
zhěnɡ hé tǐ xì
  • integrative system
  1. 基于知识管理的学术信息资源整合体系&对ISIWebofKnowledge的评介

    A Knowledge-Based Integrated System of Academic Information Resources & An Introduction to the ISI Web of Knowledge

  2. ISIWebofKnowledge是新一代的学术信息资源整合体系,是WEBOFSCIENCE的最新升级平台。

    ISI Web of Knowledge , the newly updated platform of Web of science , is the new generation of integrated system of academic information resources .

  3. 因为整合体系结构将决策交由一个ILOGJRules规则引擎执行,这个定制的事件处理器将用于创建一个ILOGJRules连接会话。

    Because the integration architecture externalizes the decision making to an ILOG JRules rule engine , the custom event handler is required to establish a session connecting to ILOG JRules .

  4. 论产险公司保险营销整合体系的建立

    On Setting Up Sales Conformity System of Property Insurance Company

  5. 陆相盆地中不整合体系与油气的不均一性运移

    Relationship between unconformity system and heterogeneous migration of petroleum in continental basins

  6. 论文最后对营销模式的研究做了归纳,提出了总结性质的便利连锁营销模式整合体系图。

    In the end , it summarized the integrated systematic chart to the marketing model .

  7. 下面概括了一个贷款申请场景在整合体系架构中是如何流转的。

    Following is an overview of how a loan application scenario would flow through the integration architecture .

  8. 环境和职业健康安全整合体系的因素识别、评价和控制

    Identification , Evaluation , and Control of the Factors of Environment and Occupational Health and Safety Integrated System

  9. 可以对其他组织整合体系的因素识别、评价和控制提供参考。

    This study may be also a reference to other organizations to identify factors , evaluate factors and control the factors for integrated system .

  10. 建立与实施环境和职业健康安全管理整合体系有利于企业降低管理成本、提高管理效益。

    To establish and implement the environment and occupational health and safety integrated management system would be beneficial in reducing the management cost and enhancing management benefit for enterprises .

  11. 同时,还就整合体系系统建立后可能出现的问题以及如何对体系进行维护和持续改进提出了见解。

    At the same time , for the possible problems that may occur after the integrated system established and how to system maintenance and continuous improvement put forward opinions .

  12. 这种社会整合体系是奠定在高度集权的计划经济体制、单一传统公有制经济、高度组织化的战略思想和革命组织模式以及城乡二元社会格局的基础上的。

    This social integration system has been built upon the foundation of highly-concentration , planned economic system , single traditional state-owned economy , highly-organized strategies , revolutionary organization and urban and rural dualism .

  13. 环境管理体系标准的改版加强了其与其他管理体系之间的协调性和兼容性,有利于进一步推动整合体系的建立与实施。

    The revision of the standard of environment management system strengthens its coordination and compatibility with other management systems , which would be favorable to promote the establishment and implementation of integrated system .

  14. 生命的物质基础和主宰物质是不同的,生命的物质基础是以核酸蛋白质整合体系为主宰的原生质各种必要的物质组分及其实在的相互作用;

    The substance basis of life , which is different from the dominant matter of life , is the various necessary elements of protoplasm dominated by the integrated system of nucleic acid and protein ;

  15. 以生态特区建设目标为依据,从生态环境建设、生态产业构建、生态文化孵育和生态城镇建设4个方面论述了生态特区建设内容整合体系。

    The system includes measurable indexes and immeasurable indexes , amount 60 . Moreover , this paper discussed contents system of Special Eco-region Construction , they are eco-environment improvement , eco-industry reconstruction , eco-culture incubation and eco-town construction .

  16. 改进环境和职业健康安全管理整合体系,以适应体系标准的发展变化,不断提高企业的现代安全健康管理水平是企业可持续发展的重要因素。

    To improve environment and occupational health and safety integrated system to adapt the development and change of system standards so as to uninterruptedly raise the level of modern management of occupational health and safety is an important factor for sustainable development of the enterprise .

  17. 指出由于企业知识资源的异质性,企业通过组建供应链联盟来建立企业层面的分工整合体系和知识交易的治理结构。

    Hereby the writer points out that firms build up the " inter-firm level " knowledge division system , or named knowledge transaction governance structure , in the way of building a supply chain alliance , because of the heterogeneity of the knowledge resource among different firms .

  18. DB2pureScaleFeature的其中一个重要的价值是整合到体系结构中的高可用性。

    One of the significant value propositions of the DB2 pureScale Feature is the high-availability characteristics integrated into the architecture .

  19. 构建了以流程为基础,以内外部评价相结合的体系运行评价体系,以E公司建立的整合标准体系的实例进行有效评价研究。

    The paper construct a process-based , the internal and external evaluation combined system and operate evaluation system .

  20. 质量、环境和健康安全整合管理体系在FPSO模块建造中的应用研究

    Study of the Integration of the Management System of Quality , Environment , Health and Safety for FPSO Modules Construction

  21. 对于企业集团内部控制的研究,为企业集团如何有效、合理借鉴COSO内部控制整合框架体系,构建匹配于企业集团自身的科学、合理的内部控制体系提供了有益的参考。

    The research of the internal control of an enterprise group provides an availability reference to the construction of a reasonable internal control system based on COSO Integrated Framework .

  22. Q-HSE整合管理体系在炼化企业的实践与运用

    Practice and Application of Q-HSE Conformity Management System in Petrochemical Enterprises

  23. 在分析评价指标体系的要素组成和建立评价指标体系的原则的基础上,建立了实施QMS、EMS和OHSAS整合管理体系企业的绩效综合评价的指标体系。

    Thirdly , this paper analyzed the constitution of the evaluation indexes and the principal to set up the system of the evaluation indexes . Thereby , it established the index system of performance evaluation for enterprises that implemented the integrated management system .

  24. 整合管理体系的审核&试论一体化审核

    The Scope of An Integrated Management SystemAudit & onIntegrated Audit

  25. 整合管理体系在奥的斯电梯公司的实施分析

    Application of Integrated Management System : OTIS Elevator China Company Case Study

  26. 整合型体系中环境管理的策划与实施

    The Scheme and Implementation of Environmental Management in Integrated System

  27. 工程监理企业建立三合一整合管理体系的必要性

    The Necessity of Engineering Supervision Enterprise Establishing Conformity Management System

  28. 整合管理体系成功的要求:澳大利亚组织的经验英

    Requirements for a Successful Integrated Management System : The Experiences of Australian Organisations

  29. 石油企业建立整合管理体系的探讨

    An Explorative Discussion on the Establishment of Integrated Management System in Oil Enterprises

  30. 整合管理体系实施效果的评价方法

    Evaluation Methods of Implementation Effect of Integrated Management Systems