
  1. 通过分析发现,《小说大观》具有复杂而矛盾的新旧共存的过渡性特点。

    Find by way of analysing that " the Grand Magazine " possesses the complicated and contradictory new past transition characteristic that coexists .

  2. 相对于出现在这一时期的其它文学刊物,以兴味为主的《小说大观》从1915年创刊到1921年停刊前后持续长达七年之久,其生命期几乎贯穿了通俗文学转型的历史。

    In this period compared to other literary journal , " Novel Grand " existed from 1915 to 1921 , its life is almost through the history of popular literature transformation .

  3. 本文首先将《小说大观》放置于时代背景下,将其产生的多种因素作一梳理,为下面的刊物研究提供阐释的依据。

    This text , article , etc. is firstly laid up under the times background with " the Grand Magazine ", and many kinds of factors giving rise to his , for the publication of next is studied and is provided the basis explained .