
  • 网络quantum tunneling;quantum tunnelling
  1. 用量子隧穿法研究带质量四极矩静态黑洞的Hawking辐射

    Using quantum tunneling method Hawking radiation of a static black hole horizon with a mass-quadrupole moment is studied

  2. 引力和视界热力学及Hawking辐射量子隧穿方法的相关研究

    A Study of Gravity and Thermodynamics of Horizons and Quantum Tunneling Method of Hawking Radiation and Related Research

  3. 共振隧穿器件(ResonantTunnelingDevice)是基于量子隧穿现象的一种负阻器件,它具有响应速度快、工作频率高、低电压、低功耗和多功能等特性,令人瞩目。

    Resonant Tunneling Device is a kind of negative resistance device based on the quantum tunneling phenomena , which has the some characteristics such as quickly responding speed , highly working frequency , low power consumption and multi-functional etc , making people focus attention on it .

  4. 主要工作有:(1)两耦合Bose-Einstein凝聚体系间宏观量子隧穿的准自旋模型。

    ( I ) Quasi-spin Model for Macroscopic Quantum Tunnelling between Two Coupled Bose-Einstein Condensates : The system of two coupled Bose-Einstein condensates is mapped onto an uniaxial spin with an applied magnetic field .

  5. 用量子隧穿法研究黑洞Hawking辐射,计算了静止质量不为零的粒子穿过Schwarzschild黑洞事件视界的出射率。

    In this paper the tunneling framework is adopted to investigate the Hawking radiation . The emission rate which massive particles tunnel across the event horizon of the Schwarzschild black hole is calculated .

  6. 第四章研究了黑洞的量子隧穿效应&将Hawking辐射看成穿过视界的隧穿过程,进行了直接的推导,得到了隧穿效率表达式。

    We study the quantum tunneling effect of the black hole , namely regarding Hawking radiation as a tunneling pro-cess across the horizon through a short and direct derivation then ob-tain the expression of the tunneling rate .

  7. 在电学方面,我们小组已经就其基本电学参数,如载流子迁移率;其新颖的低维特性,如量子隧穿;其直流特性,如I-V和C-V测量等方向展开了广泛研究。

    Our group has addressed many issues about the electrical properties of nc-Si : H , including measuring the elemental electrical parameters , such as carrier mobility ; researching the novel low-dimension phenomenon , such as resonant tunneling ; getting the DC characteristics , such as I-V and C-V curves .

  8. 冷原子穿越激光束的量子隧穿时间

    Quantum tunnelling time of cold atom passing through a laser beam

  9. 双势垒中杂质原子对量子隧穿的影响

    Influence of Donor Atoms in Double-barrier Potentials on Quantum Transmission

  10. 一个球对称荷电黑洞的量子隧穿辐射特征

    The quantum tunneling radiation characteristics of a spherically symmetric charged black hole

  11. 通过量子隧穿研究带色荷黑洞的霍金辐射

    The Hawking radiation of colored black hole as quantum tunneling

  12. 分子磁体中的量子隧穿及宏观量子效应

    Quantum tunneling and macroscopic quantum effects in molecular magnets

  13. 除非,塞尔维格已经想出稳定量子隧穿效应的方法

    Unless Selvig has figured out how to stabilise the quantum tunnelling effect .

  14. 单轴铁磁颗粒激发态的热助量子隧穿

    Thermally Assisted Quantum Tunneling in a Uniaxial Ferromagnetic Particle in Transverse Magnetic Field

  15. 静质量不为零的粒子的量子隧穿辐射

    Massive particles ' Hawking radiation via tunneling

  16. 量子隧穿的一种数值计算方法

    A Numerical Method for Quantum Tunneling

  17. 朗道公式的出现,很好的解决了小尺寸热电装置中的量子隧穿等问题。

    Landauer formula is a good solution to the quantum tunneling in such small-size thermoelectric devices .

  18. 而宏观量子隧穿现象同时又是一个亚稳态的衰减过程。

    Meanwhile the phenomenon of the macroscopic quantum tunneling is also a decay process of metastable state .

  19. 量子隧穿中的等效势垒

    Equivalent barrier in quantum tunneling

  20. 通过与无杂质原子的双势垒量子隧穿情形对比,详细讨论了杂质原子对量子隧穿的影响。

    Comparing the results with the quantum transmission without donor atoms in the double barriers , the influence of the donor atom on quantum transmission is discussed in detail .

  21. 现在一大批工程师和学者都在思考怎样才能利用晶体管里的量子隧穿效应,而不深受其扰。

    A number of groups of academics and engineers , for example , are pondering how to make transistors in which quantum tunnelling is a feature rather than a bug .

  22. 而且,如果认为量子隧穿过程为可逆过程,则量子隧穿效应中的结果与黑洞热力学第一、第二定律是一致的。

    Moreover , if we consider the tunneling process as a reversible process , the result in Hawking radiation via tunneling is consistent with the first and second law of black hole thermodynamics .

  23. 指出已有的实验(用单光子、激光脉冲和微波)在量子隧穿过程中呈现出的超光速行为,是在特定物理条件下才有的。

    The previous experimental studies with single photon , laser pulse and microwaves have revealed superluminal behavior in the quantum tunneling process . That phenomenon exists only in the case of special physical condition .

  24. 本文研究了双轴分子磁体在耗散环境中的相干量子隧穿,作为环境的声子库抑制了相干量子隧穿,从而引起分子磁体中薛定谔猫态的退相干。

    We study the coherent quantum tunneling in a biaxial molecular magnet with dissipation of the environment which results in the suppression of the tunneling and therefore the decoherence of Schrodinger cat states in molecular magnet .

  25. 稀薄原子气体中的玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚和磁性系统中磁化强度矢量的量子隧穿都是典型的宏观量子现象,本文就这两个系统进行了一些理论研究。

    Bose-Einstein condensation in dilute atomic gas and quantum tunneling of magnetization vector in magnetic systems are both typical macroscopic quantum phenomena . This paper is mainly devoted to the theoretical investigation of thus two systems .

  26. 文章介绍了分子磁体中的量子隧穿和宏观量子效应理论和实验研究的新进展.分子磁体既有宏观磁体特性也呈现纯量子行为,例如磁化矢量的量子隧穿。

    A review is presented of recent developments in the experimental and theoretical studies of quantum tunneling and macroscopic quantum effects in molecular magnets which exhibit both macroscopic and quantum behavior , for instance , quantum tunneling of the magnetization vector .

  27. 低温下的伏安特性(I-V)曲线直接展现了量子共振隧穿峰的存在。

    Current-voltage ( I-V ) curves at low temperatures directly exhibit the existence of resonant tunneling peak .

  28. 基于量子力学隧穿原理,对由Au纳米粒子自组装体系构建的典型串联双隧道结模型的I-V特性进行了计算机模拟,模拟结果与实验曲线吻合。

    Based on the quantum mechanics tunneling theory , the computer simulation of I-V ( cur - rent-voltage ) characteristics of a standard double barrier tunneling junction model which is made of gold nanoparticles self-assembly systems are performed . The simulation results are agreed with the experimental I-V curves .

  29. 半导体量子阱隧穿过程中的波阻抗和谷间传输比

    Wave Impedance and Intervalley Transfer Ratio in Tunneling Mechanism through Quantum Well

  30. 量子共振隧穿二极管的频率特性与分析

    Frequency Characteristics and Analysis of Quantum Resonant Tunneling Diodes