
  1. 根据现实的盈利困境,笔者总结出SNS中的品牌关系构建、SNS与电子商务联合经营的多元广告模式,以及对广告模式的纵深化思考。

    According to the profitability of the real plight , I summed up the diverse advertising model including the brand relationship building between SNS , SNS and e-commerce joint venture , as well as the depth thinking of advertising .

  2. 基于儒家人际关系理论的品牌关系管理研究

    Study of Brand Relationship Management Based on Confucianism Human Relationship Theory

  3. 基于此,本研究提出了一个品牌关系指数模型(BRI模型),具体分解为指标体系、指标权重和合成方法等三部分研究。

    In this research , the author deduces the Brand Relationships Index model ( BRI model ), which consists of three studies : indicator system , indicator weight and indicator compounding .

  4. 本研究使用中国消费者&品牌关系质量(CBRQ)量表,从高低两种关系水平情境检验并解释了中外企业品牌资产的差异,识别了国产品牌的局部优势。

    Using CBRQ scale , the author explains the differences of brand equity between local brands and foreign brands under two relationship situations high-relationship level and low-relationship level , and identifies the partial advantage of the local brands .

  5. 品牌关系对顾客重购行为产生直接影响;

    Thirdly , brand relationships has direct impact on repurchasing behavior ;

  6. 如何打造房地产品牌关系。

    How to make the brand relation of the real estate .

  7. 品牌关系倾向对消费者态度及行为的影响

    The Effects of Brand Relationship Orientation on Consumer Attitudes and Behavior

  8. 品牌关系理论研究述评:视角、主题和核心观点

    Review of Brand Relationship Research : Views , Themes and Core Issues

  9. 品牌关系管理是当今品牌管理的一个全新理念。

    Brand relationship management is a new idea of current brand management .

  10. 构建强势品牌关系的动因分析

    Game Analysis on Impetus in Constructing the Strong Brand Relationship

  11. 品牌关系指数模型研究:一个量表开发的视角

    Study of Brand Relationships Index Model : A perspective of Scale Development

  12. 第二:微博互动通过互动效用间接影响品牌关系质量。

    Secondly : interactive weibo by utility indirect influence brand relationship quality .

  13. 品牌关系三维结构的实证研究

    An Empirical Study of the Three Dimensions in the Relationship between Brands

  14. 两类企业公开信息及其交互作用对消费者品牌关系的影响

    The Effects of Two Kinds of Corporate Publicity on the Customer-brand Relationship

  15. 影响品牌关系再续因素的理论性探索

    Theoretical Exploration of Factors Affecting the Renewing of Brand Relationship

  16. 品牌关系管理&营销理论的新发展

    Brand Relationship Management : New Development of Marketing Theory

  17. 专一性也会对品牌关系再续产生影响,但是并不显著。

    Specificity also have an impact on the relationship , but not significant .

  18. 品牌关系型态之本土化研究

    The Research on Brand Relationship Types in China

  19. 其中品牌关系是最重要的维度因素。

    The most important dimension is brand relationship .

  20. 消费者-品牌关系影响因素的探索性研究

    Factors Influencing Consumer-Brand Relationship : An Exploratory Research

  21. 品牌关系再续的关键在于重新赢得消费者的信任。

    The key to reestablishing brand relationship is to regain the trust of consumers .

  22. 品牌关系是指品牌与消费者之间的关系。

    Brand Relationship ( BR ) refers to the relationship between consumer and brand .

  23. 广义品牌关系结构研究

    Study of Brand Relationship Construct in Broad Sense

  24. 品牌关系质量本土化模型的建立与验证

    Brand Relationship Quality : The Establishment and Validation of an Indigenous Model in China

  25. 消费者&品牌关系维系:基于心理契约的研究

    A study of Maintenance of Consumer-brand Relationship : from a Perspective of Psychological Contract

  26. 论生态型品牌关系的框架建构

    On Framework Construction of Ecologic Band Relation

  27. 如何建立品牌关系;

    How to set up brand relationship ;

  28. 品牌关系驱动因素研究&以年轻人样本为例

    The Exploratory Study on Driving Factors of Brand Relationships & The Sample of Young People

  29. 品牌关系再续即指换回已流失的顾客,实现已经发生断裂的品牌关系重新建立。也就是重新建立起消费者与品牌之间的信任和满意关系。

    Brand relationship means to reestablish the trust and satisfaction between the consumer and the brand .

  30. 但是,品牌关系断裂并不意味着品牌与消费者之间就永远失去了联系。

    However , the fault does not mean the relationship between brands and consumers were broken forever .