
  • 网络notation
舞谱 [wǔ pǔ]
  • [dance notation] 对舞蹈作的书面记录

  1. 舞谱作为一种重要的记录方式在其传播的严谨性、便捷性、保存的长远性等方面是其他记录方式所无法替代的。

    Dance notation , as an important record mode , is of great significance in the aspects of preciseness , convenience , chronicity , all of which are of uniqueness .

  2. 傩舞具有悠久的历史,它的前身可以追溯到旧石器时代末期的巫,从八卦舞谱对傩舞步伐的记录中,能找到原始祭祀舞蹈的痕迹。

    Nuo Dance has a long history and its predecessor could be back to Wu at the end of Old Stone Age . This is because the trace of the original sacred dance could be found in the record of Nuo Dance steps from the Eight Diagrams Dance Notation .

  3. 舞谱学家的工作包括教舞蹈演员舞蹈动作的技巧和演绎。

    The job of a choreologist entails teaching dancers the technique and performance of dance movements

  4. 为孔雀舞谱写的舞曲。

    Music composed for dancing the pavane .

  5. 东巴舞谱是我国乐舞文化史上的珍贵遗产。

    The Dongba dance step is really a precious heritage in the history of the Chinese dance culture .

  6. 舞蹈学院的教授一直利用业余时间收集中国古代舞谱。

    The professors at the dance college always spend their spare time collecting books on ancient Chinese dance .

  7. 为米奴哀小步舞谱写的一种庄严的舞曲;常常与奏鸣曲或组曲合在一起。

    A stately piece of music composed for dancing the minuet ; often incorporated into a sonata or suite .

  8. 通过挖掘拉班舞谱产生的背景,进而论述拉班舞谱制谱所依据的其他学科原理。

    Laban digging through the spectrum of dance background , this paper discuss on other subjects foundation of Labanotation system which based on .

  9. 本文从阐述人类探索舞蹈记录的历程入手,通过对比的方法来介绍拉班舞谱在谱面设置、动作符号设计方面的构成科学。

    In this paper , started by researching history of human exploration dance record . by comparing the way , it was introduced labanotation face setting , the scientific design of movement symbol .