
  • 网络Integrated search;universal search
  1. 谷歌在中国的300多名工程师打造了该公司在全球各类特色服务的中国版本,包括整合搜索(UniversalSearch)、谷歌地图(GoogleMaps)、图片搜索以及语言工具等。

    Google 's more than 300 engineers in China built local versions of global features such as universal search , Google Maps , image search and language tools .

  2. 最后,我们也为第三方软件按开发者整合搜索到其程序里提供便利。

    Finally , we 've made it easy for third party developers to incorporate search into their applications , too .

  3. “解决断网问题、提高搜索质量、让整合搜索呈现得更完美”&这是谷歌中国创立后最专注的事情。

    " Solve the broken network problems , improve search quality , the integrated search rendered more perfect " - this is Google , after the creation of China 's most focused thing .

  4. 例如,谷歌已开始整合搜索、邮件和在线字处理服务:如果目的是要使查找、组织和交流信息更简便,那么这几个方面就需要更好地结合起来。

    Google , for example , has started to integrate search , mail and online word-processing services : if the aim is to make it simpler to find , organise and communicate information , then these things need to fit together better .

  5. 这些理由包括:安全性的改善,整合的搜索能力,更好的通讯和多媒体选项。当然,还有带透明窗口的圆角的Aero界面。

    Among them are improved security , integrated search capabilities , better communications and multimedia options and , of course , the sleek Aero interface with its see-through windows .

  6. 然后整合到搜索结果中

    and we will integrate into our search results .

  7. 利用百度指数,我们给大家整合了搜索最多的位居前八名的美食。

    Using Baidu Trend Indexes , we 've compiled the 8 top foods people are searching for on the Internet .

  8. 于是我们有了一个想法,开放一个接口,让拥有数据,以及容量的人,能够将其提交给我们,然后整合到搜索结果中。

    We came up with this idea that we open up the interface so that people who owns the data , who owns the content , can submit it to us and we will integrate into our search results .

  9. 可以通过整合多个搜索引擎的搜索结果来解决覆盖率不足的问题。

    These problems , the coverage / rates shortfall can be solved through the integration of multiple search engine search results .

  10. 必应在美国搜索市场的份额一直在缓慢地增长,而且它目前正与Facebook共同努力将社交网络数据整合到必应搜索结果中,以提高它们的地位。

    Bing has been slowly increasing its share of American searches and is working with Facebook on integrating social-networking data into its results in a bid to improve them .

  11. 科研单位中竞争情报搜集整合的企业级搜索工具

    The Effective Tool of Enterprise Internal Competitive Intelligence 's Search and Conformity & Enterprise Search