
sān fēn xiàn
  • three point line;three-point line
  1. 持球站在三分线外,面向篮筐,摆好三重威胁姿势。

    Catch the basketball behind the three-point line and square up to the basket in the triple threat position .

  2. 前锋投篮区域主要集中在三分线外和低位投篮区,中距离投篮区投篮较少。

    Forwards ' shots mainly occur outside of three-point line and under the basket , with fewer shots in mid-distant shooting area .

  3. 戴维斯是NBA最好的防守者之一,(但字母哥)仍能在距离篮筐25英寸的地方(三分线外)用假动作将他晃起。

    Davis - as good a defender as the NBA has - was biting on ball fakes from 25-feet .

  4. 中国队可以预见到夏季联赛会因为各种原因变得艰难,首先是篮球的NBA品牌与国际篮球比赛不同,并且有一定的球场规模,包括三分线的距离。

    China could have anticipated Summer League competition to be tough for a variety of reasons , starting with the fact that the NBA brand of basketball is officiated differently than the international game and has certain court dimensions , including the 3-point line .

  5. 中国女篮中锋得分区域比较集中,一般都在三分线以内。

    We concentrated center scoring area , generally within the third line .

  6. 几名球员被淘汰后,训练区域便缩小到只在三分线之内。随着球员不断被淘汰,训练区域就缩小到三秒区内。

    After several players are eliminated , the boundary is reduced to only inside the 3-point area .

  7. 由于他投篮的提升能让你在三分线外相当难防。

    He 's hell to guard out on the perimeter because of the elevation on his shot .

  8. 这赛季英格拉姆最大的变化便是他愿意在三分线外出手了。

    The biggest change for Ingram thus far has been his willingness to fire away from 3-point range .

  9. 满足于一些高难度投篮的尝试,特别是在三分线之外,这对他的三分率不利。

    Will settle for some extremely difficult attempts , particularly from beyond the arc , which hurts his 3-point percentages .

  10. 在三分线外3或4英尺的地方就投进球,那是他们的能力所在。

    They make shots behind , three or four feet behind the three-point line , and they 're capable of doing that .

  11. 既然洛佩斯射程已达三分线外,那么他在球场任一位置都会是一件得分杀器。

    Now that he 's extended to shooting the three , he 's a viable scoring threat from anywhere on the floor .

  12. 我们不得不停止从三分线以外投篮,并试图带球突破。

    We have to stop shooting so much from the three-point perimeter and try to get the ball inside where we can dominate .

  13. 在转换进攻中,威少将会全速超越对手。即使当威斯·布鲁克在三分线外开始半场进攻时,

    In transition , Westbrook will streak past scrambling opponents at full speed . Even when he begins half-court possessions beyond the arc ,

  14. 对于鹈鹕而言,他们得到了考辛斯,一位年仅26岁,正值当打之年的大个子。他在本赛季场均可以得到28分10板,同时在三分线外的命中率也达到了36%。

    In Cousins , the Pelicans are acquiring a 26-year-old , in-his-prime big man who averages 28-10 while shooting nearly 36 % from three .

  15. 如果对方投球不进,你必须让球出了三分线后才能开始进攻。

    If the other side does make the shot , you have to bring the ball out of the three-point line to start another possession .

  16. 詹姆斯的队友投篮次数明显减少,并且三分线外的转命中率明显低于前几年。

    and James 's teammates shot significantly less often and converted at a significantly lower rate from behind the arc than they had in years .

  17. 这个赛季斯科特——布鲁克斯带领下的奇才队的其中一个最大的改变就是他们在三分线的站位和使用方面。

    One of the biggest differences with the Wizards this season under Scott Brooks has been both their spacing and use of the 3-point line .

  18. 他可以是雷·阿伦那样快速摆脱,在依靠三分线一样的纯投手。

    He is a pure shooter like Ray Allen , who comes off of screens , releases quickly and makes a living at the three-point line .

