
  • 网络wide cut;long distillate;wide fraction;wide range cut
  1. 宽馏分连续重整装置预处理系统的腐蚀及综合防护

    The corrosion and comprehensive prevention of pretreatment system in long distillate continuous reformer

  2. 伊朗原油小于350℃宽馏分油闭口闪点的测定和关联

    Determination and correlation for close cup flash point of wide cut below 350 ℃ from Iran crude

  3. 生产宽馏分柴油是大幅度增产柴油的有效途径。

    Extending the boiling range of fuels tis an effective approach to increase diesel fuel production .

  4. 建立了不经馏分切割、直接测定宽馏分混合油样中柴油馏分的饱和烃和芳烃含量的固相萃取/气相色谱方法。

    A solid extraction / gas chromatography method was established for the determination of the contents of saturates and aromatics in diesel fraction prior to cutting the fraction from wide-boiling cuts .

  5. 在用配制的馏分油精制油进行溶剂脱蜡时,窄馏分油比宽馏分油的脱蜡油收率提高2~5个百分点,过滤速度提高2.0~2.5倍,脱蜡温差有所降低。

    In comparison the dewaxing of narrow distillate with wide distillate , the dewaxed oil yield of the former was 2-5 percentages higher than the latter , the filtrate rate of the former was 2.0-2.5 times of the latter , and the temperature difference of the former was lower .

  6. 这些关联式可用来预测油砂沥青改质得到的宽馏程中间馏分的十六烷值和烟点。

    The correlations apply to bitumen-derived middle distillates that have a wide range of boiling points .

  7. 在自行设计、建立的半封闭管法临界性质测定装置上,测定了新疆九区稠油18个宽、窄馏分油的临界温度和临界压力。

    The critical properties of Xinjiang heavy oil fractions were measured by semi sealed tube method .

  8. 实测了新疆九区稠油宽、窄馏分油的平均沸点、密度、折射率、运动粘度、相对分子质量、苯胺点及馏程等7种物性,得到了117组数据。

    The physical properties of Xinjiang heavy oil fractions were measured and 117 sets of data were obtained .

  9. 作者继开发石油馏分导热系数关联式后,利用国内外中平均沸点和相对密度分布范围很宽的各种石油馏分的大量实验数据,对关联式进行了考察。

    A correlation equation developed by the author for calculating the thermal conductivity of petroleum fractions was investigated using the measured data of various petroleum fractions .