
  • 网络shape accuracy;form accuracy;form precision
  1. 无心磨削中影响工件形状精度的因素分析

    Analysis on the factors affecting workpiece shape accuracy in centerless grinding

  2. 无心磨削后并不都能将工件的形状精度进一步改善,故要得到较高的工件形状精度就要合理地选择磨削参数。

    The workpiece shape accuracy could not certainly be improved after the centerless grinding .

  3. 回弹是U形件冲压成形的主要制造缺陷,严重影响零件的形状精度。

    : The central concern in forming U-shaped parts is the effect of springback on the geometry .

  4. 随着MEMS技术的迅速发展,微电子、国防及生物工程等领域对具有一定形状精度和表面质量要求的金属微结构的需求日益迫切。

    With the rapid development of MEMS technology , micro structures which have requirements of form accuracy and surface quality , are increasingly demanded in the fields of micro-electronics , national defense and bio-engineering .

  5. RTM制品具有质量水平高,尺寸和形状精度高,并可以做局部增强设计,生成速度快,制造成本低,生产过程中无挥发性气体产生等众多特点。

    The products of RTM have high quality , high dimension and shape precision . RTM can also make part-design for high performance , reduce production cost , shorten production period and produce without volatile gas .

  6. 汽车覆盖件冲压中的面形状精度不良及其分类

    Poor Surface Fineness and Its Classification of Motor Vehicle Body Cover Panel Pressings

  7. 网状天线的反射面形状精度调整

    Shape accuracy adjustment of a flexible mesh antenna reflector

  8. 采用合理的变压边力技术,可以有效地减小回弹对弯曲件形状精度的影响。

    Reasonable VBHF technology is an effective method to eliminate springback of bend part .

  9. 对刀误差对零件的尺寸精度和形状精度会产生影响。

    Tool setting error will affect the size precision and the shape precision of workpiece .

  10. 砂轮的形状精度直接影响着工件磨削表面质量。

    The shape precision of grinding wheel affects the surface finish of work piece directly .

  11. 球面范成法成形一般原理及范成表面形状精度分析

    General principle of the precise spherical generation and the accuracy analysis of the resulting surface shape

  12. 三种成品孔轧制高精度重轨尺寸和形状精度的研究

    Study of size and shape tolerance of heavy rails rolled by three kinds of finish pass

  13. 这就对阀芯球体的形状精度和表面质量提出了严格要求。

    This set the strict request to shape accuracy and the surface quality of the valve core .

  14. 讨论了大型轧钢机辊子工件外圆磨削提高形状精度问题。

    The problem how to improve the round outside accuracy of the large mill roller has been discussed .

  15. 隔离带的引入有效的提高了铸层的尺寸精度和形状精度。

    The introduction of closed isolation strip improved the dimensional and shape precision of nickel electroforming deposit effectively .

  16. 网状天线反射面形状精度控制智能结构作动器的位置优化

    Study on the optimal placements of the actuator in the shape precision control intelligent structures of the mesh shape antenna reflector

  17. 液压缸内表面要求较高的尺寸精度、形状精度以及适宜的表面粗糙度。

    The internal surface processing of hydraulic cylinder requires high accuracy of size , shape , and good deformed surface finish .

  18. 分析了不同的加工深度、表面粗糙度以及图案形状精度对自组装纳米微结构的影响。

    The effects of the machining depth , surface quality and the graphic precision on the process of the self-assembly were studied .

  19. 钢材产品质量主要包括:尺寸和形状精度、表面质量和力学性能三个方面。

    The quality of Steel product is made up of three facets : size and form precision 、 surface quality 、 dynam capability .

  20. 还对同一零件不同区域残余奥氏体的含量对零件形状精度的影响进行了讨论。

    The influence of the amount of retained austenite in different areas in the same part on the shape fixability is also discussed .

  21. 径向剃齿刀是齿轮的一种精加工刀具,其齿面形状精度直接影响所加工齿轮精度。

    As a precision work tool used gear cutting tools , tooth surface accuracy of plunge shaving cutter has directly impact on gear processed accuracy .

  22. 圆度误差是评价回转类零件形状精度的重要指标之一,通常采用圆度仪测量。

    Roundness error is an important parameter to judge the geometrical quality of turning parts . It is generally measured by the roundness measuring instrument .

  23. 等速板是离心机浇注系统中的关键部件,其形状精度直接影响铸管的质量。

    The equivelocity board is a key part in the centrifugal casting machine system . Its shape precision directly affect the quality of the pipe .

  24. 套管生产中,矫直工序决定了套管的形状精度和残余应力,对套管抗挤强度有很大影响。

    In casing production straightening determines the shape precision and residual stress in casing , which have strong influence on the collapse resistance of casing .

  25. 但由于航空整体结构件尺寸大(可大至数米甚至二三十米),结构复杂,形状精度要求很高。

    However , the Monolithic components have large overall dimensions up to several meters or tens meters , and complex structure , demanding high precise shape form .

  26. 因此,面形状精度不良问题已成为现代冲压成型技术的一大重要研究课题,目前人们对它的认识还要进一步深化。

    There fore , poor surface fineness becomes an important topic of current press forming technology to be investigated , which demands people to deepen their recognition .

  27. 电火花线切割加工精度,主要指尺寸精度、形状精度、位置精度以及加工表面粗糙度。

    The machining accuracy of WEDM means mainly the dimensional accuracy , accuracy of form , accuracy of position , and the surface roughness of cut surfaces .

  28. 针对其低粗糙度要求,我们采用了基本不破坏形状精度的磁性研磨的工艺。

    To meet the requirement of its low roughness , a new process , magnetic abrasive grinding , which is not harmful to the profile accuracy , is applied .

  29. 实验表明,在适当的加上条件下,砂带振动磨削不仅可以降低工件的表面粗糙度,而且可以提高工件的形状精度。

    It is proved by experiments that under appropriate machining conditions , abrasive belt vibration grinding can not only reduce workpiece surface roughness but also improve work-piece form accuracy .

  30. 在激光快速成型加工中,光敏树脂固化深度的控制是影响零件形状精度和尺寸精度的重要因素。

    In the process of repaid prototyping , control of solidified depth of photopolymer resin is a vital factor for affecting the accuracy of the shape and dimension of parts .