
  • 网络Value added;added value
  1. 将制造业的人力资本价值分为个人人力资本静态价值和人力资本增值价值,选用适当指标,用主成分分析法定量评估出制造业人力资本价值。

    In the paper , human capital is divided in two parts : static value and added value . Paper chooses proper index to evaluate the human capital by principal component analysis .

  2. 通过把顾客价值作为绩效评价标准的出发点,实现增值价值的目标克服了传统增强责任性与改善绩效目标之间的冲突。

    By viewing the customer value as a the starting point of performance evaluation criteria , the goal to achieve added value overcome the conflict of traditional goal of between enhancing accountability and improving the performance .

  3. 服务提供商以ICT服务作为发展的重点方向,希望能借助ICT服务为客户打造增值价值链,对于电信运营商也可以实现从传统语音通信运营商向综合信息服务提供商的平稳转型。

    In order to build ICT service value chain for customers , service providers consider ICT services as the development direction . Meanwhile operators take advantage of ICT service to transform from voice communication providers to comprehensive information service providers .

  4. 同时具有可增值价值的包装设计历久弥坚。

    Society and economy require package design have incremental value .

  5. 品牌资产的价值由成本价值和增值价值两部分构成,具有积累性、不稳定性等特征。

    Its value is composed of cost value and increment value , and is characterized by accumulation and unstability , etc.

  6. 最后,分析了顾客导向下我国政府绩效审计增值价值目标的实现途径。

    Finally , this paper analyzes the realization approach of the goal of value-added under customer-oriented government performance audit of China .

  7. 现代社会商业飞速发展,在商品的原始价值都处于同质饱和的状态下,增加包装设计的可增值价值无疑能为商品增强竞争力。

    In modern society , commerce develop with high speed , the original value of commodity is in the same condition .

  8. 价值观概括了生产价值的增值价值属性,成本观概括了商品价值的市场价格属性,产权观概括了分配价值属性,但难于将价值观、成本观和产权观统一起来。

    Value concept summarizes value-added attribute of producing value , cost concept summarizes Market pricing attribute of commodity value , and property concept summarizes the attribute of value distribution .

  9. “壳”作为一种特殊的经济资源,具有多重的价值,具体体现在股权融资价值、股东权益增值价值、无形资产价值、优化资源配置价值和社会贡献价值等几个方面。

    As a type of special economic resources , it has multiple values , concretely reflected in such aspects as equity financing , increase in owners'equity , intangible assets , optimization of resource allocation , and social contribution .

  10. 依据期货业客户管理特点构建了期货业客户价值预测模型,提出基于客户当前价值和增值价值的两维聚类细分方法。

    According to the characteristics of customer management in futures industry , it proposes a customer value predicting model and a set of algorithms for futures industry , and a two-dimension clustering segmentation method of current and expected value is presented .

  11. 其次,对增值价值的内涵与其评价方面进行了阐述,探讨了增值价值计量与政府绩效审计评价标准之间的关系,并提出顾客导向下政府绩效审计的目标是实现增值价值。

    Secondly , this paper describes value-added content and it ' evaluation aspects , discusses the relation between value-added measure and the evaluation criteria of government performance audit , and proposes the objectives of the government performance audit is to achieve added value under customer-oriented .

  12. 紧接着对3G和移动互联网环境分析,从而得出移动互联网产业链格局更加开放,以运营商为核心的增值业务价值链向以用户为中心转移两个方面的变化。

    Then on 3G and mobile Internet environment analysis , to arrive at the mobile Internet industry chain structure is more open to operators as the core value chain of value-added services to the user as the focus shifted to the changes in two aspects .

  13. 其中每一环节都是房地产商的最终产品增值的价值活动。

    All of the links of the marketing are aimed at the final product increment for the real estate owners .

  14. 资本是可以增值的价值,虚拟资本是可以带来货币收入的价值符号。

    Capital is a value that can be increased in value , while virtual capital is a value symbol that can bring monetary revenue .

