
  1. 在条件成熟的时候,考虑放开对三类企业持股时间的限制;

    To cancel the time limits of holding stock for three kinds of firms under proper conditions ;

  2. 采用同样的方法,依据统计数据计算了1998~2002年火电、水泥、钢铁三类企业排放量并分析了其增长特征。

    Using the same method , the emissions of 1998 – 2002 of these three plants are calculated according to the open statistic data .

  3. 分别研究了这三类企业盈余管理与递延税款变动幅度的相关性,提出了相关假设并予以验证。

    Were studied three types of earnings management and changes in deferred tax rate the relevance of the underlying assumptions made and to be verified .

  4. 选取国有企业、外资企业、私营企业三类企业形态作为研究母本,以代表中国目前的企业结构。

    Data was uniformly collected form three state owned enterprises , three foreign enterprises and two private owned enterprises to represent the enterprise structure in China .

  5. 以SEP,SIMPLE和合格计划(qualifiedplans)三类小企业计划为原型,比较了与不同退休工具结合下不同小企业退休金计划的特征。

    This chapter also compared these different small business plans which come from different prototypes including SEP , SIMPLE and qualified plans with each other .

  6. 事实上,物联网企业必须同时具备以下这三类卓越企业的特质:

    In fact , IoT companies have to be three great companies in one :

  7. 在此基础上,进一步提出了上述三类成员企业与各自物流服务商(第三方物流企业)之间的横向物流组织模式决策模型。

    Later , the author presents the decision-making model of the inter-logistics organization pattern , which is between the above three related enterprises and the third-party logistics service providers .

  8. 接下来分析了国内移动支付产业市场的三类主体企业综合竞争力,包括移动运营商独立运营、独立的第三方移动支付服务提供商、金融机构独立运营三种模式。

    Fourthly , the article analyzed the overall competitive forces of three main businesses of domestic mobile payment market , including independent mobile operators , independent third-party mobile payment service providers , and independent financial institutions .

  9. 买家需要有足够的财力熬过需求低迷时期,需要有改组业务、重新聚焦于有价值市场的诀窍;第三类,企业具有长期价值潜力和有吸引力的产品,但运营欠佳。

    The buyer will need the financial strength to survive the downturn in demand and the knowhow to restructure the business to refocus on valuable markets . Third , organisations with long-term value potential and a compelling offering but sub-standard operations .

  10. 并且在对虚拟企业平台系统进行了调查研究之后,分析了虚拟企业的基本特征,并与传统企业进行了比较,同时也介绍了目前较为成功的三类虚拟企业的运行方式和成功的原因。

    At the same time , after the research of virtual enterprise platform system , the thesis analyzes the base characters of virtual enterprises , and it also introduces the run modes of three successful virtual enterprises and the reasons of why they succeed .

  11. 安卓手机、黑莓手机和iPhone这三类智能手机企业的发言人都表示,他们没有哪个牌子的清洁产品可以推荐。

    Company representatives for the Android , BlackBerry and iPhone smartphones all said that they don 't have particular brands to recommend for cleaning .

  12. 此外,报告将调查范围扩大到155个国家/地区并增加了三类指标:企业经营许可证办理、跨境贸易和缴税。

    It expands the research to155 countries and adds three new indicators : dealing with business licenses , trading across borders , and paying taxes .

  13. 本研究首先对债务结构基本概念进行了界定,阐明债务结构对债务融资效应的影响,并分别基于三类假说对企业债务结构影响因素进行了理论分析。

    The dissertation first defines the basic concept such as debt maturity structure , debt priority structure and debt placement structure , explains how the debt structure influences debt financing effect , and analyses what kind of factors affect the companies ' debt structure based on hypothesis theoretically .

  14. 总体而言,企业分为三类:个体私营企业、合资企业和股份公司。

    Generally , there are three kinds of enterprises : single-owner operated businesses , partnerships and corporations .

  15. 本文结合国有大中型企业、上市公司、中小型企业特征,分别对三类不同类型的企业的流动性管理现状作了充分地分析,有利于不同类型的企业选择适合自身的应对策略。

    This paper make a full analysis of the state-owned large , listed companies and small and medium-sized enterprises respectively , which is conducive to different types of enterprises to choose their own coping strategies .