
  • 网络sorting out chinese classics
  1. 试论整理国故运动对中国传统学术的传承

    Systematizing National Cultural Heritage And the Passing-down of Traditional Chinese Learning

  2. 从形式革命到整理国故&试论胡适对新文学的系统构建

    Dr. Hu Shi and the Systematic Construction of the New Literature

  3. 整理国故:站在传统与现代之间

    Sorting out the Traditional Civilization : between Tradition and Modernity

  4. 现代新儒家与整理国故运动

    Modern Neo-Confucianism and the Movement for Rearranging the National Heritage

  5. 整理国故运动的西学渊源探析

    Analysis on the west origin of the movement for rearranging the national heritage

  6. 整理国故与新文学秩序的建立

    Sorting out the national cultural heritage and the establishment of the modern literature order

  7. 资料搜集由1920-1930年代的“整理国故”逐渐转向田间作业。

    The research of data has slowly turned to fieldwork from researching in national cultural heritage in 1920s .

  8. 第二部分:四面楚歌:“整理国故”的困境。

    The second part : Double Predicament : the swamp of " Sorting out the traditional civilization " .

  9. 梁是新文化运动的骁将,他由反省现代性,归趋整理国故,仍不失其独立的地位。

    From critical reflection on modernity to sorting out the national cultural heritage , he always maintained his independent position .

  10. 在整理国故运动中,新文化人发掘了明清白话小说和历史悠久的古代白话文传统,为白话文运动寻找国语范本和历史的渊源;

    They explored Ming-Qing vernacular novels and ancient vernacular writings in order to look for a vernacular Chinese-language model and its historical origin .

  11. 当时知识界对这一事件大多持观望、否定的态度,鲁迅则坚决站在学生一边,与主张整理国故的文化界形成对峙,招致陈西滢等现代评论派人士的影射嘲讽,双方卷入笔战。

    At that time while the most scholars in the academic circle expressed negative attitude to the event , LuXun firmly supported the students .

  12. 中国近代图书馆的思想基础是国学,整理国故运动推进了近代图书馆的建设。

    It was " Chinese culture " that the thought foundation of China modern library . " Taking stock of the conventional " advance modern library cause .

  13. 由整理国故引起的现代思想与学术间的论战,也带来了文学话语的争夺。

    The controversy caused by sorting out the national cultural heritage between the modern thought and learning , also brought about the fight for the literature word leadership .

  14. 五四高潮后,他参与了整理国故的讨论,提出了独特的整理国故的方法。

    After the May Fourth Movement , he took part in the discussion on reorganizing of culture heritage and he brought forward a unique method for reorganizing of culture heritage .

  15. 五四时期两种整理国故活动的比较试论整理国故运动对中国传统学术的传承

    A Comparative Study of the Two Schools of National Cultural Heritage Sorting in the May 4th Movement Period ; Systematizing National Cultural Heritage And the Passing-down of Traditional Chinese Learning

  16. 新旧中西的对立与对话&试评新文化运动时期以胡适为中心的整理国故论争

    Antinomy and Intercommunion Between China and Western World Now and in the Past & Comment about the Controversy Focused on How to Coordinate Sino Past Led by HU Shi During the New Culture Movement

  17. 对于中国传统文化则反对全盘否定,主张借助西方科学的精神与方法,重新估价和整理国故,以发展新文化。

    He opposed completely denying Chinese traditional culture , and advocated borrowing the spirit and methods of the Western sciences to reassess and reorganize the national cultural heritage in order to develop a new culture .

  18. 五四新文化运动时期,他在研究问题,输入学理,整理国故过程中所取得的成绩,无一不是因为运用方法的得当。

    In the New Culture Movement period of the May Fourth Movement , the obtained achievements of studying the question , inputing and studying the science , criticizing the National Past are of having one apt method .

  19. 从国学研究会到国学院的短短历程和遭遇,集中地反映了20年代早期南北学术界在整理国故运动中的地缘与派分。

    The short and miserable history from " the Society of Sinology " to " the Academy of Sinology " reflects geographical divisions of southern and northern academia during the Chinese Antiquarian Movement in the early 1920s .

  20. 在学术上,他提出“整理国故”,对中国传统文学进行重估,赢得了“一代宗师”的盛誉。

    In the realm of learning , he urged the necessity for " sorting out our national cultural heritage , " and reevaluated the traditional Chinese literature , winning the high reputation of the " leading scholar of his time . "

  21. 曾在民国学界风行一时的整理国故运动确立了中国现代学术研究的新范式,但追根溯源,它在许多方面也仍然继承了中国传统学术。

    The prevailing systematization of national cultural heritage in the period of the People 's Republic determined the new paradigm of China 's modern academic research , but tracing its source shows that it has inherited traditional Chinese learning in many ways .

  22. 充分世界化是胡适主张向近代西方文化学习的原则,其所提倡的整理国故及其方法则是实现中西文化会通的具体方式和手段,旨在达到中国的文艺复兴。

    " wholehearted modernization " is the principle that Hu Shi learns from modern western culture , " arrange country reason " is an important means of sight that we can know the culture of Chinese and Western , and to realize China " the Renaissance " eventually .

  23. 整理国故的根本目的在于,通过对传统资源的开发,发掘有生机的旧传统,既为五四前期的启蒙思想寻找传统的支持,也为嫁接西方现代文化和再造文明寻找传统的根基。

    Their essential purpose of reorganizing national heritage was to discover those vigorous old traditions through developing traditional resources so as to seek traditional supports for enlightenment ideas appeared in the early period of the Movement and also seek traditional roots for remaking Chinese civilization through grafting modern Western culture .