
  • 网络Solubilization;solubilization action;solubilisation
  1. 得出在SDS和Tween-80存在的情况下,增溶作用和分配作用共同影响着苯吸附。

    Obtained at SDS and Tween-80 exist , the solubilization and distribution affect the role of co-adsorption of benzene .

  2. 浊点萃取技术(CloudPointExtraction,CPE)是近年来出现的一种新兴的液-液萃取技术,它是以表面活性剂胶束水溶液的浊点现象和增溶作用为基础。

    Recently , cloud point extraction ( CPE ) as a new liquid-liquid extraction technique has been widely accepted . It is based on the cloud point phenomenon of surfactant and micellar solution solubilization .

  3. MAC与Kmc和CMC的关系可有效的预言阴-非混合表面活性剂对多环芳烃的增溶作用。

    The correlation of MAC with Kmc and CMC can be utilized to predict the solubilization capability of HOCs by anionic-nonionic mixed surfactants .

  4. 结果HPβCD对药物具有较好的增溶作用,伊曲康唑注射液的pH值、渗透压、澄明度等性质均符合要求。

    Results Itraconazole is effectively solubilized by HP - β - CD . The physical properties of the itraconazole inclusion complexes injection , which included pH , clarity , osmotic pressure and viscosity were tested .

  5. 增溶作用主要是由于PAH与β-CD形成包合物而引起的,增溶作用的大小与包合物分子的大小和lgK(ow)有关。

    The solubilization effect of β - CD is caused by formation of inclusion complexes of PAHs with β - CD .

  6. 实验结果表明,对农药的增溶作用或光解的影响主要是由于农药与βCD或HPCD形成包合物而引起的。

    The results indicate that two hydrophobic pesticides can form the inclusion complexes with β - CD and HPCD causes the influence of β - CD and HPCD on their solubilization or photodegradation .

  7. 增溶作用主要是由于农药与βCD或HPCD形成包合物而引起的。

    The solubilization effect of HPCD on the pesticides was more significant than that of β CD . The solubilization effect was caused by the formation of inclusion complexes of pesticides with β CD or HPCD .

  8. 环糊精空腔与PCBs的疏水作用是产生增溶作用的基础,PCBs的疏水性越强,HPCD对之增溶效果越好。

    Hydrophobic interaction between HPCD cavity and PCB molecules is the basis of solubilization of PCBs by HPCD , as a result , the solubilization effect is better if the PCB congener is more hydrophobic .

  9. WSP-2对PE/EVA共混物有增溶作用,可降低其结晶度。

    The compatibility of PE / EVA blend is enhanced by WSP-2 and its crystallinity is however reduced .

  10. 当X>1CMC时,增加的MPB对萘主要起胶束增溶作用,Kd值则随MPB浓度增加而急剧下降,而后趋于缓和,1/Kd与X呈线性关系;

    When X > 1CMC the Kd value decreases rapidly with increase of MPB concentration , due to enhancement of naphthalene solubility by increase of MPB , and then tends to ease up and linear relationship appears between 1 / Kd and X.

  11. 方法:分别采用紫外吸收光谱法、相溶解度法研究了3种环糊精(CDs)在水溶液中对PGE1的包合作用、增溶作用及包合过程中热力学参数的变化。

    Methods : The intermolecular reaction between the host and the guest agents , soluble effects of 3 CDs on PGE1 in aqueous solution and changes of thermodynamic profiles in the complexation were determined by UV absorption spectra and the phase solubility .

  12. 采用动态光散射、ζ电势等方法研究了季铵盐二聚表面活性剂(C12-8-C12?2Br)和十二烷基三甲基溴化铵(DTAB)在卵磷脂囊泡中的增溶作用。

    The solubilization process of quaternary ammonium surfactants within lecithin vesicles has been studied by means of optical density monitoring , dynamic light scattering ( DLS ) and ζ - potential .

