
  • 网络Sales and Marketing;Sales & Marketing;china marketing
  1. “生产汽车没问题。”大众集团另一子公司奥迪(Audi)的销售与市场总监卢卡·德·梅奥(LucadeMeo)表示,如果苹果决定进入汽车行业,不生产自己的汽车的做法不符合它一贯的风格。

    Luca de Meo , head of sales and marketing at Audi , another Volkswagen unit , said it would be out of character for Apple not to build its own vehicle , if it decides to get into the car business .

  2. 迈克:销售与市场营销怎么样?

    Mike : Why not sales and marketing ?

  3. GE副总裁兼销售与市场商务官凯特o约翰逊举了一个例子:最近,一家海上石油钻井平台运营商在动态生产数据中检测到了异常状况,从而避免了潜在的事故。

    Kate Johnson , vice president and commercial officer for sales and marketing at GE , offers the example of an offshore oil rig operator that recently averted a potential failure after detecting changes in production performance data .

  4. 2001年9月,《销售与市场》改为半月刊,并于2002年9月把下半月刊更名为案例版,成为中国MBA的第一本案例刊物。

    It changed into semimonthly publication in September , 2001 . The name of the second half in a month changed in September , 2002 . And the second half of the month publication became the first case periodical of Chinese MBA .

  5. 中国经济的发展促进了《销售与市场》杂志的诞生。

    The development of Chinese economy promoted the birth of China Marketing .

  6. 该公司现在已经上市,正在拓展销售与市场组织。

    It 's now public and working on the sales & marketing organization .

  7. 战前祁门红茶的海外销售与市场价格分析

    Overseas Sales & Analysis of Market Price of Qimen 's Black Tea before the Second War

  8. 仁伟咨询致力于领导力与管理、销售与市场、以及软技巧等方面的专业能力培训。

    We specialize in providing professional training in leadership and management , soft skills , administration and legal .

  9. 帝国烟草公司销售与市场董事托尼·米尔斯说:“不吸烟的人不会因为看到了乳品店里的小型展示就突然决定购买卷烟。”

    Sales and Marketing Director Tony Mears said " Non-smokers don 't suddenly decide to buy cigarettes because they see a small display in a dairy . "

  10. 目前,《销售与市场》发行量已达全年800多万册,稳居营销期刊第一。

    At present , the quantity of issue has reached to more than 8 million books in a year . It is the first of all marketing periodicals .

  11. 调查结果表明,主要的影响因素有:人工授精技术、推广经费问题、饲料与饲养管理技术、肉牛销售与市场、肉牛屠宰加工技术等等。

    The results showed that main factors were artificial breeding skill , cost , ration and feeding skill , labor difficulty , live beef market , butcher skill , etc.

  12. 在发展中,《销售与市场》密切关注中国经济生活和企业发展,努力为读者提供最实用的营销知识和有效服务。

    With development , China Marketing closely pays attention to the economic life of China and the development of enterprises , providing the most practical knowledge and effective service for the readers .

  13. 正确的评价和预测铅锌市场变化要综合考虑生产与消费平衡、生产成本、销售与市场交易方式、工业结构调整和未来需求等几个方面的变化。

    The issues should be considered to correctly evaluate and prospect the prices of lead and zinc are balance of production and consumption , operating cost , trade manner , industrial structure adjustment , and future market demand .

  14. 万宝盛华称,专业人才的短缺正开始对经济增长机会形成威胁。专业人才一般指中层管理会计师、工程师、信息技术人员、销售与市场营销人员,以及其它通常需要学位资格的岗位。

    The shortage of professionals – typically middle management accountants , engineers , information technology workers , sales and marketing staff and other posts that normally require degree-level qualifications – is now starting to threaten growth opportunities , Manpower said .

  15. 2004年,《销售与市场》由半月刊改为旬刊,每月出营销版、案例版和渠道版三本杂志,2005年又进一步推出了培训版。

    In 2004 , China Marketing changed into tri-monthly publication . Then there were three books in a month . They were the marketing version , the case version and the channel version . It further promoted the train version in 2005 .

  16. 提出应用该模型进行市场分析与预测的步骤,并通过某类型竞争产品的销售情况与市场份额算例对模型给予验证。

    Meanwhile , validation of the model is presented through an example of a type of competitive products .

  17. 产品的销售业绩与市场需求是紧密联系,不可分割的,而市场需求的变化是复杂的,影响企业产品销售业绩的营销因素又是多样的、非线性的。

    And Changes in market demand were complex . The influencing factors of enterprise product sales is diverse , non-linear .

  18. 由于从各方面加大了开拓农村市场力度,农村市场销售与城市市场销售基本同步增长。

    As a result of efforts intensified in various aspects to expand the rural market , rural market sales grew basically in step with urban market sales .

  19. 投资人应该要保持理智,懂得分辨销售话术与市场趋势。

    Investors should remain rational and know the difference between sales patter and market trends .

  20. 协同营销的冲突问题表象是生产与销售、计划与市场的矛盾,实质是品牌与渠道之间的矛盾,是一种渠道冲突。

    Obstacles in coordinate marketing appear as conflicts between the production and sales , plan and market , and its essence is the conflicts between brand marketing and channel marketing .

  21. 该矩阵可以比较直观地显示出地市报的市场竞争实力,以及其销售增长率与市场占有率,可以显示报业产品发展的良好前景。

    The matrix can compare the visual display of local newspapers , showing the strength of market competition , as well as its sales growth and market share , Product development can show good prospects of the press .

  22. 在所建模式的具体实现途径中指明了:(1)对于同时在传统市场上从事销售的企业,将其电子商务销售与传统市场销售同等对待,按传统销售的征税办法合并征税。

    For the enterprises engaged in the sale in the traditional markets at the same time , the e-commerce sales can be treated equally as the sales in the traditional market , their tax collection can be comprised of two parts , which follows the approach to traditional sales tax .