
qīng qiáo
  • hydrogen bridge
氢桥[qīng qiáo]
  1. 钕原子与3个η5-C5H5基团配位,且两个(C5H5)3Nd经氢桥键相连构成阴离子。Nd1-H和Nd2-H键长均为0.218(1)nm。

    The neodymium atom is coordinated by three η ~ 5-cyclopentadienyls , and two ( C_5H_5 ) _3Nd species are connected by one hydrogen bridge to form the anion with Nd-H 0.218 ( 1 ) nm .

  2. 提出了-βSiC(001)-3×2表面金属化的一种新机制:通过形成氢桥键(Si-H-Si复合结构)形成表面n型掺杂。

    We show that the surface metallization arises from a novel mechanism of n-type doping of surface band via formation of hydrogen bridgebonds ( i.e. , Si-H-Si complex ) .

  3. 采用Dunning基的从头计算量子化学方法阐明,在乙硼烷中两个氢桥三中心键已因σ-共轭效应而融合成一个四中心键。

    It is demonstrated by means of quantum-chemical ab initio method , with the Dunning 's basis set , that , owing to the cr-conjugation . effect , the two three-center hydrogen-bridge bonds have been fused into a four-center bond .

  4. Asp的氢原子与表面桥氧原子之间形成的氢键也对其在表面的吸附有贡献。

    Hydrogen bonds from the H atoms of Asp and bridging-O atoms on the surface also contribute to the adsorption .