
  • 网络exponential decay
  1. 4-参数指数式衰减模型测评疗效和游离病毒的半衰期。

    4-parameter exponential decay model to estimate effectiveness and free virus half-life .

  2. 对半无限带状区域上双调和方程边值问题建立了能量衰减估计,证明了以方程的解建立的加权能量随着与区域有限端距离的增长,该能量呈指数式衰减。

    With the solutions of the biharmonic equation at boundary value in a semi-infinite stripe , a weighted energy function is established . An exponential decay estimation in terms of the distance from the finite end of the stripe is obtained from a second order differential inequality .

  3. 三阶奇摄动方程的非指数式衰减的边界层问题

    Boundary layer problems of Nonexponential decay for third order singularly perturbation equation

  4. 摩擦耗散可导致指数式的衰减。

    The frictional dissipation will introduce an exponential decay .