
kuān dù yōu xiān sōu suǒ
  • breadth-first search
  1. 宽度优先搜索(Breadth-FirstSearch,BFS)是一种基本的最佳优先搜索算法(Best-FirstSearch)。

    Breadth-First Search ( BFS ) is a basic Best-First Search algorithm .

  2. 爬行器如果按照传统的宽度优先搜索策略在Web空间中爬行,它对所有的网页都采取一视同仁的态度,这样爬行的结果就导致了它所爬行回来的网页质量不高。

    Crawling in Web space according to the strategy of the traditional breadth-first search , if a crawler respects the importance of every page equally , the quality of Web pages collected by the crawler is not high .

  3. 通过基于zone的反向宽度优先搜索算法,得到宽松区间Markov决策过程。

    Through a reverse breadth-first searching algorithm based on zone , interval Markov decision process with loose condition ( LIMDP ) is obtained from IPTA .

  4. 组播路由算法以Prim最小生成树算法和K-度宽度优先搜索方法为基础,生成一棵满足给定延迟时限的最小成本树。

    The multicast routing algorithm is based on Prim 's MST ( Minimum Spanning Tree ) algorithm and K-restricted breadth-first search method , which can produce a sub-minimal cost tree under a given delay bound .

  5. 分布式并行宽度优先搜索与15-迷问题的完全解

    Distributed Parallel Breadth - First Search and Complete Solution of Fifteen Puzzle

  6. 用宽度优先搜索求网络图的最短路径

    The Breadth First Search for the Shortest Path

  7. 定位请求消息处理技术的主要目的是提高定位性能和减小开销,包括宽度优先搜索类和深度优先搜索类两类方法。

    Locating information processing aims at improving locating performance and reducing overhead , which includes BFS-like and DFS-like methods .

  8. 结构组建过程采用了人工智能理论中的穷举宽度优先搜索算法,并配合以分子量的约束。

    The exhaustive breadth-first searching algorithm in AI is used with the constraint of molecular weight in the structure generation process .

  9. 该算法充分考虑了网页之间的超链接信息,克服了传统的宽度优先搜索策略的盲目性爬行。

    It is improved by using the hyperlink information contained in the Web pages on the base of the traditional breadth-first search .

  10. 并采用宽度优先搜索算法对其进行顺向和逆向遍历求解系统的可靠性指标。

    The reliability indexes are computed by forward and backward search of all the aggregated components according to breadth - first search method .

  11. 本文详细分析了防误操作闭锁逻辑的特点,并用启发式搜索和宽度优先搜索相结合的搜索方法实现了该逻辑的自动生成。

    This paper analyzed the logic in detail and realized the logic automatically with the method of heuristic search based on width-first searching .

  12. 并在其基础上研究了在网格中知识启发式宽度优先搜索算法,同时通过引入距离和频域模糊贴近度概念进行图形知识挖掘,形成网格故障知识发现模型。

    The heuristic Width priority search arithmetic is researched . Graph knowledge is mined through the concept of distance and fuzz Lattice Degree of Nearness .

  13. 分子结构中任意两个原子之间最短拓扑距离的求解是建立在采用队列数据结构的宽度优先搜索算法基础上的。

    The shortest topological distance between two atoms in a structure was designed according to the widely used breadth first search algorithm which uses a data structure called Queue .

  14. 算法采用自底向上和宽度优先的搜索策略,可确保找到最小属性约简集。

    The scanning strategy from bottom to top and with width priority can insure to find the minimal reduction .

  15. List-MTM检测器具有灵活的性能-复杂度折中特性,而且为基于宽度优先的树搜索类MIMO检测器提供了一个统一框架。

    The proposed List-MTM detector behaves flexible in performance-complexity tradeoff and provides a unified framework for the breadth-first tree-search based MIMO detectors .