
  • 网络INT;integer;integer variables
  1. 在BEGIN代码块中,我们将整型变量x初始化为零。

    In the BEGIN block , we initialize our integer variable x to zero .

  2. 这意味着在C程序中,可以编写inti=100来创建和初始化整型变量。

    This means that in a C program , you can write int I = 100 to create and initialize an integer variable .

  3. 那么,在一个小循环(tightloop)中,定义一个整型变量,最好类似这样

    So , the best declaration for an int variable in a tight loop would be

  4. 在Python中,函数是一类对象,与整型变量和容器对象相同。

    In Python , a function is a first-class object , like an integer variable or a container object .

  5. 化工过程综合问题MINLP算法中整型变量的连续化

    The Integer Variables Continuation Technique Used in MINLP Problem for Chemical Process Synthesis

  6. 本文还提供了一组在整型变量之间执行逐位运算的UDF。

    This article also offers a set of UDFs that perform bitwise operations between integer arguments .

  7. 逐位运算在其二进制形式的整型变量上执行逻辑AND、OR、EXLUSIVEOR和NOT运算。

    Bitwise operations perform logical AND , OR , EXLUSIVE OR , and NOT operations on binary representations of their integer arguments .

  8. 在外层,禁忌搜索算法用于最佳整型变量地遍历,而内层则充分利用SQP对NLP子优化问题进行快速求解。

    TS algorithm is used to deal with the integer variables in the outer loop to search the best integer value , and SQP is used to solve the sub-NLP in the inner loop to quickly obtain the best continuous value .

  9. 整型变量单极低通滤波器在微处理器中的实现方式

    Implemented ways of the Integer Variable Single Pole

  10. 本文给出了整型变量单极低通滤波器在微处理器中的三种实现方式。

    This paper presents three implemented Ways of Integer Variable single pole low pass filter in DSP .

  11. 初始化看起来很像赋值而且对整型变量区别很小。

    Initialization looks very much like assignment , and with integer variables , the difference is minor .

  12. 最后,本文讨论了一类具体的整型变量值分析的设计与实现,并利用其分析结果实现了数组越界检查。

    Finally , integer value analysis of which the result is used to check array bounds is discussed .

  13. 类型标签是一个整型变量,其中整数的值指明将要被处理的数据的类型。

    A typetag is an integer variable in which the value of the integer specifies the type of data being handled .

  14. 蚁群算法特别适合于整型变量优化的求解,从而为输电网络规划问题的求解开创了一条新的途径。

    Ant colony optimization is particularly suitable for solving the integer variables , which leads a new solution of power distribution network planning .

  15. 算法实现要考虑各种协议变量,整型变量是较难处理的一类变量,本文提出了整型变量的线性规划和区间细化算法,分别用来精确/近似求解系统变量,实现协议变量跟踪。

    We use integer variables to illustrate the implementation of the algorithm . Integer Linear Programming and Interval Refinement are used for precise and approximate variable tracing .

  16. 表示动态分配缓冲区大小的整型变量发生溢出,极有可能引发缓冲区溢出。

    When the integer overflow refers to the size of the buffer allocated dynamically , this kind of integer overflow is most likely to trigger buffer overflow .

  17. 提出了将无功补偿容量、变压器主变抽头和发电机节点电压3种类型的控制变量采用统一模式转化成整型变量的方法。

    A unified pattern to transform three kinds of control variables , i.e. , reactive power compensation , transformer tap and nodal voltage of generator , into integer variables is also presented .

  18. 传统的线性规划法和非线性规划法不能很好地处理整型变量问题,而简单遗传算法的鲁棒性不高。

    Traditional linear programming technique and non-linear programming technique can not deal with the problem of integer variable successfully , and the simple genetic algorithm ( SGA ) is not very robust .

  19. 根据这个特点,本文提出一种位向量搜索算法,该算法将多个通道映射为一个整型变量.这个变量即二进制位向量,每个通道对应变量中的一个位。

    According to this feature , we propose a bit vector search algorithm which maps multiple channels into an integer variable . This variable is the so-called bit vector . Each channel corresponds to a bit in the variable .

  20. 本文实现了一个分析工具原型,它将空指针解引用分析技术、整型变量取值范围分析技术、单链表可达性分析技术整合到一起,并允许使用者进行人工干预。

    A prototype tool has been developed . It integrates three typical data flow analysis techniques : null pointer dereference analysis , integer variable value interval analysis and the single-linked list reachability analysis , and offer the ability to interact with users .

  21. 本文对混合离散变量的优化问题进行了探讨,提出了将混合离散变量转换为单一的纯整型离散变量、并在整型空间内对全离散或混合离散变量、约束非线性问题进行优化设计的新方法。

    The paper studies the problem of mixed-discrete variable optimization , putting forward a mew methed to design optimally the problems of wholly-discrete variables , mixed-discrete ones and nonlinear constraint in the integral space .

  22. 在管壳式换热器设计中,由于离散的整型设计变量的存在,以及参变量管壁厚度跃变的影响,给优化方法的应用带来了困难。

    In the design of shell-type heat exchanger , it is difficult to adopt optimizing method because of the existence of discrete integral design variables and effect of parameters and variables on jump variation in wall thickness .

  23. 所以这里声明了一个整型数,一个叫做I的整型变量,把它初始化为。

    So this declares an integer , a variable of type int called I , 0 and initializes it to zero .