
sān miǎo qū
  • foul lane;free throw lane;3-second lane
  1. 几名球员被淘汰后,训练区域便缩小到只在三分线之内。随着球员不断被淘汰,训练区域就缩小到三秒区内。

    After several players are eliminated , the boundary is reduced to only inside the 3-point area .

  2. 最后,当只剩下两名球员时,他们将只能在一般的三秒区内进行“总决赛”。

    Boundary is reduced again to the free-throw lane . Finally , when there are just two players left , they play the " finals " in the free throw half circle .

  3. 当今联盟植根于速度与空间,大个们需有至少15英尺的投射能力,或能在三秒区至三分线范围命中中远投。

    Today 's NBA is based on pace and space , and bigs need to be able to at least hit 15 footers , or make perimeter shots in elite scenarios extending all the way out to the three-point line .