
  1. 研究方法:1.构建23个型别的HPV-Ll区质粒标准品库:通过查找genbank中待检测的23种型别的HPV序列,选择L1区的MY09/11引物扩增区作为目标序列。

    Construction of 23 types of HPV-L1 region plasmid standard substance library : The MY09 / 11 primers amplification region of L1 region was select as the target sequence by means of searching 23 types of HPV sequences to be detected in genbank .

  2. 复土爆炸危险品库空气冲击波的传播规律

    The propagation law of air shock wave for overburden explosive storehouse

  3. 《突发性污染事故中常见危险品档案库》研制

    The creation of database for common dangerous goods in emergent pollutants ' accidents

  4. PEARServicesoEmbed库的一个替代品是php-oembed库,后者也可以用来在web页面中嵌入内容。

    An alternative to the PEAR Services_oEmbed library is the php-oembed library , which can also be used to embed content into a web page .

  5. 大容量冻结品快速解冻库的设计

    Design for Fast-thaw Store of Frozen Food in Bulky Capacity

  6. 黄埔港淡水河危险品码头和库场环境影响评价

    An Environmental Impact Assessment on the Wharf and Warehouse for Dangerous Goods in Danshui River , Huangpu Harbor