
  • 网络Shaping;The physique lesson
  1. 形体课对女大学生生长发育、塑造优美形体、培养优雅气质、促进心理健康发展、形成终身体育能力具有良好影响作用。

    The physique lesson has good influence and functions to college girl growth and to mould the beautiful physique , train the graceful makings , promote the psychology to develop in a healthy way and form lifetime sports ability .

  2. 形体课对女大学生影响刍议

    Discussion on Influence of the Physique Lesson on the College Girl

  3. 论形体课乐曲的选择艺术

    How to select the music for the body - shaping class

  4. 高校女生形体课的教学艺术

    Teaching Art of Girl Student Physical lesson in College

  5. 形体课对中学女生影响的探讨大学第一课

    Discussion on Influence to the Girl Students Middle School of the Physique Lesson

  6. 形体课教学如何有效地使用音乐

    How to Use Music Efficiently in the Body-Building Class

  7. 民族院校女大学生开设形体课的调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Offering Body-building Class for Female Students in Colleges for Nationalities

  8. 中专、技工学校开设形体课教学必要性的探讨

    A Probe into the Necessity of Opening Body Configuration Class in Special and Technical Schools

  9. 形体课对广播学院女生形体改变的积极作用与效果的实验研究

    Experimental Research on the Positive Effect of Setting-up Courses on Female College Students ' Shape Building

  10. 兰州旅游学校学生厌学形体课的心理诊断与教学对策

    The Psychological Diagnose and Teaching Countermeasures for Lanzhou Travel School Students ' Being Disgusted to Study Body Lesson

  11. 学生经过舞蹈形体课的训练,提高了自信心和表现力,塑造了美的形态和高雅的气质。

    The students gained confidence through the training ,( became ) more elegant and had more beautiful figures .

  12. 浅谈芭蕾基础训练在高校形体课教学中的重要性重心训练是一种不靠支持物的芭蕾训练。

    Research on the Influence of Ballet Basic Training on Physique Teaching in Colleges Center work means ballet exercises performed without support .

  13. 在高校舞蹈形体课的教学过程中,可采用课程的设计,选择恰当的音乐,运用巧妙的语言艺术等方式方法,来培养学生的形态美意识。

    Careful design of the classes , appropriate choice of music and skillful use of language were applied in nurturing the students ' body beauty awareness .

  14. 萝卜败蕾的细胞形态学和小白菜裂叶性状分子标记研究浅谈芭蕾基础训练在高校形体课教学中的重要性

    Studies on the Cytomorphology of Abortion Floral Bud in Radish and Molecular Marker for Dehiscent Leaf in No-Heading Chinese Cabbage ; Research on the Influence of Ballet Basic Training on Physique Teaching in Colleges

  15. 并在湖南大学2003年级女生进行形体课新的教学模式实践应用,以检验教学模式的可行性与实用性。

    The new teaching model experiments upon girl students ' physique class , 2003 in Hunan University t to help change their passive study style to active one o for the feasibility and practicability .

  16. 就设计形体课的内容、选择适合女高中生的音乐、采用语言艺术,以及多种教学方法来培养女高中生的形态美等进行了论述。

    The author cultivates the shape beauty of the female students in high school by designing the contents of the class , selecting the musis which is fit for the students , using the art of the language and other more teaching methods .

  17. 湖北省部分普通高校开设形体训练课的研究

    The Study on Body Shaping Course Among Hubei Higher Education Institutes

  18. 论高校形体韵律课的创新教学

    Innovative Teaching of Rhythmic Exercises in Colleges and Universities

  19. 从结构到形式关于在我国初中阶段开设形体教学课内容的探索

    The Study on Setting the Form and Structure Curriculum in Junior Middle School

  20. 山西省体育院系形体训练课的现状分析

    The Analysis on the Physical Training Course in Physical Education Department of Shanxi Province

  21. 针对男生形体舞蹈课常规教学中存在的薄弱点,探讨了适合男生形体舞蹈课的几种教学方法。

    In view of weakness in male shape up dancing teaching , several teaching methods appropriate for males are discussed .

  22. 形体健康课对高校部分学生溜肩体形的矫正效果初报

    A Preliminary Study on the Correction of the Effects of College Students ' " Slanting Shoulder " condition in Body Health Classes

  23. 高师女生心理适应性调查分析高职学院女生开设形体选修课的探析

    The Psychological Adaptation Investigation & Analysis of College Girl Students A Probe into Opening an Optional Course of Body-shaping for College Girl Students

  24. 对高校公共体育教学中女子形体选项课的探讨湖北省部分普通高校开设形体训练课的研究

    The Study on Body Shaping Course Among Hubei Higher Education Institutes A Probe into Opening an Optional Course of Body - shaping for College Girl Students

  25. 试论培育形体与形体课教学的关系

    Relation . Discussion on Relationship between Body-shape Development and Teaching in Body-shape-building Courses

  26. 在普通高校中开设形体健美选修课的实验研究

    The Research on Shaping Beauty as an Elective Course Offered in Colleges and Universities

  27. 中学阶段正值塑造形体的黄金时期,形体课是对中学生培养正确姿态、塑造健美体型、进行美育教育、促进心理健康的行之有效的课程。

    Middle school stage is the physical golden period for students , therefore , the physique class is an effective curriculum for middle school students to cultivate the correct posture , shape the body , at the same time , to conduct aesthetic education and promote the mental health .

  28. 从形体美的概念看我国大学生形体课的开设

    The Opening of the Figure Class at Universities from the Concept of Figure Beauty

  29. 舍宾作为一种新兴的形体运动,已被引入高校女生形体课教学中,具有广阔的发展前景。

    As a new and developing body sport , shaping exercise which has broad prospects has been introduced into teaching practice of university female students .

  30. 对形体美若干理论概念之辨析对高校学生形体课的现状调查与对策分析

    Research on Several Theoretical Concepts of " Body Shaping " Investigation on the Current Situation of Body Shaping Courses in Higher Education and Its Strategy Finance & Economics