
  • 网络Three-phase power supply;three-phase source;three phase source;Triple-phase power;3-Phase Source
  1. 单相电源变为三相电源的裂相电路的研究

    A study of the convertion from single-phase source into three-phase source by splitting phase circuit

  2. 家用变频电气设备与三相电源N线电流

    Current on N Conductor of Three Phases Power and Household Frequency Variable Electric Equipment

  3. 针对某设备所需的三相电源相位精度要求高的特点,在传统DDS技术的基础之上,设计了一款高度对称的三相电源。

    In order to solve the requirement of high precision equal phase in three-phase AC power supply , one AC power supply is designed based the traditional DDS technology .

  4. FMAT-251质谱仪三相电源的智能保护装置

    An Intelligent Protective Device of Three-phase Supply on FMAT-251 Mass Spectrometer

  5. 一种经济可靠的陀螺三相电源电路设计

    An Economical and Credible Circuit Design for Gyro Three-phase Power Supply

  6. 适用于使用三相电源的各类小型机械。

    Fit for various small machinery powered by three-phase power supply .

  7. 不需新增专用设备,不需三相电源;

    There needs no new special equipment and three-phase power supply .

  8. 基于静止无功补偿的单相变三相电源变换研究

    Study on One-phase to Three-phase Converter Based on Static Var Compensation

  9. 三相电源的中性点接地隔离与消弧技术

    Neutral-point Earthing Isolation and Arc-suppression Technology of Three-phase Power Supply

  10. 三相电源比单相电源可省电逾50%之多。

    Three phase wiring saves 50 % of power compared with one-phase .

  11. 介绍一种实用的三相电源保护电路模块。

    An useful protection module of three-phase power was introduced in this paper .

  12. 一种新颖的三相电源相序检测电路

    A Novel Electronic Circuit In Testing Phasic sequence

  13. 在大学教学过程中,三相电源的配置往往难以满足教学需要并有其局限性。

    In the university teaching , the three-phase power supply cant meet the teachings needs and has its limitation .

  14. 文章介绍了井下陀螺三相电源、框架陀螺控制电路、方位采集电路的设计和通用短接接口的设计。

    Designs of the three-phase power supply , gyro-controlling circuit , azimuth-sampling circuit , and the interface with other tools are described .

  15. 产生的电压产生的正弦或交流,可以配置为三相电源与国家电网使用。

    The resulting voltage produced is sinusoidal or AC that can be configured to three-phase power usable with the national power grid .

  16. 由于三相电源换相点等原因,晶闸管在等离子切焊设备中很难得到可靠地应用;

    For the changed points of three-phase power , it is difficult for SCR 's brilliant applied for cutting and welding equipment of plasma .

  17. 主电路设计主要包括三相电源的选择、断路器确定以及电路参数计算。

    The selection of three-phase sources , determination of breaker , and calculation of circuit parameter are included in the process of designing main circuit .

  18. 论述了主要硬件电路的设计方案,其中包括晶闸管两端电压检测、三相电源同步信号检测等。

    The main control system includes the synchronous signal generating circuit 、 the testing circuit of thyristor cut-off voltage and the trigger circuit of the thyristors etc.

  19. 对定子绕组通上三相电源后,产生旋转磁场并切割转子,获得转矩。

    When the stator windings are connected to the three-phase power , the stator windings will form rotating magnetic field and cut rotor to obtain the torque .

  20. 能耗制动是在异步电动机切离三相电源后,在定子回路通入直流电流,实现能耗制动。

    The dynamic braking means that after three-phase voltage is switched off asynchronous dynamo , the DC current flows into the stator circuit to realize dynamo braking .

  21. 基于多时相多源影像的丹江口市土壤侵蚀监测研究三相电源比单相电源可省电逾50%之多。

    Study on Soil Erosion Monitoring by Using Multi-temporal and Multi-source Digital Images in Danjiangkou ; Three phase wiring saves 50 % of power compared with one-phase .

  22. 单相和三相电源在实际工况条件下的运行对比试验这里讲的是一次对鸟类归还习性进行的科学试验情况。实验的事实是很确定的。

    COMPARISON EXPERIMENTS BETWEEN SINGLE-PHASE AND THREE-PHASE T / R SETS UNDER INDUSTRIAL OPERATION Here is a scientific experiment on the homing of birds , the facts of which are quite certain .

  23. 在分析双馈调速原理的基础上,引入双变量交-交变频器作为转子三相电源,设计一双馈调速系统,并进行了实验分析。

    On basis of the analysis to the double feeding back velocity regulation principle , bi-variant AC-AC transducer serves as three-phase power supply to design a double feeding back velocity regulation system , and which is made experimental analysis .

  24. 利用锁相环理想的频率控制特性和窄带跟踪特性,解决了系统中同步信号提取的问题,实现了对三相电源同步信号的实时跟踪。

    The problem of extracting synchronizing signal of the system was solved by means of the advantage of the ideal phase-locked loop characteristics , frequency control and narrow-band tracking and as a result , real-time tracking of the synchronizing signal of three phases power supply was realized .

  25. 新型三相应急电源系统的DSP控制方法

    DSP Control Strategy for a Novel Three-phase Emergency Power Supply System

  26. 基于DSP的三相逆变电源及基于FPGA的动态波形校正的研究

    Research on the DSP-based Inverter and the FPGA-based Dynamic Waveform Compensation

  27. 基于DSP控制的三相逆变电源设计

    The Design of Three-phase Power Inverte Based on DSP Control

  28. 第四章介绍了基于DSP控制的新型三相应急电源的控制系统的软、硬件设计。

    Chapter four introduces the software and hardware design of the control systems .

  29. 基于数字PI控制的三相逆变电源的仿真研究

    Simulation Study of Digital PI Regulated There-Phase Inverter

  30. 采用SVPWM的三相逆变电源的分散逻辑并联运行

    Distributed logic paralleling operation of three phase inverters applying SVPWM