
  • 网络RGB;Red Green Blue
  1. 基于三基色原理的回复反射器颜色测量研究

    The Color Testing System Research for the Automobile Responsive Reflector Summary Based on the RGB Theory

  2. 印章色料及其色痕检验方法回顾与展望基于三基色原理的回复反射器颜色测量研究

    The recall and prospect of the analysis of stamp trace material ; The Color Testing System Research for the Automobile Responsive Reflector Summary Based on the RGB Theory

  3. 基于RGB三基色原理的颜色检测仪的设计

    Design of Color Test System Based on Three Element Color Theory

  4. 针对物体颜色信息的测量,介绍了一种基于RGB三基色原理的手持式颜色检测仪的实现方法。

    Its introduced that way of handled color recognition device based on RGB3-element color in the text .

  5. 基于三基色原理的微型毒气检测仪信号采集与处理系统

    System of Signal Acquisition and Processing for Micro Toxic Gas Detecting Instrument Based on Tricolor

  6. 第二章提出了基于三基色原理的毒气检测方法及总体方案。

    The testing process for toxic gas and overall scheme was present in chapter two .

  7. 从三基色原理的角度考虑,将红、绿、蓝色长余辉材料按一定比例混合,就可以获得任意颜色的长余辉。

    From the perspective of three-color theory , any long-afterglow color can be obtained by mixing red , green and blue long-afterglow materials in proportion ratio .

  8. 在三基色原理的基础上,分析了彩虹全息图的两种假彩色编码方法&多狭缝编码方法和参考光编码方法;

    Based on the principle of three basic colors , the commonly used pseudocolor coding methods , the multislits coding method and the reference beam coding method , are analyzed .

  9. 根据三基色原理,将红、绿、蓝三种颜色的荧光粉按一定比例混合,即可得到任意颜色的光。

    According to the basic theory of color-light , it is known that random color-light can be obtained under mixing definite ratio of red , green and blue long persistent materials .

  10. 结合几何光学、辐射测温学、CCD摄像机原理以及三基色测温原理,介绍了电子束钎焊温度场实时检测系统的测量原理、系统的整体架构和软件的设计。

    Measurement principle of the real-time examining system of the welding temperature field with electron beam , the whole structure of the system and the design of software have been introduced combined with geometry optics , theories of radiation , CCD and tricolor measurement temperature .

  11. 本文从三基色测温原理出发,讨论了它在火焰温度场测量应用中受到的限制因素。

    Starting from temperature-measuring principle of three primary-colors , certain factors in the application of measuring flame temperature field was discussed .

  12. 此外,以三基色调色原理为理论基础,自行开发了图像处理软件和层式仪器结构。

    An image processing software and a multilayer instrument which connects the PC mother board with an optical bench were developed base on RGB average method .

  13. 首先对视频采集技术的发展做了概述,接着针对图像法介绍了彩色三基色温度测量原理与CCD工作原理。

    Firstly , it summarizes the development of technique of digital video collection . Then the Principle of temperature measurement by three primary colors is introduced .

  14. 介绍了彩色电视三基色混色原理及三基色混色实验CAI课件实现方法。

    This paper introduces the color television trichromatic mixing theories and the methods of creating and using CAI software for color televison trichromatic mixing experiment .