
  • 网络measuring instrument;Gauges;Mitutoyo
  1. 虚拟量仪&一种新的量仪设计思想

    Virtual dimension measuring instrument A new concept of dimension measuring instrument design

  2. 气电转换式电子柱量仪是将气动测量原理与电子放大显示技术融为一体的新型量仪。

    An electro - pneumatic electron column measuring instrument is a new type of measuring instrument combining pneumatic principle with electron magnification technique .

  3. 根据多功能呼吸同步采样仪与YAⅡPt型肺通气量仪测得的肺通气量进行的工人体力劳动强度分级,其结果基本一致。

    Labor intensity classification of workers with multi functional sampler was in accordance with that from pulmonary ventilation meter .

  4. FANUC数控系统用户宏程序与量仪的配合应用

    Concerted Application of User 's Macro of FANUC CNC System with Measuring Instruments

  5. 本文介绍在没有专用量具、量仪的条件下,在双面啮合综合检查仪上用比较测量法,测出三槽丝锥的1/2M值,然后计算出中径d2的方法。

    This article introduces using comparative measuring method with Double Flank Gear Rolling Tester to measure the 1 / 2 M value , and then calculates d2 mid-diameter , without any special measuring tools and instrument .

  6. 10d后,不使用增氧呼吸器进行自行车功量仪负荷运动,运动10min后,重复上述两项心理能力测验。

    10 day later , loaded exercise of bicycle ergometer was conducted without add-oxygen-breath-instrument for 10 minutes , two tests of mental ability that mentioned above were repeated .

  7. 在YA-1型肺通气量仪上增设一个粉尘采样器,使该仪器既能测定肺通气量,又能测定空气中的粉尘浓度。

    The addition of a dust sampler to the Respiratory Volume Meter makes it Possible to measure both respiratory volume and dust concentration in air .

  8. 12名青年士兵使用HZY-1型单兵高原增氧呼吸器进行自行车功量仪负荷运动,负荷功率250W,心率175~180次/min。

    Twelve young soldiers took loaded exercise with bicycle ergometer by using of type HZY-1 single-soldier plateau add-oxygen-breath-instrument , the loaded power was 250 W and the heart rate ( HR ) was 175-180 times per minute .

  9. 电子柱测微仪的研究三色电子柱量仪的研制

    Research and Manufacture of Electronic Micrometer with Three-Color Led Bargraph Display

  10. 微型齿轮测量技术及量仪的研究

    Research on technique and tester of measuring fine module gears

  11. 一种基于误差分离的虚拟几何量仪的试作

    An Attempt of Virtual Geometric Gauge Based on Error Separation

  12. 对在线自动检测量仪的研制及推广应用

    Development and Application of Automatic On - line Testing Instrument

  13. 用于照射量仪校准工作的监测电离室

    The monitoring ionization chamber for the calibration of exposure meter

  14. 铁量仪与铁谱仪定量分析对比试验

    Quantitative Analyses Comparison Tests for Ferrum Content Detector and Ferrography

  15. SIEMENS802D数控系统中实现纵磨与量仪的配合使用

    Cooperated Application of Oscillation Grinding with Measuring Instruments of SIEMENS 802D System

  16. 精密量仪误差的微机修正原理和应用

    The principle and uses of error correction on precision measurement instrument by micro-computer

  17. 轴类零件形位误差微机综合量仪的研制

    Development or Micro-Computer-based Combined Instrument for Shape & Position Error of Shaft Components

  18. 虚拟量仪&一种基于虚拟基准的柔性化量仪新概念

    Virtual Gauge : A Novel Concept of Flexible Gauge Based on Virtual Datum

  19. 激励式肺量仪对慢性阻塞性肺部疾病病人呼吸康复效果的影响

    Influence of Encourage Type Lung Volume Apparatus on Respiratory Rehabilitation of Patients with COPD

  20. 气电转换式电子柱量仪

    An Electro - pneumatic Electron Column Measuring Instrument

  21. 新型量仪的特点是高效,可靠,成本低。

    The new measuring machine features high efficiency , great reliability and low cost .

  22. 开发精密量仪的半个世纪

    Half a Century of Precision Metrology

  23. 大尺寸轴类零件智能量仪系统分析与误差补偿

    Analysis and Error Compensation of the Intelligent Instrument Used for Measurement of Large Size Shaft Parts

  24. 铁量仪性能试验分析

    Performance Test of Iron Content Monitor

  25. 本文给出了一种非接触在线大直径测量的方法标记法,并以该方法为测量原理成功地研制了一种测量大直径尺寸的便携式通用量仪大直径测量仪。

    In this paper the author proposes Mark Method that is a non-contact on-line measuring method .

  26. 胎儿肺成熟度羊水滴量仪的研制与应用

    Study and Application on the Device of the Drop Volume of Amniotic Fluid in Estimating Fetal Lung Maturity

  27. 采用上置式量仪,定位基准差,测量精度不能保证。

    With on-top measuring device , the measuring precision can not be guaranteed because of the poor positioning accuracy .

  28. 用接触式量仪测量曲面,通常得到的测量数据是实际曲面的等距曲面。

    In contact measuring of a free surface , the data delivered construct an equi-distant offset of the measured surface .

  29. 实验组32例,缩唇呼吸+激励式肺量仪进行训练;

    In experimental group ( 32 cases ), training with contracted lips breath and encourage type lung volume apparatus were used as treatment .

  30. 近年来,我国量具量仪行业根据市场需求,加强了开发设计能力,并通过引进国外技术,开发生产了多种新型量具量仪。

    In recent years , the measuring tool and instrument manufacturing industry of China has strengthened its design and developing ability depending on the need of the market .