  19. 拉开空间方面,新后场组合看起来有些别扭,尤其是对于骑士这样一支上赛季三分线外表现突出的球队来说。

    From a spacing standpoint , the duo seems like an odd fit , especially on a Cavs team that shot lights-out from deep last season .

  20. 你可以教我如何在篮球下投球,而我也可以教你如何在三分线外远投。

    You can teach me how to hit me ones from inside the key and I can teach you how to hit the long ones from outside the three-point line .

  21. 他还有生涯最佳的54.4%的两分球命中率,同时他转换了35.9%的出手距离,平均每场在三分线外出手8.8次,同样是生涯新高。

    He also shot a career-best 54.4 percent on two-pointers , and he converted 35.9 percent from beyond the arc while tying a career-high with 8.8 attempts per game from distance .

  22. 因为他传球第一的意识,以及三分线外的持续良好表现(看来此次大试训中孙悦的三分表现一直很好),有很多理由可以把他看作非常适合太阳队的一名球员。

    With a pass first , shoot second mentality and an ability to shoot consistently well beyond the three-point arc , Yue in many ways appears a solid fit for this Phoenix Suns team .

  23. 在湖人队客场拿下迈阿密热的比赛后,托马斯场均得到13.1分和4.3次助攻,而在湖人队的前六场比赛中替补出场的三分线外命中率为32投10中(31.2%)。

    Entering the Lakers ' win at at Miami , Thomas was averaging 13.1 points and 4.3 assists while shooting 10-for-32 ( 31.2 percent ) from the 3-point line off the bench in six games with the Lakers .

  24. 他在三分线外的命中率可能只有11.8%,但是这位两次全明星,以97次扣篮和65%的篮下命中率领跑全联盟(整体命中率57.7%)

    He might be shooting only 11.8 percent from 3-point range , but the two-time All-Star selection leads the NBA with 97 dunks and is shooting 65 percent inside the arc ( 57.7 percent from the field overall ) .

  25. 在克利夫兰的低谷期,好几个射手在三分线外接到球,看着勒布朗就仿佛在期盼他能够冲出来,当意识到他没有移动的意图时,(射手们)耸耸肩,把球投了出去。

    During Cleveland 's nadir , a couple of shooters caught the ball behind the arc , looked at LeBron as if expecting him to rush out , realized he had no plans to move , shrugged , and fired .

  26. 当今联盟植根于速度与空间,大个们需有至少15英尺的投射能力,或能在三秒区至三分线范围命中中远投。

    Today 's NBA is based on pace and space , and bigs need to be able to at least hit 15 footers , or make perimeter shots in elite scenarios extending all the way out to the three-point line .

  27. 衔接阶段进攻的方式,都是在多打少或者双方不对位的情况下,甚至在三分线外没有防守的情况下,以定点投篮或强攻的方式结束进攻。

    As I said this is power play or the case of both not contrapositions , even in the case of no defense beyond the point line , to the way fixed-point shooting or attacking the offensive and end the shooting finally .

  28. 如果你害怕他过了你,来一个大力灌篮,你就会给他投篮的空间,然后他就会在三分线外手感滚烫,如果这样……你会怎么办?

    But you were so afraid of him blowing by you and throwing down a dunk that would be all over SportsCenter that you would allow him space to shoot . Then he would get hot from three-point range and at that point ... what do you do ?

  29. 三分球得到了普遍的的重视和运用,三分线弧顶和左右侧45度三分区域是除篮下以外最主要的结束区域。

    The three-pointer obtained the universal value and the utilization , three point arc went against with about leans 45 degrees three point regions is besides the basket under the most main conclusion region .

  30. 在斯蒂文斯麾下的三年,布拉德利练就了完美的中投技巧,并将射程延伸到三分线,成为球队持球者和进攻发起者。

    In three years with Stevens , Bradley perfected a mid-range game , expanded it to the three-point line , and has now become a ball handler and play maker .