
  1. “三台合一”工作的实践与思考

    Pondering over the practice of " three stations merged into one "

  2. 基于三台合一的城市应急联动系统研究

    The Analysis of Three-one in City Emergency Response System

  3. 试论“三台合一”的可行性及应注意的问题

    On the Feasibility of " Three in One " and Problems Need to be Noticed

  4. 这两个古地理体系拼合在一起,就构成了中国南方寒武纪的两陆、三台、一盆和一坡的古地理基本格局。

    These two palaeogeography systems combine together and form the fundamental framework of lithofacies palaeogeography of the Cambrian in South China , i.e. 2 lands , 3 platforms , 1 basin and 1 slope .

  5. 我们三台印刷机一天24小时都开动着。

    Our three printing machines were rolling twenty-four hours a day .

  6. 在出口附近,他停在了包括三台打印机的一排打印机前。

    Near the exit , he stops at a bank of three printers .

  7. 三台电脑,一台老式文字处理器,面朝西北,望出去是鳞次栉比的高楼屋顶,一直延伸到哈德逊河。

    Three computer screens and an old word processor looked out , north-west , over a thousand roofs towards the Hudson River .

  8. 环境品质基金会检验发现台北捷运站耶饮水机三台道有一台耶水无够清气眉菌箱过侪饮了可能会歹腹肚毋恪马市长及水道水耶人员拢保证水质安全。

    The environment quality foundation found that the water in one out of every three drinking fountains at the rapid transit stations contains excessive amount of bacteria , which may cause stomach aches , although Mayor Ma and the Water Bureau spokesperson assured that the water should be safe .

  9. 在用三台显示器的头一天,我发现脸部肌肉因为眯着眼而疼痛。

    After my first day with my three monitors , I realized my face muscles hurt from squinting .

  10. 在本文中,我们需要三台GNU/Linux服务器;一个作为主节点,另外两个作为从节点。

    In this article , we need three GNU / Linux servers ; one will work as a master node and the other two will be slave nodes .

  11. 喂!照片!照片!照片!我们想要看照片!记得吗,我们带了三台数位相机和一台数位摄影机以增补照片喔!

    Hey ! Shashin ! Shashin ! Shashin ! We want to see shashin ! Remember , we had three digital cameras and one digital camcorder to supplement your shashins .

  12. 此三台非彼三台&纠正一则化石产地之误

    This Santai being not that santai & correcting an error of fossil locality