
  • 网络three-dimensional display;3D Display;opengl
  1. 介绍了NC刀具的三维显示技术及其管理;

    The real 3D display technique and its management are introduced .

  2. 基于matlab的探地雷达数据三维显示

    3D display for Ground Penetrating Radar Based on MATLAB

  3. 一种TIN生成算法及其三维显示

    The Method of Building TIN and its Three-dimensional Display

  4. 高分辨力CT及三维显示技术对眶尖区骨性结构显示良好。

    The osseous structures of optic apex could be demonstrated well using high resolution CT and three dimensional rendering techniques .

  5. 基于OpenGL和地形图支撑下的地形三维显示

    Three-Dimensional Showing of Terrain Based on the OpenGL and Relief Map

  6. 组件GIS式森林资源管理系统中地形三维显示及图形数据管理的研究

    Study on 3D Terrain Model Visualization and Management of Graphical Data in Forest Resource Management System Based on GIS Component

  7. 利用OpenGL技术实现雷达探测范围的三维显示

    Three-dimensional Display of Radar Survey Scope Using OpenGL Technique

  8. 利用三维显示技术实现了构造真实的三维物体模型与基于PC计算机的立体显示。

    Utilizing technique of three-dimensional display we realized construction of real 3D object model and stereo display based on personal computer .

  9. 基于分形原理的DEM数据内插及其三维显示技术

    Study on the Fractal Theory Based Interpolation on Data of DEM and 3D Display Technique

  10. 对于叶片的三维显示,论文采用了OpenGL三维图形库来设计。

    The OpenGL 3-D Graphics lib is used to show the shape of 3-D blade .

  11. 本文从体三维显示技术的理论模型出发,利用主动发光式器件LED制成的旋转屏幕,成功研制了基于平面屏旋转的体积扫掠型体三维显示系统。

    The paper analyzed volumetric 3D display 's theory model and developed a rotating planar screen based volumetric 3D display system by emissive LED screen .

  12. 目的建立PET脑显像表面遮盖法三维显示(SSD)技术。

    Objective To establish the method of surface shaded display ( SSD ) for brain PET imaging .

  13. 基于LED旋转屏的体三维显示中,体像素在水平方向呈现“外疏内密”的非均匀分布。

    In the volumetric3D system based on rotating LED panel , voxels present an uneven distribution of being dense inside and sparse outside in the horizontal position .

  14. 在定位图上,采用OpenGL编程环境实现了球体的三维显示,并解决了在OpenGL与Delphi中数据交换的问题。

    With OpenGL program condition , achieve solid located picture , and data change between the OpenGL and Delphi .

  15. 使用虚拟现实建模语言(VRML)实现了层状地质体的三维显示。

    The layer shaped object is displayed in three dimension by using the Virtual Reality Modelling Language ( VRML ) .

  16. 第4章是实现技术研究按照软件的需求分析、功能模块设计、地形三维显示与分析中的关键技术的实现研究,包括地理环境DEM的生成与用于目标检测的开发,有关的功能模块设计。

    Chapter 4 discussed the software of the integrated " 3S ", including the requirement , module , display 3D terrain and the key technology .

  17. 利用DEM高程资料实现遥感影像的三维显示可大大提高遥感监测产品的使用价值,而商用软件成本高操作繁琐普及困难。

    The 3D visualization of remote sensing images was realized by means of DEM data , which greatly improved the application of remote sensing products ;

  18. 作者在本文中使用虚拟现实建模语言(TheVirtualRealityModelingLanguage,简称VRML)实现了层状地质体的三维显示。

    The layer shaped object is displayed in three dimension by using the Virtual Reality Modeling Language ( VRML ) . An example indicates that the VRML has character of intuitionistic and easy to be studied .

  19. 为确定三维显示中视差障栅(PB)的最优参数,提出一种基于彩色叠栅条纹的PB参数设计方法。

    In order to confirm appropriate parameters of parallax barrier ( PB ), a parameter design of PB based on a color Moir é condition in autostereoscopic displays is proposed .

  20. 利用虚拟现实与GIS技术,实现计算机通风系统管理,巷道的三维显示,瓦斯、风速、温度的实时显示,实现最短避灾路线的算法。

    Through virtual reality and GIS technology to actualize computer management of mine ventilation , the 3D displaying of laneway , the Real-time displaying of the gas , wind speed and temperature and the arithmetic of the optimum escape routes .

  21. 系统开发了多个功能插件,实现地图浏览、地图自由缩放、地图漫游、地图测量、三维显示、图层控制、查询、空间分析、专题图制作等GIS通用功能。

    The system developed a number of function plug-ins , implement map browsing , free zoom , roam the map , map measurement , three-dimensional display , layer control , query , spatial analysis , GIS thematic map production and other common functions .

  22. 该软件采用ActiveX技术实现了多种格式数据访问方式的统一,调用了MATLAB引擎进行信号表达式运算,使用OpenGL技术完成了阵列信号的三维显示等。

    The software provides uniform interface for different format data and adopts key technology such as ActiveX to get data from server , Matlab engine to calculate expression of signals and OpenGL to realize three-dimensional showing from array signals .

  23. 本文研究了频谱监测管理系统,包括:3层C/S的系统架构、基于ACE的网络层构建、采用OpenGL的三维显示控件开发等。

    This paper mainly describes radio monitor and management system , including of system platform with C / S , development of network layer with ACE 、 development of three-dimensional display widget with OpenGL and so on .

  24. 研究了典型可视化技术的实现方法及其应用。其中包括:图形库OpenGL的用法、地形的二维渲染、三维显示、BiliBoard、Alaph、结合MFC(微软基础库)的计算机动画技术等。

    Implementation methods as well as applications are discussed of classical visualization techniques which include usage of the graphics library OpenGL , 2-D rendering of terrain , 3-D display , BillBoard , Alpha and computer animation technique based on MFC library .

  25. 通过用表面点代替三角形面片来描述器官表面,在用户定义器官表面的颜色和透明度后,利用显卡OpenGL接口对表面点集进行三维显示。

    According to the gray gradients of volume data , the triangle face was replaced by surface points to describe the organ surface , and the surface was displayed with OpenGL interface of display card after defining the color and transparent of the organ surface .

  26. 方法将首例中国数字化可视人体心脏部分的薄层断面(层厚1.0mm)输入SGI工作站,经数据分割、对位重建、平滑处理和三维显示等步骤,完成对心脏结构的三维重建。

    Methods The data of the series of the thin sections of the first Chinese digitized visible human heart were imported to SGI Workstation and 3 D reconstruction of the heart was performed by several steps .

  27. 等高线三维显示技术的探讨

    Discussion about the Technique of 3D Display on the Contour Line

  28. 集成电路刻蚀效果三维显示及其关键技术研究

    3D display for integrate circuit etching result and key technology research

  29. 进一步增强三维显示与分析效果,提高了系统运行效率。

    Further enhance the three-dimensional display , and improve system efficiency .

  30. 光电无线鼠标的低成本PS/2-USB协议转换的设计与实现体三维显示系统中点阵扫描模式的影响分析

    Effects of Dot Matrix Scanning Mode in Three-Dimensional Volumetric Display System