
  1. 目的用三维彩超(3D)观察子宫肌瘤和子宫腺肌病的图像特征,提高对这两种疾病的鉴别诊断水平。

    Objective In order to improve the differential diagnostic accuracy , we analyzed the features 3D color and power ultrasonography in leiomyoma and adenomyosis .

  2. 三维彩超对胰腺占位性病变的诊断及评价

    Diagnosing pancreas ' space occupying pathologic changes with three dimensional colour

  3. 三维彩超在鉴别诊断子宫肌瘤和子宫腺肌病中的应用

    Application of three-dimensional ( 3D ) color ultrasonography in the differential diagnosis of leiomyoma and adenomyosis

  4. 74例恶性乳腺肿块三维彩超诊断价值的分析

    Analysis of the Three Dimensional colour Ultrasonic waves ' Value to Diagnose 74 cases of Malignant Mammary Tumor

  5. 目的:探讨恶性乳腺肿块的三维彩超诊断及图像分析。

    Objective : Probe into the three dimensional colour ultrasonic waves ' diagnosing malignant mammary tumor and its images ' analysis .

  6. 目的比较二维和三维彩色多普勒超声对正常妊娠胎盘内绒毛血管树的显示及评价三维彩超显示胎盘内远端绒毛血管树分支的功能。

    Objective To compare the performance of two-dimensional ( 2-D ) and three-dimensional ultrasound ( 3-DUS ) in the visualization of intraplacental vessel trees and to evaluate the value of visualizing distal vessels with 3-DUS in normal pregnancy .