
  • 网络incremental update;incremental updating;incremental refresh
  1. MSOLAP数据立方自动增量更新的程序实现

    Programming of Automatic and Incremental Update of Data Cube in MS OLAP

  2. 一种基于Dwarf的快速有效增量更新算法

    A Dwarf-based Fast and Efficient Incremental Update Algorithm

  3. 基于B(V)的关系数据库视图增量更新的研究

    Research on B ( V ) - Based Incremental View Maintenance in Relational Database Systems

  4. 一种基于维层次聚集树的Cube增量更新算法

    Novel Incremental Update Algorithm of the Cube Based on Dimension Hierarchy Aggregate Tree

  5. 在数字村镇增量更新系统的基础上,采用Visualc++2005底层开发,对本文的理论和算法进行了验证。

    Verified theory and algorithm of the thesis based on the " Digital Village Incremental Update System " using Visual C + + 2005 kernel development technology .

  6. 一种实现TCAM快速增量更新的算法

    A New Algorithm to Realize Fast Incremental Updates of TCAMs

  7. 本文给出一种新的关系数据库视图增量更新所基于的理论&B(V)理论,对其进行了充分的阐述和论证,并且通过结合具体例子介绍它的高效运用。

    This paper provides a new theory named B ( V ) for incremental view maintenance in relational database systems , describes and demonstrates it in detail , and shows its efficient applications with detailed examples .

  8. 空间数据更新是GIS领域的研究热点,增量更新由于其方式灵活、能更好地保证空间数据库的现势性,成为空间数据库更新的主要发展趋势。

    The update of spatial data is a hot issue in GIS . The incremental update will be a major trend to spatial database update because it is flexible and easier to ensure the verisimilitude of the spatial database .

  9. 在分析和研究关联规则挖掘算法以及关联规则增量更新的基础上,本文引入了基于COFI-树挖掘算法,以改进FP-Growth算法挖掘效率。

    Based on these , to improve the efficiency of mine association rule , we introduce the COFI-tree mining algorithm .

  10. 本文提出了基于GIS的地图表达机制,在GIS中融入地图制图功能,既便于地理数据库驱动下的地图制图,又便于地图的增量更新。

    A cartographic representation mechanism based on GIS is discussed in this paper . It integrates the function of cartography with GIS , which is both easy to perform the cartography driven by geo-spatial database and to update the map incrementally .

  11. 该文在FP树的基础上,引入支持度函数的概念,对FP树进行改造,提出了一种关于挖掘关联规则的增量更新算法IFPgrowth。

    Firstly the concept of support function is introduced . Then an incremental updating model is presented , which contains the construction of IFP-tree and IFP-tree growth algorithm .

  12. Percolator是专门针对处理增量更新而设计,但不是用于取代大多现有的数据处理解决方案。

    Percolator was built specifically for incremental processing and is not intended to supplant existing solutions for most data processing tasks .

  13. 该算法充分发挥了Hash函数查找快速的特点,对IP数据包的分类能够以T位的线速进行处理,同时算法还具有支持较大的匹配规则集、支持增量更新等特点。

    The algorithm can make use of the fast search of Hash algorithm , and can process IP classification with the Tbps links speed . At the same time , the algorithm has the characteristics of supporting big rule set and increasing update .

  14. 另外,本文根据不同类别的URL提供不同的更新算法,合理地实现了数据的增量更新。

    Unlike other studies , they only take into account the importance of the page or the update frequency , this paper according to different types of URL updates provided by different algorithms to achieve a reasonable incremental updates of data .

  15. 通过对挖掘关联规则增量更新中FUP算法的关键思想以及性能进行了研究,提出了改进的FUP算法SFUP。

    An improved incremental updating algorithm SFUP is developed based on study of the principle and efficiency of FUP algorithm .

  16. 实验表明改进后算法比FP-Growth算法具有更好的性能。然后,在数据库记录增加的情况下,提出了一种高效的最大频繁项目集的增量更新问题。

    Experiments show that the time and space for the improved algorithm have reduced significantly compared to FP-Growth mining . Then , Increase in the case of database records , a Maximum frequent item-sets of the most efficient incremental update problem .

  17. 在DHAC中进行数据插入和删除等数据更新时,由下向上用更新前后的差值对受到更新结点影响的所有祖先结点进行增量更新。

    The DHAC can incrementally update all the affected ancestor notes while updating the data cell by insertion and deletion in it . The DHAC can also incrementally update without being recreated while being added new dimension data in it .

  18. 分析现有的增量更新算法优点与缺点,设计一种改进的增量更新算法FIUA,解决入侵检测规则集更新过程中存在的实时性不足等问题。

    We analysis of the existing advantages and disadvantages of incremental update algorithms , Design an improved algorithm for incremental update : FIUA , to solve the real-time shortage of rule set update of Intrusion detection . 3 .

  19. 3属性约简的增量更新:提出了两种算法。

    Incremental update of attribute reduct : two algorithms are proposed .

  20. 关联规则中一种负增量更新算法的探讨

    Exploration of a Negative Incremental Updating Algorithm for Mining Association Rules

  21. 为移动终端增量更新奠定了基础。

    The approaches lay the foundation for GPMS terminal incremental updating .

  22. 支持快速增量更新的包分类算法研究

    The Research of Packet Classification Algorithm with Fast Incremental Update Support

  23. 基于多维桶的K-匿名表增量更新算法

    Algorithms for incremental update of K-anonymity table based on multi-dimension bucket

  24. 交易数据库的加权关联规则增量更新算法

    The Incremental Updating Algorithm of Weighted Association Rules Based on Transaction Database

  25. 第二次土地调查数据库增量更新研究

    Solution of Database Increment Revision for the Second Land Investigation

  26. 将增量更新一到多个专用维度。

    One or more private dimensions will be incrementally updated .

  27. 抽样技术在序列模式增量更新中的应用

    The application of sample in incremental update of sequence pattern

  28. 增量更新技术在数据挖掘原型系统中的应用

    An Application of Incremental Updating in Data Mining Archetypal System

  29. 增量更新此多维数据集中使用的共享维度。

    Incrementally update the shared dimensions used in this cube .

  30. 数据仓库中实视图聚集函数的增量更新

    Incremental updates of aggregate functions of materialized view in the data warehouse