
  • 网络Triangle Three;Atria;Atria Triangulum
  1. 三角形三面角反射器加工公差对其单站RCS影响研究

    Effects Analysis of Machining Tolerance on Monostatic RCS of Triangular Trihedral Corner Reflectors

  2. 基于物理光学法(PO)研究了三角形三面角反射器(TTCR)加工公差对其单站雷达散射截面(RCS)的影响。

    This paper focuses on the effects of machining tolerance on monostatic RCS of triangular trihedral corner reflector s ( TTCR ) by using Physical Optics ( PO ) method .

  3. 本文通过对一道IMO竞赛题的探索和研究,发现了此竞赛题可转化为三角形三边长的三角不等式,从而提出了一些新颖的不等式。

    A careful study of an IMO contest problem reveals that the problem can be transformed into a trigonometrical inequality which consists of the sides of a triangle and therefrom a few new inequalities are suggested .

  4. 应用Fermat问题的结论,证明平面上一动点到三角形三顶点距离之和的一个线性不等式,并给出几个推论。

    By using the conclusion of the Fermat problem , we prove a linear inequality for sum of distance from any point in a triangle plane to three vertexs , and some applications are given .

  5. 将力学中基于超收敛点的应力恢复方法(SPR)应用到电磁场问题中,可以有效地克服三角形三节点有限元法在计算场强时精度较低的问题。

    To overcome the shortage of less accuracy in field calculation by finite element method ( FEM ) with triangular elements of linear type , the superconvergent patch recovery method , which is usually applied to mechanics , is introduced into electromagnetic problems .

  6. 关于等腰三角形三边斜率的一个定理及其工程应用

    A theorem for slopes of three sides in isosceles triangle and its engineering application

  7. 三角形三边弦圆共点的条件

    Conditions of the Chordal Circles Sharing the Common Point on the Three Sides of a Triangle

  8. 三角形三螺杆和四螺杆反应器具有特殊的结构中心区。

    Triangular tri-screw extruder and four-screw extruder have special structure , that is , central region .

  9. 相切于定三角形三边的二阶曲线的伴随点及其分布

    A Adjoint Point of a Quadratic Curve Which Contact Three Side of a Fixed Trangle and Its Distribution

  10. 双螺杆、一字型三螺杆、三角形三螺杆和四螺杆反应器的流量、回流量、回流系数以及平均剪切速率依次逐渐增大。

    For double-screw extruder ," & " - shaped tri-screw extruder , triangular tri-screw extruder and four-screw extruder , flow rate , back flow rate , coefficient of back flow rate and average rate of shear are incremental gradually .

  11. 分析了影响测角后交点位精度的因素,绘出三角形三个内角最佳点位图形系数曲线,并比较了三个最佳点位的精度,指出获得更高精度的方法。

    The paper analyses factors affected positional accuracy of angular resection , presents curves of pattern coefficient of optimum point for interior angles of a triangle , makes a comparision among three optimum point positions , and points out the method to obtain more accuracy .

  12. 三角形的三个高共点。

    The3 altitudes of a triangle are concurrent .

  13. 在四层平行平板间并列分布九个PZT微驱动器,每层的三个驱动器摆放在一个正三角形的三个顶点上。

    Nine PZT actuators are distributed among four platforms , and in each layer there are three PZT actuators placed on the vertexes of an equilateral triangle .

  14. 将平面上关于三角形中三条线共点问题的Ceva定理,推广到n维欧氏空间E~n中关于单形的n+1个n-l维超平面的共点问题。

    The Ceva 's theorem concerning the concurrent problem of three lines in a triangle is extended to that of ( n + 1 ) ( n-1 ) - dimensional hyperplanes of simplex in the n-dimensional Euclidean E ~ n.

  15. 选取高斯脉冲、正弦脉冲和三角形脉冲三种不同的激光脉冲形式,研究了当原子的初态分别为激发态和基态的情况下的依赖于时间的J-C模型中的反聚束效应。

    We studied antibunching effect in the time-dependent Jaynes-Cummings model by choosing three different kinds of laser pulse shapes , which are Gaussian pulse , sinusoidal pulse and triangular pulse . We consider the case that the atom is prepared initially in excited state and ground state respectively .

  16. 三角形的三个角的总和是一百八十度。

    The three angles of a triangle add up to 180 ° .

  17. 三角形的三个边分别是“范围”、“日程”和“成本”。

    The three sides of the triangle are Scope , Schedule and Cost .

  18. 三角形有三条边和一个高。

    A triangle has three sides and a height .

  19. 可以将一个三角形的三点概念化。

    Conceptualise a triangle with its three points .

  20. 根据传统观念,三角形的三边代表一家人。因此,穿过这个三角形就会破坏家庭的完整。

    According to traditional belief , the three sides of the triangle represent the family , so passing through the triangle destroys the wholeness of the family .

  21. 应用上述形式,给出了基于矩形、梯形和等边三角形等三种不同场景平面结构信息的摄像机自标定方法。

    Applying above forms , we give methods of camera self-calibration based on three kinds of planar structural information of scene which are rectangles , isosceles trapezoids , equilateral triangles .

  22. 它是利用平面任意三角形的三点固定可使平面稳固的原理实现的。

    The utility model is realized by the utilization of a principle that three points of any triangle in a plane are fixed to cause the plane to be steady .

  23. 三角形接法三绕组单相电容电动机瞬态分析

    Transient Analysis of Tri-Winding Single Phase Capacitance Motors with Delta-Connection

  24. 绕流等边三角形排列的三圆柱

    The Fluid Flow Around Three Equidistant Circular Cylinders

  25. 它强调优势资源对于获取持续竞争优势的重要性,企业应当构建资源、业务、组织管理组成的竞争优势三角形,确保三者的一致性。

    It emphasized the importance of advantageous resource to sustain high position in competition .

  26. 本课题以三角形排列的三螺杆挤出机三维流场为研究目标,研究内容包括速度场、压力场、剪切速率场等。

    The three dimension flow field in the triple-screw extruder with triangle configuration is the research objects , including velocity field , pressure field and shear rate field etc.

  27. 在一个三角形内作三个圆,要求使每个圆与其他两个圆以及三角形的两边相切,本文给出了解法及证明。

    To construct three circles in a triangle , the request is that each circle is tangent to other two circles as well as two sides of the triangle .

  28. 本文提出以政府媒体公众组成一个稳固的三角形模式,三者联合作战,互相影响,力争化危机为转机,促进社会和谐。

    The solid triangle pattern of " government - the media - the public " is formed in this paper ; they interact and strive to defuse crisis and promote social harmony .

  29. 基于三角形排列的三螺杆挤出机的研究开发实践,对螺纹元件所形成的流场,特有的三个啮合区和中心区流场进行了模拟研究。

    A simulation study of the flow field in screw element region , especially in the three inter-meshing zones and the center region for a triple screw extruder with triangle configuration was carried out .

  30. 在任意三角形内,三边中点,三高的垂足,以及连接顶点与垂心的三线段的中点,都在同一圆上,此圆即为三角形九点圆。

    In any triangle , the midpoints of three the sides , perpendicular feet , and the midpoints between the orthocenter ( the point where the three altitudes meet ) and each of the three vertices , these nine points all lie on a circle .