  13. 分配系数测定表明此结果与O/W微乳液对BPHA有更好的增溶作用有关。

    This result showed by measurement of distribution constant KD was related to the greater solubilization capacity of BPHA in the built-up O / W microemulsion system than that in the mixed micell .

  14. 研究了一种高水溶性的环糊精衍生物羟丙基-β-环糊精(HPCD)溶液对甲基对硫磷的增溶作用、土壤中甲基对硫磷的洗脱去除作用以及对甲基对硫磷的光降解作用。

    A highly water-soluble derivate of β - cyclodextrin , hydroxypropyl - β - cyclodextrin ( HPCD ) solution was studied for its solubilization action of methyl-parathion , elution removal action of methyl-parathion in soil , and photodegradation action of methyl-parathion .

  15. 结果表明:PVP对C12NCl的表面张力和增溶作用影响较弱,但明显降低AS的表面张力,并形成复合物,提高了对DMAB的增溶量。

    The experimental results indicate that PVP only slightly change the surface tension and ability of solubilization of C 12 NCl solution , while evidently weakens the surface tension of AS solution and enhances the solubilized amount of DMAB in AS solution through forming polymer-surfactant complex .

  16. 研究了阴-非离子混合表面活性剂对重非水相液体(DNAPLs)的增溶作用及机理;

    The solubilization of dense nonaqueous phase liquids ( DNAPLs ) by mixed surfactants was investigated in detail and the mechanisms of solubility enhancements and reduction in partitioning of nonionic surfactant into organic phases were presented .

  17. 考察了无机盐离子Na+、Mg2+和Ca2+对增溶作用的影响,以期为土壤和地下水重非水相液体(DNAPLs)污染提供新的修复途径。

    It has also investigated the influence of inorganic ions Na + , Mg2 + and Ca2 + upon the solubilization . As a result , our study enables us to supply a new remediation method for the contaminated soil and groundwater by dense non-aqueous phase liquids ( DNAPLs ) .

  18. 染色助剂对高温下分散染料的增溶作用研究

    Dyeing Auxiliaries Applied to Solubilization of Disperse Dyes at High Temperature

  19. 尼莫地平固体分散体和微粉的制备与增溶作用的研究

    Preparation and Research of Solubilization of Nimodipine Solid Dispersion and Micropowder

  20. 不同类型表面活性剂对1,2,4-三氯苯的增溶作用

    Solubilization of 1 , 2 , 4-Trichlorobenzene by Different Type Surfactants

  21. 潜溶剂和环糊精对难溶性药物的联合增溶作用

    Combined effect of cosolvent and cyclodextrin on solubilization of insoluble drugs

  22. 人体吸收胆固醇所必需的微胞增溶作用

    Micellar solubilisation of cholesterol is essential for absorption in humans

  23. 甲基-β-环糊精对麸皮黄酮的增溶作用

    Enhanced solubility of flavonoids by inclusion with methyl - β - cyclodextrin

  24. 羧甲基-β-环糊精的溶血作用及对槲皮素的增溶作用

    Synthesis of carboxymethyl - β - cyclodextrin and its hemolysis and solubilization

  25. 腐殖酸钠和表面活性剂对黄土中石油污染物解吸增溶作用

    Desorption enhancement of diesel by humic sodium and surfactants in loess soil

  26. 羊毛用分散染料染色助剂增溶作用的研究

    Study on solubilization effect of dyeing auxiliaries on disperse dyes for wool

  27. 面筋蛋白增溶作用研究进展

    The progress of study on the solubilization of wheat gluten

  28. 新型匀染剂对分散染料的增溶作用

    The Solubilization of New Uniform Dyeing Auxiliary on Disperse Dyes

  29. 2-羟丙基-β-环糊精对那他霉素的增溶作用

    The solubilization and stabilization effect of 2-hydroxypropyl - β - cyclodextrin on natamycin

  30. 增溶作用是分散剂的一个重要性质。

    Solubilization is an important property of dispersion agent .