
  • 网络A Treatise of Metaphysics
  1. 人的自觉与文的自觉&魏晋南北朝时期之艺术形而上学论略

    Self-Consciousness of Human Being and Awareness of Art & On Art Metaphysics of the Periods of Wei-Jin , Northern and Southern Dynasties

  2. 生命是唯一的存在&尼采的非形而上学存在论

    Life is the Only Being & Nietzsche 's Non-metaphysical Ontology

  3. 马克思对传统形而上学本体论的双重态度

    Marx 's Dual Attitude Towards Traditional Metaphysics Ontology

  4. 它在批判传统形而上学本体论、体系哲学中,开创了哲学发展的新方向。

    Marx philosophy found a new philosophical way in the course of criticism of abstract metaphysical ontology .

  5. 本文在以上论证的过程中,同时简要地指明了形而上学目的论同时又构成亚里士多德自然目的论的一个基础。

    During the course of argumentation , the article clarified metaphysics teleology is the base of Aristotle 's natural teleology .

  6. 西方形而上学认识论传统中二元对立模式深深地影响着传统阐释活动的知识探究体系。

    In western metaphysical Epistemology tradition , binary opposition model has a great influence on the theory system of traditional interpretation inquiring knowledge .

  7. 分析我国的师生关系,可以看到我国的传统师生关系是缺乏人性的师生关系,是科学主义的师生关系,是工具主义形而上学存在论的体现。

    Traditional relationship between teacher and students in our country is short of humanity and full of scientism , is ontological embodiment of instrumentalism metaphysics .

  8. 休谟、康德哲学的不可知论对近代哲学走出“形而上学独断论”的误区,促进自身的进步有着非常积极的作用。

    Agnosticism advocated by Hume and Kant has played an active role in helping modern philosophy step out of " metaphysical dogmatism " towards its further development .

  9. 对传统形而上学本体论的批判是当代哲学研究的重要内容,而对笛卡儿以来的近代思辨形而上学的批判最早源于休谟。

    Criticism on the traditional metaphysical ontology is an important part of contemporary philosophic study , and criticism on modern speculative metaphysics since Descartes started originally by Hume .

  10. 随着近代物理科学的发展,当代实在论思想也发生了从中世纪的形而上学实在论向关注关系、整体与认识行为的近代实在论的转向。

    With the development of modern physics , the focus of modern realism changes from medieval metaphysic to modern realism concerning more about relation , macrocosm and cognitive behavior .

  11. 海德格尔一生的学术兴趣、学术主题,可以说,就是追问存在的意义问题,从而藉此来解构、颠覆传统的形而上学本体论。

    During his life , Heidegger 's academic interests and topic were , we may say , to question the meaning of being , based upon which , he deconstructed and overthrew traditional ontology .

  12. 本文认为亚里士多德的全部哲学构成了一个比较完整的体系,这个体系的核心思想就是目的论思想,亚里士多德的目的论哲学体系由三个方面构成:形而上学目的论,自然目的论以及人事目的论。

    This article argues that Aristotle 's philosophy is a complete system , which focuses on theory of teleology . Aristotle 's philosophy of teleology is constituted by three parts : metaphysic teleology , natural teleology , human teleology .

  13. 内部主义实在论从其理论渊源来说,远者可追溯到康德主义,近者受培斯基、戴维森、古德曼等人的影响较大,更直接的乃来自于对传统形而上学实在论的反判。

    The internal realism 's theoretical origination can be traced back to Kantism , and it is deeply affected by the thoughts of Tarski , Goodman , Davidson , and so on , and it comes more directly from the criticism of metaphysical realism .

  14. 但这种先验的形而上学本质论常常把研究引向对现象界存在的具体事物的抽象规定上,力图由此找到一种超越时间与空间的抽象本质。

    However , this kind of transcendental and metaphysical theory of essence always leads the research to a situation of giving an abstract regulation to a concrete matter which exits in a phenomenal world in order to find an abstract essence which can cross both space and time .

  15. 因此,自主性的科学观是以形而上学的本体论区分为前提的。

    So , the autonomy of science is on the foundation of ontological difference .

  16. 关于课程与教学问题的哲学思考,可以从形而上学、认识论、逻辑学和价值论等方面的问题切人。

    The starting points of rethinking the curriculum and instructional issues from a philosophical perspective may be metaphysics , epistemology , logic , and axiology .

  17. 从而真正的从根基上了解西方思想中对于形而上学和存在论的理解,追寻伦理学在西方哲学中的一种全新理解。

    Thus real comprehend the western thought for the comprehension of Metaphysics and Ontology , search for a new comprehension to Ethics in the western philosophy .

  18. 空间观一直是近现代形而上学和认识论研究中的重点,也是马克思主义哲学体系的重要组成部分。

    Space has always been the key point in the study of modern metaphysics and epistemology . And it is an important component of Marxist philosophy system as well .

  19. 我们所处的哲学观念经历了本体论意义上的外在形而上学、认识论意义上的内在形而上学到生存论意义上的此在形而上学的转向。

    The philosophy ideas that we experienced has gone through the external metaphysics in ontology meaning , the inherent metaphysics in the epistemology meaning , and reached existing metaphysics in the living meaning .

  20. 不能用唯心主义的、形而上学的先天论和量变论的观点来看待马克思的思想发展过程,而应当用唯物史观来理解马克思的思想发展进程,应当尊重马克思思想发展的事实。

    Besides , we should understand the development of Marx 's ideas from the point of view of materialism and respect the fact of the development of Marx 's ideas , instead of from the point of view of idealistic and metaphysical innatism and quantitative change theory .

  21. 具体来说,他们以实践论的生存论扬弃了传统形而上学(存在论形而上学和主体性形而上学)的二元论的知性思维,在实证的基础上坚持批判与建构的结合。

    Concrete said that , the knowledge thought which they discussed by the On Practice survival develop the good and discard the bad the traditional metaphysics ( existence to have discussed metaphysics and main body metaphysics ) dual discuss , in the real diagnosis foundation persisted criticized and constructed method .

  22. 形而上学是一点论。

    Metaphysics is a doctrine affirming only one aspect .

  23. 知识形态的形而上学的终结&论康德从逻辑层面对传统形而上学的批判

    The End of Metaphysics as Knowledge on the Critique of Traditional Metaphysics from the View of Logic by Kant

  24. 然而,德里达对形而上学或者以本体论为标志的哲学传统展开的解构依然停留在哲学的内部或者其边缘处,从根本上来说,这是一种内部解构。

    But , the deconstruction of Derrida , which attempts to deconstruct the ontology of the philosophy , is still a kind of deconstruction from the inside or in the margin of the ontology of philosophy .

  25. 换句话说,通过语言进行推论,无法逃离形而上学的方式,尼采认为形而上学论主要依靠于语言。

    In other words reasoning in language does not seem able to avoid all these practices in which Metaphysics which for Nietzsche is essentially language Metaphysics relies .