
  1. 系统的硬件由一套自行设计的基于2D激光雷达的三维扫描系统和一台电脑构成。

    The hardware includes a computer and a set of self-developed 3D laser scanning system that is based on a 2D laser radar .

  2. 分析了三维扫描系统存在的问题及原因,提出了基于DSP的快速图象采集及处理系统的结构,这种主从式结构大大提高了三维扫描的速度,显著的改进了三维扫描系统的性能。

    The disadvantage remaining in 3D scanning system and its reasons are discussed . A new host and slave structure of high speed image capture and processing system , which accelerates image processing , improves 3D scanning sytem .

  3. ATOS光栅扫描仪是目前技术最先进的三维扫描系统之一,该系统通过参考点对多个扫描视图进行拼合。

    ATOS raster scanner is one of the most advanced three-dimensional scanning systems . It splits the many scanned views through reference points .

  4. 激光三维扫描系统重建下颌骨

    Reconstruction of the mandibular model using a three-dimensional laser scanner

  5. 提出一种基于非对称双相机结构光的三维扫描系统方案。

    An asymmetry Dual-Camera structured light based 3-D digitization system is introduced .

  6. 光热三维扫描系统的计算机控制及数据采集

    PC controlled three-dimensional scanning set-up and application in data acquisition by PDTS

  7. 机器人&三维扫描系统联合扫描及其工业应用

    Scanning method of robot - 3D scanner system and its industrial application

  8. 结构光测距方法在许多三维扫描系统中有着广泛的应用。

    Structured light method is widely used in many 3D scanner systems .

  9. 三维扫描系统中基于一组平行线的镜头畸变标定方法

    Approach for Calibration of Lens Distortion by parallel lines in 3D Scan System

  10. 微表面轮廓仪中三维扫描系统的实现

    The Implement of Threedimensional Scanning System in Micro-surface Profilometry

  11. 三维扫描系统细分驱动电路研究

    Study on Subdivision Driving Circuit for 3-D Scanning System

  12. 三维扫描系统测控软件的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of the Measuring and Control Software of the 3-D Scan System

  13. 用于机器人视觉的大景深便携式三维扫描系统

    Large depth-of-view portable 3D scanner for robot vision

  14. 基于非对称双相机结构光的三维扫描系统

    Asymmetry Dual-Camera Structured Light Based 3-D Digitization System

  15. 一种基于机器视觉的结构光三维扫描系统

    Machine Vision-based Structured Light 3D Scanning System

  16. 测控软件是三维扫描系统中的一个重要环节。

    The measuring and control software is one of the most important parts of the 3-D scan system .

  17. 利用激光三维扫描系统测量了黄蜻膜翅样品的几何外形,获取了黄蜻膜翅几何表面的外形数据点群。

    The digital point groups of geometrical surfaces of dragonfly Pantala flavescens Fabricius membranous wings were obtained through measuring with a3D scanner .

  18. 提出了开发实时三维扫描系统、多方位扫描系统等后续系统的设想和技术思路。

    To the development of real-time 3D scanning systems , multi-directional scanning system , and other follow-up system of ideas and technical ideas .

  19. 大型人体计测资料库的建立正受到多国的重视,而使用三维扫描系统可以快速地取得大量样本。

    Establishing a large-scale anthropometric database is very important and valuable.Employing3D whole body scanning system to measure can help researchers to measure large sample during short time .

  20. 以光带法激光三维扫描系统为例,采用线性分区标定方法对三维传感器进行了标定。

    Based on a three-dimensional ( 3D ) laser scanning system using a light stripe method , Linear Partition Method ( LPM ) was proposed to calibrate the 3D sensors .

  21. 叙述了三维扫描系统的硬件实现,分析了二维水平扫描系统的扫描精度和垂直压电陶瓷微位移系统的结构和精度。

    The hardware system of three-dimension scanning of interferometer was designed . The scanning precision of two-dimension horizontal system and the structure and precision of vertical PZT system were analyzed .

  22. 对于三维扫描系统而言,镜头的畸变往往是影响测量精度的重要因素,因此正确的标定畸变参数,对于提高测量精度具有非常重要的现实意义。

    For 3D scan system , the lens distortion infects metrical precision very much , therefore , exact calibration of lens distortion is very important to the precision of metrical result .

  23. 同时,将该机器人-三维扫描系统应用于工业加工中,可以实现在线测量、加工一体化。

    Meanwhile , the scanning data obtained by using this robot-3D scanner system can be used for industrial machining , which can realize the integration of on-line measurement and machining procedures .

  24. 实践表明,三维激光扫描系统适用于小流域高精度DEM数据采集。

    The practice of the TLS system has demonstrated that this new technique can be used in creating high resolution DEM of a small watershed .

  25. 以三维激光扫描系统为工具,建立黄土高原丘陵沟壑区绥德县桥沟小流域高精度DEM。

    Based on3D laser scanner system , the paper takes the Qiaogou small basin locating in hilly and gully region , Suide County as test region , sets up its high-precision DEM .

  26. Cyra三维激光扫描系统的工程应用研究

    Research on Engineering Application of Cyra 3D Laser Scanning System

  27. Cyra三维激光扫描系统是目前国际上最先进的获取地面空间多目标三维数据的长距离影像扫描测量技术。

    Cyra 3D laser scanning system is the most advanced long-distance image-scanning survey technique presently in the world to obtain multiple objective 3D data on ground space .

  28. 软件是三维激光扫描系统的灵魂。

    Software is the soul of the 3D laser scanner system .

  29. 三维激光扫描系统中随动控制技术的研究

    Researching on Running After Control Idea of 3D Laser Scanning System

  30. 提高三维激光扫描系统图像质量技术的研究

    Research on technique of improving quality of 3D laser scan system