
  • 网络Community broadband;lan;FTTX LAN
  1. 抚顺有线台小区宽带Internet接入网

    Fushun CATV Station Residential Area Broadband Internet Access Network

  2. 智能住宅小区宽带综合HFC的建设

    The construction of wideband integrated with HFC of intelligent residence district

  3. 基于EPON的小区宽带网络接入技术研究

    Research on Community Broadband Network Access Technology Based on EPON

  4. 第二章从总体上介绍了VOD系统运行的网络环境,即实验室设计开发的智能小区宽带接入系统;

    The second chapter introduces the running environment of VOD system-the intelligent community broadband access system .

  5. 本文叙述了应用于小区宽带体系的VLAN交换机和网管交换机的软、硬件设计。

    This article tells us the designation of VLAN and management switchers for modern district broadband transfer system .

  6. 智能小区宽带无线接入解决方案

    The Solution of Broadband Radio Access in Intellectual Residential Area

  7. 智能化小区宽带网建设探索

    Reflection on Broadband Network Construction of Intelligent Residential Zones

  8. 住宅小区宽带接入新方式探讨

    A New Wideband Access Method for Intelligent Residential Area

  9. 信息化小区宽带以太网接入交换机的设计与实现

    The design and implementation of a broadband Ethernet access switch used in information community

  10. 现代小区宽带交换系统实现

    The Implement of Modern District Broadband Transfer System

  11. 小区宽带网络技术与实现

    Broadband Network Technology and Realization in Residential Districts

  12. 小区宽带综合接入服务代理的研究与实现

    Research and Realization of Integrated Access Service Agents

  13. 同煤集团住宅小区宽带接入技术浅析

    Brief Analysis on Broadband Access Technology Used in Residential Districts of Datong Coal Group

  14. 小区宽带机房设备防雷和防浪涌安全接地设计

    Safe Ground-Connection Design of Lightning-Proof and Anti-Surge Of Wide-Band Generator Rooms ' Equipments in Communities

  15. 小区宽带+WLAN融合业务正迎合了市场与技术发展的这些需要。

    The implementation of converged services between residential broadband and WLAN is to meet the needs of market and technology development .

  16. 同时,为了吸引更多的固网用户,小区宽带业务的市场也非常重要。

    Meanwhile , to attract more fixed-line users , the market of residential broadband services is also very important for China Mobile .

  17. 第二章从总体上介绍了我们实验室设计开发的智能小区宽带接入系统。

    The second chapter introduces the intelligent community broadband access system as a whole . This system is designed and developed by our lab.

  18. 然后文章在对小区宽带网接入技术的全面分析比较的基础上,论述了采用以太网技术构造宽带接入方案的优势和具体实现方案。

    Based on comparison among broadband network access technologies , the advantages of ethernet broadband access are outlined , and implementation solution is brought forward .

  19. 以某智能小区宽带无线接入实施方案为例,介绍了无线接入技术在智能小区中的应用及发展前景。

    By application of the broadband radio access to an intellectual residential area , the paper introduced the application of broadband radio access in the intellectual residential area .

  20. 成都信息港隶属于聚友集团,是一家以小区宽带接入、主机托管、电子政务网等为主要经营业务的网络公司。

    Chengdu Information Corporation is a member of the Gather Friend Group , whose main business are broadband access of the district , host computer deposit , E-government network , etc. as .

  21. 简单介绍了几种宽带接入技术,分析了小区宽带接入面临的问题及选择的接入技术方案,并展望了住宅智能化的发展趋势。

    This paper briefly introduces several kinds of the broadband insertion technique s , analyzes on the problems existing in residential district 's broadband insertion and on some insertion technique schemes , and looks forward to the developing trend of the intellectualized house .

  22. 对智能小区宽带接入在网络建设和应用上主要面临的3个因素,即主干线、配线及引入线、宽带信息服务做了详细的分析。

    This paper has made a detailed analysis of the three main factors of intelligent district networking and its application & the backbone part , the mix line and leadin , and the broadband information service , and it has pointed out the main problems in these factors .

  23. 本文所研究的主要内容是如何利用基于EPON技术的接入网提供方案,实施对紫园小区的宽带接入。

    The main content of this paper is how to use based on the access network to provide EPON technology program , the implementation of the Purple Park residential broadband access .

  24. 智能小区与宽带接入网建设

    The construction of intellectualized residence community and broadband access network

  25. 是智能小区高速宽带网络的一种最有前途的宽带接入网络之一。

    HFC is a one of the most prospect high speed broadband network of intellective district .

  26. 针对酒店、校园和小区等宽带上网业务的认证计费解决方案进行了分析和探讨。

    The author analyzes and discusses authentication & accounting solution for broadband service in hotel , campus , and community .

  27. 介绍了信息化小区中的宽带以太网接入交换机系统结构和系统软件的具体实现过程,并阐述了在接入交换机上实现的Trunking功能的工作原理和实现方案。

    Introduce the design and implementation of a broadband Ethernet access switch used in information community . And we address to the Trunking technology in the paper .

  28. 小区中的宽带接入技术

    Broadband Techniques in Dwell in g Districts

  29. 主要介绍了智能小区的基本概念,小区宽带接入的现状,及以太网宽带接入技术。

    The paper introduces basic concept of smart dwelling districts , present condition of the broadband and the ethernet technique .