
  1. 开发出适于扬子石油化工股份有限公司芳烃联合装置扩建后工况条件(高活性、低氢油比、高空速)的新型SKI40040型C8芳烃异构化催化剂。

    C 8 aromatics isomerization catalyst , SKI 400 40 , was prepared for using in the isomerization unit in Yangzi Petrochemical Company after expansion revamping to fulfill the specified operating conditions , such as high activity of catalyst , low hydrogen / oil ratio and high space velocity .

  2. 适当降低氢油比;

    Decreasing the hydrogen to oil ratio ;

  3. 工业试验证明新型异构化催化剂具有高活性、低氢油比和高空速等优点。

    The catalyst exhibits high activity , with a low hydrogen / feed ratio and a high LHSV .

  4. 结果表明:提高反应温度、压力、氢油比、以及降低液时空速均可以提高吲哚加氢脱氮的转化率。

    The results show that : The HDN of indole increased drastically with the increase of reaction temperature , reaction pressure and hydrogen / oil ratio .

  5. 冷模试验结果表明,在通常的空速和氢油比范围内,床层膨胀率可以控制在10%以内;

    The cold model test results showed that for a normal space velocity and hydrogen / oil ratio , the bed expanding ratio can be controlled within 10 % .

  6. 我国开发的低压组合床重整工艺具有压力和氢油比低、液体产品收率和氢产率以及芳烃产率较高的特点;

    The catalytic reforming technology with low pressure compounding bed developed in China has the advantage of higher yields of liquid , aromatic hydrocarbon and hydrogen at lower pressure and hydrogen-oil ratio .

  7. 在活性评价时,反应温度,压力和氢油比都在脱硫中起到了关键作用,并且吸附剂脱硫率保持在90%以上。

    During the activity evaluation , the reaction temperature , pressure and H2 / Oil ratio have played a crucial role in the desulfurization zone and the adsorbent sulfur removal was maintained at more than 90 % .

  8. 结果表明,在330℃、3.0MPa、体积空速1.0h-1、氢/油体积比600的缓和条件下,萘的加氢饱和转化率为100%,总加氢开环选择性可达97%,总产物液体收率大于95%。

    The experimental results showed that the naphthalene conversion was 97 % and the total selectivity of ring opening was 97 % , while the liquid yield was above 95 % under the conditions of LHSV 1.0 h - 1 , temperature 330 ℃ and pressure 3.0 MPa .

  9. 通过考察反应温度、氢分压、氢油比和空速对加氢脱色反应的影响,建立柴油馏分加氢脱色反应动力学模型。

    A kinetic model of gas oil hydro-decolorization has been established based on the study of the effects of process parameters on color of hydrotreated products : namely , the reaction temperature , hydrogen pressure , hydrogen / oil ratio and space velocity .

  10. 考察了反应温度、氢分区、空速、氢油比等工艺参数以及原料油性质和循环氢中H2S浓度等操作条件对深度脱硫、脱芳烃效果的影响。

    The effects of the processing parameters on the degrees of desulfurization and aromatics reduction were investigated .

  11. 结果表明,在反应温度260~270℃、氢分压3.0MPa、空速3.0~5.0h-1及氢油体积比480~550条件下,噻吩的转化率可达100%。

    The results showed that thiophene conversion of 100 % was attained under reaction temperature 260 - ( 270 ℃), hydrogen pressure 3.0 MPa , LHSV 3.0-5.0 h ~ ( - 1 ) and hydrogen / oil ratio 480-500 .

  12. 得出了其加氢的最佳工艺条件为:反应温度为50℃,反应压力2.80MPa,空速8h-1,氢油比120:1;对比评价YH-30与YH-20催化剂,得出YH-30比YH-20具有较高的选择性和稳定性。

    The optimum process conditions was put forward at the basis of performance test of YH-30 catalyst , reaction temperature 50 ℃, reaction pressure 2.80 MPa , airspeed 8 h-1 , hydrogen oil ratio 120: 1.YH-30 catalyst has better selectivity and stability than that of YH-20 catalyst .

  13. 研究表明:氢分压、反应温度、体积空速对柴油逆流加氢工艺的影响和常规并流工艺基本一致,但氢油体积比在一定的范围内对两种工艺的影响差异很大。

    The study shows that the hydrogen partial pressure , reactor temperature , volumetric space velocity have the similar impact on countercurrent hydrogenation process as on the conventional co-current hydrogenation process .