
  • 网络Financial internal control;internal financial control
  1. 浅谈工业企业的财务内部控制

    Talking about the Internal Financial Control of the Industrial Enterprise

  2. 甘肃电信公司财务内部控制研究

    Analysis of Internal Financial Control of Gansu Telecommunication Corporation

  3. 随着我国加入WTO,企业财务内部控制显得更为重要。

    With China 's entering WTO , it inner financial control seems more significant .

  4. 进一步说明了建立完善的财务内部控制机制无论对CE高校,还是对其他高校,对其提高未来的竞争力和提高管理效率都是非常有必要的。

    Furthermore , we place much importance on the fact that the establishment of sound internal control systems is not only important for CE University but also for any other university to improve the competitiveness and management efficiency .

  5. 高校财务内部控制和制度建设

    Internal control of Financial Affairs in Colleges and Universities and System Construction

  6. 建立高校财务内部控制制度的思考

    Thoughts on the internal financial control system in universities

  7. A公司现金流的财务内部控制分析

    Cash Flow Internal Control Analysis of a Company

  8. 报业集团财务内部控制探讨

    The Internal Financial Control of Newspaper Corporation

  9. 内部环境中对财务内部控制影响最大的是集团的组织结构和组织文化。

    The most important elements in the internal control environment are corporation structure and corporation culture .

  10. 浅论企业财务内部控制

    On Finance Controlling Inner Enterprise

  11. 通过这一实例的分析,向完善我国企业集团财务内部控制提出对策。

    Through this empirical analysis , so as to improve our enterprise group financial internal control countermeasures .

  12. 财务内部控制是企业控制资金流转、保证资产安全的重要方式。

    The function of IFC is to manage the circulation of finance and protect the safety of assets .

  13. 实现精细化财务内部控制对提高企业管理水平具有重要作用。

    The subtilized financial internal control has an important role to improve the management level of an enterprise .

  14. 加强财务内部控制是提高医院财务管理的关键措施。

    Strengthening the interior supervision is the key measure in improving the financial affairs management of the hospital .

  15. 按照收支两条线来完善财务内部控制制度,按照制度化和信息化两大层次来具体操作。

    Perfect financial inner control system by separating the expenditure from the income and operate by systematization and Informatization .

  16. 接着对新设计的财务内部控制体系的实施预期效果进行了评估。

    Then on the new design of the financial implementation of the internal control system expected results were evaluated .

  17. 这两者分别从硬性制度和软性环境的角度对报业集团的财务内部控制发生作用。

    The first one affects the IFC in hard system while the latter one affects the control in soft effect .

  18. 希望本文能为我国通信企业及其他行业构建财务内部控制体系提供一定的参考价值。

    Hope this paper can provide some reference for communications enterprise and other industries when constructing a financial internal control system .

  19. 其次,系统分析了陕西兴化公司财务内部控制的现状及存在的问题,提出改进的思路;

    Then , with a systematically analysis of the current situation and problems of the financial internal control system in Shaanxi Xinghua Co. Ltd.

  20. 财务内部控制是企业内部控制的重要组成部分,在财务管理体系中居于核心地位。

    The financial internal control is an important component of enterprise internal control system , and occupies the kernel position of the financial management system .

  21. 而财务内部控制是内部控制的中心,加强财务内部控制对实现企业目标有着重要的作用。

    The financial internal control is the center of the internal control and strengthen the financial internal control to achieve business goals has an important role .

  22. 从财务内部控制的环境、业务运作、预算体系及其运营时的风险等角度出发,提出了相对应的改善提高措施。

    From a point of view of financial internal control environment , business operations , the budget system and its operational risks , put forward corresponding measures for the improvement .

  23. 良好的风险意识和企业文化、风险控制关口前移、固化了的管理环节、执行力的增强充分的体现了风险导向财务内部控制的优越性。

    Good corporate culture of risk awareness and risk control sooner , curing the part of management , execution of the enhanced fully reflected the risk-based superiority of financial internal controls .

  24. 财务内部控制是现代企业管理制度的重要组成部分,在企业发展过程中具有重要作用。

    The internal financial control , which is an important component of the modern enterprise 's management system , plays an important role in the course of the development of the enterprise .

  25. 本文主要从三个方面展开论述:首先,以内部控制理论为理论基础,从财务内部控制的定义、本质、发展历史、内容、分类和方法等方面对财务内部控制进行理论阐述;

    Based on the internal control principle , the article firstly theoretically addresses the financial internal control system with regard to its definition , essence , evolution , contents , classification and methodology .

  26. 通过论述,本文认为良好的财务内部控制体系既是公司现代化管理的需要,也是加强公司财务管理、控制不良行为的需要。

    With the analysis , the article concludes that the financial internal control system is not only the requirement of modern enterprise management , but also that for strengthening the enterprise 's financial management and its control over ill activities .

  27. 果断采取有效隔离内部控制的对策,从而提高高校后勤社会化财务内部控制的有效性,使高校后勤财务内部控制制度能真正更好地保证我国高校后勤社会化的顺利、健康、快速发展。

    The inner control should be effectively isolated . By these counterparts , the financial inner control system of logistics socialization in colleges can foster its effectiveness and can guarantee the fast and healthy development of the logistics socialization in colleges in China .

  28. 民营企业只有加强企业经营文化建设,建立健全财务内部控制制度,形成完善的内部牵制和监督约束机制,才能促进企业健康发展。

    Thus , in order to promote the healthy development of the private enterprises , it is very necessary that they should strengthen the construction of corporate culture , establish a sound internal control system , and form an effective internal restraint and supervision mechanism .

  29. 针对这种现状,本人从财务内部控制的角度出发,研究了企业财务内部控制存在的问题,通过分析这些问题产生的原因,提出提高财务内部控制水平的对策。

    In view of this situation , I learned from the financial internal control perspective , study the enterprise finance internal control problems , through the analysis of the causes of these problems , put forward to raise the countermeasure of level of financial internal control .

  30. 准政府监管模式、强化会计责任追究、确认新COSO框架、实施财务报告内部控制有效性评价等,是美国新会计监管框架的基本要素。

    The new accounting supervision framework has basic elements , including government supervision mode , strengthening accountability , affirming COSO framework and effective evaluation of internal control .