  15. 企业内的知识转移与共享是知识资本持续增值与价值实现的关键环节。

    The knowledge transferring and sharing within corporation is one of the key links for the continuous value addition and value realization for knowledge capital .

  16. 在知识输入、知识活动与知识输出的过程中,每一阶段的演进都可提供下一阶段的知识增值,价值的输出又可以推动新一轮的知识的输入,构成循环。

    In this process , the evolution at every stage can provide the value-added knowledge of the next stage , and the value of output can also promote a new round of the input of the knowledge .

  17. 涨价,增值价格或价值方面的增长增长百分之一的数值

    An increase of price or value . number of one percent increment

  18. 在市场经济条件下,高新技术企业从事技术创新活动最直接的目的就是获得最大限度的价值增值,从价值增值最大化这个角度可以对高新技术企业技术创新能力进行分析。

    The hi-tech enterprise engages in innovation activities for maximizing value incremental .

  19. 这个周期中相互衔接、相互依存的价值阶段由一系列创造价值的活动组成,这些活动构成项目不断增值的工程价值链。

    These stages and activities form the project value chain in which the value is Continuously developed .

  20. 金融商品是一种特殊商品,具有价值保值和增值的使用价值;

    Financial goods , as a kind of special goods , is of use value featuring value maintenance and value increase .

  21. 将企业风险管理和企业战略结合起来,最终增值权益资本价值是现代企业风险管理最大特色。

    Linking critical risks with business strategies to improve shareholders capital value is the great characteristics of modern enterprise risk management .

  22. 经济利润为会计利润扣减资本成本的剩余收益,是评价资本增值和股东价值的重要指标。

    Economic profit , as a surplus profit , is the important index to evaluate capital value increase and stockholder 's profit .

  23. 高新技术企业的产出分为有形价值增值、无形价值增值,其中有形价值增值分为产品或服务价值、有形智力资本。

    The out-put of hi-tech enterprises are divided into tangible and intangible value-add , and the tangible includes products and service , tangible intellectual capital .

  24. 德性是人的情感欲望与理性相互交融互通的结果,是一种可以增值的精神价值资源。

    Virtue is the result that the emotion and desire of man are combined with his reason . It is a kind of spirited resource that can accrue .

  25. 当β值等于2时,If,β,表明若市场组合增值,股票价值就增长了20%,以此类推。

    Is two , 10 % it means that if the market goes up10 % in value , the stock tends to go up20 % in value and so on .

  26. 介绍了企业管理审计的重要性,从内部审计的定义、管理审计的发展趋势等方面进行了论述,指出管理审计的目的是促使企业增值,实现价值的最大化。

    The importance of enterprise management auditing is introduced . With the discussions on the definition of internal audit , development trend of management audit and other aspects author points out that the goals of management audit is to realize appreciation and maximization in asset value .

  27. 本文评述了Kaizen控制和ABM模式的特征;提出了以作业增值分析、作业价值乘数分析和作业效率分析为内容的作业基础成本改善控制模型,并阐述了该模型中的关键实施过程;

    This paper discusses the characteristics of Kaizen control and ABM mode , proposes an activity-based cost Kaizen control model , which aims to analyze activity value addition , activity value multiplier and activity efficiency , then expatiates on the key implementing processes , and finally draws a conclusion .

  28. 我国移动增值业务产业链价值分配模式研究

    The Research of Distribution Mode of Mobile Value-Added Services Industry Chain in Our Country

  29. 分析了制造业企业供应链的时间消耗,根据时间消耗的特性分为价值增值时间和非价值增值时间;

    The paper analyzes the expended time in the supply chain of manufacturing industry .

  30. 地理标志产品经济增值潜力的产业价值链分析

    The Analysis on Industrial Value Chain of Geographical Indication Product 's Economic Increment Potential