
  1. 关于直角三角形一个猜想的研究

    A Research of a Conjecture on Right Triangle

  2. 直角三角形绕一直角边旋转即成锥形。

    Revolution of a right triangle about one of its legs generates a cone .

  3. 第二步:用记号笔在海报板上画三个小三角形和一个大三角形。

    Step 2 Use markers to draw three small triangles and one large triangle on the poster board .

  4. 跳房子Hopscotch4跳房子是一种流行操场游戏,玩家将一个小物体抛到地面上标了数字的三角形或者一组矩形里,然后在这些形状里跳跃并取回物体。

    Hopscotch is a popular playground game in which players toss a small object into numbered triangles or a pattern of rectangles outlined on the ground and then hop3 or jump through the spaces and retrieve5 the object .

  5. 关于三角形内部一点的一些不等式

    On Some Quadratic Inequalities at Any Point in a Triangle

  6. 涉及三角形及一动点的一个几何不等式

    A Geometric Inequality Involving a Mobile Point and Triangle

  7. 直角三角形的一个角的对边与斜边之比。

    Ratio of the opposite side to the hypotenuse .

  8. 后,教师把三个三角形及一个长方形演示给学生看,并组合成一棵树说。

    I can see three triangles and a rectangle . It 's a tree .

  9. 薄板弯曲问题的广义协调三角形元一种非常规矩形薄板弯曲元

    A Generalized Conforming Triangular Element for Thin Plates A Rectangular Unconventional Thin Plate Bending Element

  10. 建立了三角形中一个半对称不等式链,应用其证明了4个猜想。

    Established a semi - symmetry chain in a triangle , proved four supposes with it .

  11. 三角形内部一点到三边距离的两个不等式

    Two Inequalities of the Distances of an Arbitary Point Interior of a Triangle to Its Three Sides

  12. 它是用来画一个非常简单的三角形在一个顶点和碎片着色器的帮助下。

    It is used to draw a very simple triangle with the help of a vertex and fragment shaders .

  13. 从三角形的一个性质中得出三质点质心满足的一个向量表达式,并得到两个有实用价值的推论,同时对上一性质给出两个简洁的证明。

    From a property of the triangle a vector expression is deduced with two practical corollaries . Here two proofs are presented .

  14. 当展现在女性身上之时,倒三角形是一种强势的、反女性剪影,它创造了一个有趣的两极之间的摩擦。

    The inverted triangle is a strong , anti-feminine silhouette when shown on a female body , it creates an interesting friction between two poles .

  15. 通过定义三角网格模型中的两个以公共边相连的三角形构成一个空间四边形,提出了一种新的基于这种空间四边形折叠的网格简化算法。

    This paper presents a method to define the quadrangle in the triangle mesh and puts forward a new mesh simplification algorithm based on quadrangle collapse .

  16. 一种发源于中国的智力游戏,一个正方形被切成了五个三角形、一个正方形和一个长菱形,玩游戏者要把它们重新组合成不同的形状。

    A Chinese puzzle consisting of a square cut into five triangles , a square , and a rhomboid , to be reassembled into different figures .

  17. 给定两个欲合并的网格,先由它们的边界三角形构造一条缝合线,再以该缝合线为骨架构造连接这两个网格的缝合面。

    Given a two meshes which want to be merged , we firstly construct a stitch line derived from their fringe triangles , and then create stitch faces which adhere to this stitch line to connect them .

  18. 即使在这里的学前班辛苦学习一天以后,上海学校的孩子们看起来都毫无倦意,尽管一些孩子似乎仍分不清三角形是一种颜色还是一种形状(大多数美国孩童可能有着同样的困惑)。

    Even after a hard day at pre-school , none of the children in the Shanghai school look bored though some seem unclear whether a triangle is a colour or a shape ( a confusion they probably share with most American toddlers ) .

  19. 例如,熟知的Backstepping设计方法,本质上只能对付具有三角形结构的一类非线性系统。

    For example , the well-known Backstepping design method can only solve a type of nonlinear systems with triangle structure essentially .

  20. 文献〔2〕研究了三角形单元上一次Lagrange型插值多项式,并得出了相应的误差估计。

    Degree Lagrange 's interpolation for triangular element was studied in paper . In this paper , 2-degree Lagrange 's interpolation for triangular element has been studied , and the error estimates have been given .

  21. 方法:在创面一侧的切线上设计一舌形皮瓣,使其成为一不对称Z形皮瓣,即一个皮瓣呈三角形,另一个皮瓣呈舌形。

    Methods To design a tongue shape flap at the tangent of the skin defect , make it in a anisomerous Z form . In this way , one of the skin flap is a triangle , the other is in a tongue form .

  22. 分成三角形或给出一个三角型。

    Divide into triangles or give a triangular form to .

  23. 三角形矩阵的一个求逆公式

    The Formula for Finding Inverse Matrices of Triangular Matrix

  24. 新发现的三角形特殊点一伪内心

    A Newly Discovered Special Point of Trigon-Fake Innermost Heart

  25. 被绞死的人吊在三角形板子的一个角的上方。

    14The hanged man is hung above an angle of the triangle board .

  26. 关于过三角形中任意一点作线段平分三角形面积问题

    The problem about making segments crossing any point of a triangle to bisect the triangle

  27. 任意三角形区域中一组完备正交基的构造与分类

    Construction and classification of a set of complete orthogonal basis functions in the arbitrary triangular domain

  28. 本文给出了上(下)三角形矩阵的一个求逆公式。

    This article gives a Formula for finding inverse matrices of upper ( down ) triangular matrix .

  29. 关于杨辉三角形的推广一文的注记

    Note on Generalized Pascal Triangle

  30. “几何形状的一部分,例如一个三角形中的一个角.”

    " a part of a geometric configuration , such as an angle in a triangle . "