
  1. 作为财政范畴的财税体制,是国家经济体制和行政管理体制的重要组成部分,必须服从于国家政治体制和国家的政治要求。

    As a part of financial category , financial system is the important constituent parts of state economy system as well as country administration system . And they must be subordinated to country political system and the request of national politics .

  2. 本学位论文在公共财政理论范畴内对地方政府间税收竞争的理论框架进行了深入研究,系统的讨论了其概念界定、构成要素、分类状况以及效应作用等方面的问题。

    This thesis give an intensive theoretic framework research of local tax competition in public finance theory , and discuss the conception , factor , category and effect systematically .

  3. 证券交易印花税收入是政府收入体系的一个组成部分,属于财政资金范畴。

    The stamp duty on securities transactions is a part of government revenue system , and it is one form of involving in initial distribution and redistribution of national income for government .

  4. 关于财政投融资范畴的认识

    Viewpoints on the Concept of Fiscal Investment and Loan Program

  5. 政府采购是一种政府支出行为,属于财政学研究的范畴,一般是指行政主体为了开展日常活动或为了向公众提供公共服务,购入货物、工程和服务的行为。

    Government procurement is a kind of action of government expenditure , and it belongs to the research region of the science of finance .

  6. 地方税体系属于财政管理体制的范畴,它是以中央政府和地方政府为主体的,以地方税为对象的分配管理体系。

    Local tax system belongs to public finance management system . The central government and local government are the main body of it , and local tax is its object .

  7. 同时,开发区财政又属于地方财政范畴,而且是一种特殊的地方财政。

    At the same time , the development zone finance and belongs to the local finance category , is a special kind of local finance .

  8. 财政风险标准是财政研究的基本范畴。

    The financial risk standard is a basic category of financial research .

  9. 首先是基于其发展所需的财政资源配置的研究,因此,是一个关于财政学范畴的问题。

    First it is the financial resources disposition research which based on its development . Therefore , it is a question about the scope of public finance .

  10. 国有资本财政是我国目前财政体系的重要组成部分,因其作为财政范畴所包含的内在矛盾,必然处于动态变化过程中。

    The State-Owned capital finance is an important part of China 's finance system , and is necessary on the movement and change .