
  • 网络link analysis;link-analysis;hyperlink analysis
  1. 结合内容与链接分析搜索特定主题的权威Web信息源

    Searching Topic-specific Authoritative Information Sources on the Web with Content and Link Analysis

  2. Web结构挖掘中基于熵的链接分析法

    Entropy-based link analysis algorithm for web structure mining

  3. 基于链接分析的Web社区发现技术的研究

    Research on Technologies of Discovering Web Community Based on Hyperlink Analysis

  4. Web链接分析是网站评价时广泛采取的一种方法。

    Web links analysis is a popular method in Web sites evaluation .

  5. 文章提出了一种利用内容计算和链接分析相结合来进行Web话题跟踪的方法。

    This paper presents an approach that combine the hyperlink analysis with content computing .

  6. 应用链接分析的web搜索结果聚类

    Clustering of Web Search Results Using Link Analysis

  7. Web关键资源发现中的链接分析技术

    Link Analysis in Web Key Resources Discovery

  8. 本文系统介绍了WEB信息采集和文本自动分类模型中应用的数据挖掘,在WEB信息采集中对WEB结构挖掘&超链接分析算法进行研究。

    Also Data Mining of text audio categorization model and WEB information collecting are stated completely in the article .

  9. 本文运用链接分析方法,探讨了我国38所985工程院校网站Web空间内部的链接情况。

    This paper studies the internal links in web space of 38 colleges of 985 project by employing hyperlink analysis .

  10. Web结构挖掘是Web挖掘技术里的一个重要方面,它是一种链接分析技术,目前这种技术在数据挖掘领域具有举足轻重的作用。

    It is a technology applied to link analysis and plays a decisive role in the field of data mining .

  11. 一种更稳定的链接分析算法&子空间HITS算法

    A More Stable Link Analyze Algorithm - Subspace HITS

  12. 本文首先介绍了Web搜索中链接分析技术的发展概况和相关技术,并且分析了现有的一些用于站内搜索的方法。

    This paper first introduces the development and details of web link analysis technology , and then introduces some enhanced link analysis technology using in the website search .

  13. 基于网站目录及链接分析的Spider爬行策略的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Web Directory and Link Relationship Based Spider Crawling Strategy

  14. WWW上链接分析算法的若干研究

    Studies of the Hyperlink Analysis Algorithms in WWW

  15. 基于链接分析的学术性WWW网络资源评价与分类方法

    Link-based Quantitative Evaluation Method for Academic WWW Resources

  16. HITS是一种应用广泛的基于链接分析的权威资源提取算法,具有很高的研究价值。

    HITS is a widely used authority source distilling algorithm which based hyperlink analysis and has high value for study .

  17. WWW网页链接分析为计量学开辟了新的研究和应用领域,对网页链接进行分析,可以使研究结果更加科学化和精确化。

    The analysis of links on WWW pages has opened a brand new research and application area for informetrics .

  18. 链接分析度量是针对OO类图模型质量的一种度量方法。

    The link-analysis metric is a kind of design metric to the quality of OO class diagram .

  19. WWW网页链接分析的内容主要包括:链接和被链接量、链接网页的类型、链接的频次和变化、链接网页之间的关系和网络电子图书、期刊引证分析。

    The main contents of the analysis of links on WWW pages include the numbers , types , frequencies and citation of links .

  20. 有效地使用链接分析度量,使OO设计符合Riel规则,可以及早发现问题,提出改进意见,从而提高OO软件的质量。

    Using the link-analysis metric efficiently may find the design question early and improve OO design quality .

  21. 第二代搜索引擎是基于链接分析的排序,如百度的超链分析和Google的PageRank都属于链接分析排序技术。

    The second generation search engine is based on the sorting of link analysis , such as Hyperlink Analysis from Baidu and PageRank from Google .

  22. 该爬虫的搜索算法是对Authoritiesandhubs算法的改进,采用了Web超链接分析和网页文本内容相结合的启发式搜索策略。

    This crawler uses the search algorithm both based on Web hyperlink structure and page content , and improves on Authorities and hubs algorithm . The details of structure and design are introduced .

  23. 本文对比分析了HITS算法和PageRank算法的性能,进而确定了PageRank作为链接分析算法。

    The thesis analyzes the HITS algorithm and PageRank algorithm performance , then determines to use the PageRank as the link analysis algorithm .

  24. 为了解决这个问题,在原有HITS算法的基础上,引入了香农信息熵的概念,提出了基于熵的网页链接分析方法来挖掘网页结构。

    In order to solve this problem , Shannon information entropy is introduced to HITS algorithm , thus the entropy-based link analysis algorithm is presented to mine Web informative structures .

  25. 基于链接分析的PageRank算法是目前应用最广泛的页面排序算法。

    The PageRank algorithm , the most widely used page sorting algorithm , is based on the Web linking structure analysis .

  26. 本文利用了超链接分析算法的成果,提出一种基于源网页质量的锚文本相似度计算方法&LAAT(LinkAidAnchorText)。

    In this paper , using the fruit of the link analysis algorithms , we propose a new method to calculate the similarity of the anchor text based on the quality of the source web page-LAAT ( Link Aid Anchor Text ) .

  27. 原创网页排序算法继承PageRank算法基于链接分析可以离线计算的优势,更具鼓励原创的特点。

    This algorithm inherits the advantage of PageRank algorithm which is able to compute offline ; it features more on encouraging original creative works .

  28. 结论表明Riel规则指出了OO设计应避免创建上帝(God)类,链接分析度量能够识别出具有上帝(God)角色的类,指导设计者的设计遵守Riel规则。

    The result is that Riel heuristic imposes OO design should avoid creating God class , the link-analysis metric can recognize God class and direct a design to abide to Riel heuristic .

  29. 在所有对页面进行链接分析并提取分组的算法中,HITS算法是应用最为广泛的一种事后分析算法,目前在不少的Web结构挖掘系统中都有相关的应用。

    In all related algorithms carrying on link analysis and extracting group , HITS ( Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search ) is a kind of afterwards parsing algorithm that most widely used . At present there are many related applications in Web structure mining system .

  30. 主要创新工作和成果如下:第一,提出PageRank链接分析算法的存储优化方法。

    The main innovation contributions of this paper are listed below : First , this paper proposes a storing method of PageRank algorithm based on link analysis .