多种研究方法对此论文进行综合分析。

    Use of Dance Studies , aesthetics , history and other research methods this paper made a comprehensive analysis .

  12. 正确认识舞蹈艺术的直观性与动作性,假设性与虚拟性等美学特征,可以更好地按照舞蹈艺术的美学规律,发展我国的舞蹈文化。

    A correct understanding of the aesthetic features of the dancing arts ' being visual , operant , assumptive and virtual can help develop the dancing culture in our country in line with the laws of aesthetics .

  13. 因此,阐述体育舞蹈的特征,并从不同的角度与方位来剖析和审视体育舞蹈与美学的关系,探讨其美学内涵是体育理论和美学研究者研究的重要课题之一。

    Therefore , expounds the features of the dance sports from different Angle to analyze and azimuth and examine the relationship between dance sports and aesthetics , discusses its aesthetic connotation is sports theory and aesthetic researchers study is one of the important topics .