
xiāo shòu dān
  • sales slip
  1. PB中销售单的动态数据窗口设计

    The Dynamic Data Window Design of Sell List in PB

  2. 在我看来,除非你收到钱,否则这笔销售单没有完成。

    In my book , a sale is not complete until you get the money .

  3. 从产品咨询到安装,从销售单台仪表到承接工程项目,我们始终坚持为客户提供整套的专业服务。

    A complete professional service is offered from initial specification through to commissioning , for either single instrument or turnkey automation and control projects .

  4. 只要出示销售单(小票)就可以换货。以即期汇票为基础的销售是怎样的呢?

    Goods can be exchanged only on production of the sale slip . What if the sale is made on the basis of sight draft ?

  5. 系统中的关键技术包括根据采购单记录和销售单记录对库存信息的自动统计和更新;库存记录的模糊查询;采购记录和销售记录的复合式查询等。

    System key technologies including the purchase and sale of a single record of a single recording of inventory information , automated statistics and updating ; inventory records of the fuzzy query ; purchase records and sales records , multi-use inquiries .

  6. 保险代理机构和经纪行为保险公司销售保险单。

    Insurance agencies and brokerages sell insurance policies for the carriers .

  7. 1968年开始生产和销售大型单效蒸汽直燃型溴化锂吸收式制冷机。

    1968 start manufacture & sale of large-scale one effect steam-fired LiBr absorption chiller .

  8. 如果抛开销售,单论广告,那么这几十年来,电脑界一直都是苹果的天下。

    WERE advertisements rather than sales the yardstick , Apple would have dominated the computer industry for decades .

  9. 如果没有中文版本,也是可以销售的,单销量会有比较大的影响。

    If not , it 's still okay , but it has a negtive impact on the sales amount .

  10. 在公司经营中发挥独一无二的作用:作为公司面对用户的统一窗口,拓展一站式服务,成功的开展了销售和维修派单服务;

    In the company to play a unique role : as a user of the unified company to face the window , expand one-stop service , launched a successful sales and maintenance services were single ;

  11. 准备销售小册子和销售推广宣传单。

    Prepare sales kits and promotion flyer , etc.

  12. 描述一下销售检查的情况:谁负责检查?如何完成?是否对每个销售单都给客户发个确认函?

    Describe the sales review actions : who is responsible for the review , how it is done and is a order confirmation delivered to customer of each sales order ?