
zhǐ wén qū
  • fingerprint region
  1. EDTA淋洗和未淋洗土壤的FT-IR谱图表明种植植物的土壤在官能团区强度明显减弱,而在指纹区各不同处理均没有产生新的特征吸收频率,但强度有明显改变。

    EDTA leaching of soil leaching and non-FT-IR spectra shows that the cultivation of plant functional groups in the area of soil strength was significantly weakened , and in the fingerprint area of the different treatments did not produce a new characteristic absorption frequency , but the intensity changed significantly .

  2. 红外指纹区特点及解析

    IR fingerprint spectrum and Its Analyzing Method

  3. 本研究采用了红外光谱固体粉末分析法,利用其在指纹光波区的结构敏感特性研究了α-Fe2O3的结晶动力学问题。

    This study adopts IR analysis of the solid powder . We study crystal kinetics problem of α - Fe_2O_3 by the structure sensitivity of finger-print region of IR .

  4. 该方法以LBP为特征,对指纹模式区进行分块,统计直方图向量,融合隶属度构造分类器,对指纹进行分类,达到较好的分类效果。

    This method applies LBP as characteristics to divide the fingerprint pattern area into sub-block , count histogram vector , classify fingerprint with the fusion of membership . It achieves good classification results . 2 .

  5. 一种提取指纹模式区几何框架的新算法

    An Effective Algorithm for Extraction of Fingerprint Geometric Framework

  6. 提出了一种稳健的提取指纹模式区总体几何形状的有效算法。

    In this paper , a robust pseudoridges extraction algorithm for fingerprints is presented to gain the global geometric shape of fingerprint ridges of pattern area .

  7. 一种新的指纹奇异点区增强算法

    A New Fingerprint Enhancement Algorithm for Singular Point Area

  8. 我们对SIFT方法进行改进提取视频指纹,改进后的SIFT视频指纹区分度更高、鲁棒性更强,并且视频指纹提取时间复杂度较低。

    We extract video fingerprint based on the improved SIFT . The video fingerprint extracted by the improved SIFT has the characteristics of higher discrimination , stronger robustness and lower time complexity of video fingerprint extraction .

  9. 针对指纹大规模采集库中存在的指纹图像局部区过干或过湿的问题,提出了一种基于Gabor函数的小波域指纹增强算法。

    In large-scale fingerprint image databases , there unavoidably exist some over / under inking images . A Gabor-based fingerprint image enhanced algorithm in wavelet domain was proposed based on the idea that the dry and wet can be looked as high-frequency disturbance .

  10. 构建了188份橡胶树种质的AFLP指纹图谱,其中12份橡胶树种质具有独特的特征带,根据指纹图谱可以区分开所有的供试橡胶树种质材料。

    AFLP fingerprints of 188 rubber trees germplasm were constructed , 12 of which have unique characteristics , all of the tested rubber tree germplasm materials can be distinguished according to AFLP fingerprints . 5 .