
sān jí huǒ jiàn
  • three-stage rocket
  1. 多数的航天飞机都是用三级火箭推入太空的。

    Most spacecraft are launched into space on top of a three-stage rocket .

  2. 此前,朝鲜宣布计划于12月10日至22日之间向太空轨道发射一枚三级火箭。

    North Korea announced plans to launch a three-stage rocket between December 10th and the 22nd to put a satellite into orbit .

  3. 他们点燃了第三级火箭。

    They fired the third-stage rocket .

  4. 韩国国防部和日本防卫厅的官员都证实说,三级火箭看起来全部按照计划分离。

    South Korean and Japanese defense officials confirmed that all three stages of the rocket appear to have separated as scheduled .

  5. 分析了某运载火箭的第三级火箭在星箭分离后,贮箱内剩余推进剂排放的物理过程;

    The physical processes of remained propellant space emission from the tank of the third stage rocket after the separation of satellite-rocket for a launch vehicle are analyzed .

  6. 麻生太郎在新闻发布会上表示:日本无法避开全球衰退的海啸,但它可以努力寻找出路。在会上,他把日本的经济刺激方案比作一个三级火箭。

    Japan cannot avoid the tsunami of the world recession , but it can try to find a way out , Mr Aso told a news conference , in which he illustrated the government 's stimulus plans with a diagram of a three-stage rocket .

  7. 其中又有四分之三和一级火箭有关。

    Of that , three quarters is tied up in the first rocket stage .

  8. “长征三号”运载火箭是三级火箭,主要用于发射地球同步轨道有效载荷,运载能力为1.5吨。

    Long March 3 ( LM-3 ) is a three-stage launch vehicle , primarily intended for sending spacecraft into Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit with the GTO capacity of l.