
huǒ chē piào
  • Train tickets;railway ticket
  1. 当验票时,他出示火车票。

    He produced his railway ticket when asked to do so .

  2. 每个人都出示火车票以供查验。

    Everyone produced their railway ticket for inspection .

  3. 火车票提价激起了公愤。

    The rise in train fares has aroused public indignation .

  4. 他几乎买不起火车票。

    He could barely afford the railway fare .

  5. 你最好提前预订火车票。

    You 'd better reserve the train ticket in advance .

  6. 倒卖火车票是违法的。

    It is illegal to scalp train tickets .

  7. 去大连的火车票在那个窗口卖。

    Train tickets to Dalian are sold at that window .

  8. 我买上火车票了。

    I 've got the train ticket .

  9. 他回家心切,还没放暑假就买好了火车票。

    He was so anxious to return home that he had booked a train ticket before the vacation began .

  10. 火车票又涨了。

    Train fares are rising again .

  11. 她需要一款能让她更方便地购买火车票或飞机票的app。

    She needs an app that can make it easier for her to buy train or airline tickets .

  12. 去北京的火车票半小时前就卖完了

    Train tickets to Beijing were sold out half an hour ago . ( sell )

  13. 我的爱好没有你的花费多——我收集车票、公共汽车票和火车票。

    My hobby doesn ' t cost as much as yours — I collect tickets , bus tickets and train tickets .

  14. 我舍不得把这么多钱花在火车票上。

    I begrudge spending so much money on train fares .

  15. “打折失明症”的例子包括降价汽油的诱惑,其实当司机多开了5英里车到了加油站时,有可能总的花费还更高;还有往返火车票特价,其实单买两张去程和返程票反而更便宜。

    Examples of bargain blindness include the lure1 of cut-price petrol , which may cost motorists more by the time they 've driven the extra five miles to get it , and " deals " on return train tickets , when two singles would be cheaper .

  16. B我可以帮你买火车票。

    BI can help you buy your ticket .

  17. 想购买火车票吗,那就直接输入12306.cn。

    Want to purchase train tickets ? It 's as easy as 12306.cn .

  18. 买到火车票并不保证你有座位。

    Buying a train ticket doesn 't guarantee you a seat .

  19. 他们订购了三张去北京的火车票。

    They have booked three seats on the train to Beijing .

  20. 火车票查询系统中语音识别的研究及实现

    Research and Implementation of Speech Recognition in Train Ticket Query System

  21. 火车票也并不比飞机票便宜多少。

    Train tickets are not that much cheaper than airline tickets .

  22. 铁道部将在12月10日推出新版火车票。

    Ministry of Railways will introduce new edition tickets from December10th .

  23. 我们准备去买火车票。

    We are going to the train station to buy tickets .

  24. 单向火车票动态分配优化模型与软件实现

    Optimization Model of One-way Railway Tickets Dynamic Distribution and Software Realization

  25. 儿童和老人能买廉价火车票。

    Children and the elderly are entitled to cheap train tickets .

  26. 昨天我不得不排队4个小时去买火车票。

    In line for4 hours to buy a train ticket yesterday .

  27. 直到本周末,前往其他城市的所有火车票都已售磬。

    Trains leaving the city are fully booked until the weekend .

  28. 去巴黎的火车票售价是77法郎。

    The ticket fare of the train for pairs is77 Franc .

  29. 他赶紧打的回家取他的火车票。

    He hurries home to get his train ticket by taxi .

  30. 我正因为没钱买火车票,才打电话。

    Phoning because I have no money for the train ticket .