
  • 网络router;Broadband Router
  1. 家庭网关,又被称作宽带路由器,通常具有1个广域网(Internet)接口和4个局域网(LAN)接口,目前使用范围很广泛。

    The home gateway , also high speed broadband router , had 1 wide area network ( Internet ) interface and 4 local area networks ( LAN ) interface generally . Usage range is at present very wide .

  2. 随着互联网的高速发展,宽带路由器成为互联网的必要设备之一。

    With the rapid development of Internet , broadband router has become one of the necessary equipment of the Internet .

  3. 普适的宽带路由器IPSec改造方案

    Adaptive Renewal Scheme for Broadband Routers to Add the Function of IPSec

  4. 研究了宽带路由器高密度POS接口卡设计中的关键技术;

    Then , it researches the key technology for high density POS interface of routers .

  5. 本文提供一种用淘汰的旧电脑制作简易宽带路由器的方法,满足学校机房局域网共享一条宽带线路访问Internet需求。

    This article proposed a method of making a simple router using the written-off computers , which can meet the requirements of school computer labs for sharing one broad-band line to surf on Internet .

  6. 论文描述了如何通过设置宽带路由器搭建Web服务器,较为详细的介绍了第三方服务器软件Apache安装配置。

    This paper describes how to construct a web server by setting up router and introduces in great details how to install the third part server software Apache_2052-win32.msi .

  7. 宽带路由器一般采用crossbar交换开关。

    High performance routers often use crossbar switch .

  8. 本文最后实现了PandowdyWeb服务器在一ADSL宽带路由器中的应用。

    The paper also applies pandowdy web server to ADSL home router for route management based on web .

  9. 由于受到存储器带宽的限制,目前宽带路由器一般采用输入缓冲的crossbar交换开关。

    Limited by memory bandwidth , high bandwidth routers often use input queued crossbar switch fabric .

  10. 本硕士论文在针对这种特殊的嵌入式应用,采用了第二种方法自己设计与实现宽带路由器的嵌入式操作系统和NAT/NAPT部分。

    Targeting the broad band router , an embedded OS and NAT are implemented by the second way in the thesis .

  11. 论文的工作是在现有的Nanos宽带路由器操作系统项目基础上进行,Nanos已经具备了基本的路由器功能。

    Work of the thesis is based on ' Nanos , the embedded OS of the broad band router ' , which has elementary functions of router .

  12. 并介绍了宽带路由器替代博达1705路由器的相关设置方法。

    The relevance method of replacing BDCOM-1705 router with broadband routers was introduced .

  13. 宽带路由器是一种已经进入人们生活的典型的嵌入式产品。

    Broad band router is a typical embedded product that has been widely used .

  14. 一种简易宽带路由器的制作

    Making a Simple Broad-Band Router

  15. 该实现已应用于高速宽带路由器的研发项目中。

    This scheme has been adopted by the project " Research and Development of High-speed Broad-band Router " .

  16. 当然这种宽带路由器是定位在低端,它最大的优势就是价格。

    Of course , such a broadband router is targeted at low-end , it 's greatest strength is the price .

  17. 宽带路由器作为一个嵌入式产品,具有一定的实时性,网络处理频繁,结构比较简单等特点。

    As an embedded product , Broad band router has some specifications , such as real time , busy handling network packets , simple structure , etc.

  18. 该驱动不但限制了用户使用宽带路由器,也限制了用户卸载接入驱动开启代理服务器的行为。

    The driver does not only limit the user to use broadband router , it also limits the behavior that user to uninstall the access drivers to startup the proxy server .

  19. 基于QoS机制的宽带接入路由器

    Broadband Access Router Architecture Based on QoS

  20. 宽带QoS路由器体系结构关键问题分析

    Analysis of Broadband QoS Router Architecture

  21. 论文全面综合研究了近年来在宽带IP路由器方面的最新进展,详细分析了用于主干网互连的宽带IP交换式路由器的体系结构设计。

    In this paper , the writer surveys the recent advances in the research of broadband IP switch router , and analyzes the architecture design of the fourth generation backbone router in detail .

  22. 本文讨论了笔者在广东省电子技术研究所参与的宽带接入路由器项目&实现基于IPSec的VPN研究与开发工作。

    This paper discusses a project of broadband access-routers that the author participated in at Guangdong Electronics Technology Institute , demonstrating how to realize IPSec-based VPN solutions .

  23. 基于Linux平台的高速宽带多播路由器目前成为人们的研究热点。

    The high speed , broad band , many broadcast router based on linux platform becomes the hotspot which people research at present .

  24. 基于宽带交换式路由器体系结构的综合研究

    Comprehensive Study of Broadband Switch Router Architecture

  25. 同样的,在可能的情况下请尽量选择使用以太网接口的宽带调制解调器或者是路由器。

    If you can get your hands on an ethernet modem or a router you will save yourself some trouble .

  26. 目前越来越多的家庭和小型办公室都使用宽带接入设备,并以此连接到宽带路由器所形成的网络环境。

    Now , increasing family and pint-sized office use Broad Band facility to meet the network .