
  • 网络Accounting role;accounting affect
  1. 项目管理与会计监督作用

    Project management and accountant supervision function

  2. 如不加强会计的作用,国有资产的流失将会达到不可挽回的程度。

    If not strengthen the role of accounting , the loss of state-owned assets will reach irreversible levels .

  3. 只有当我们发现了问题并告诉客户,会计的作用才得到体现。

    Only when we understand and locate the devil for our clients , then the usefulness of accounting shows .

  4. 另一方面,会计控制作用必须借助当代信息技术,与企业集成化信息系统共同作用。

    On the other hand , accounting control must recur to modern information technology , which works with corporation 's compositive information system .

  5. 如何在新的形势下,充分发挥中央银行的会计监管作用,全面拓展会计的监管职能,是中央银行会计部门所面临的主要课题。

    The major subject that accounting departments of central banks face is how to give full play to its accounting supervisory effects and expand its supervisory functions .

  6. 通过研究管理会计环境作用机制,探讨了入世后中国管理会计教育改革的一些具体问题。

    And through the study of the operating mechanism of the application environment , this paper also explores how to conduct the education reform of management accounting after China 's entry into WTO .

  7. 日益增加的多样化和个性化的信息需求已超出了现行会计的作用领域,而产生会计信息的另一种方法&事项法则能轻松地肩负此任。

    More and more diversify and individual character information needs had overruled the zone of existed accounting , and the other method which produce accounting information & ″ affair ″ rule could do it easily .

  8. 介绍了知识经济的特征,论述了知识经济时代人力资源会计的作用,提出了搞好人力资源会计建设的措施。

    This paper introduces the features of the knowledge-based economy , expounds the functions of the human resource accounting in the age of knowledge-based economy , and advances some measures for doing well the construction of the human resource accounting .

  9. 第五步是,在解决信贷危机中暴露出来的政策问题时,要表现出一点紧迫感。这些问题包括:市值计价会计方法的作用及新巴塞尔资本协定(BASELII)助长周期波动的效果。

    Part five is to show some urgency in dealing with the policy problems revealed by the crisis : the role of mark-to-market accounting and the pro-cyclical effects of the Basel II capital requirements , for example .

  10. 浅议充分发挥会计核算的作用

    Brief on Giving full Play to the Action of Business Accounting

  11. 试论会计信息的作用论会计信息的真实性

    Exploratory Discussion on Function of Accounting Information About the Reality of Accounting Information

  12. 论人本管理与实现责任会计的激励作用

    On the Impelling Function of the Management of Human Resources and Liability Accounting

  13. 谈如何发挥国有施工企业委派会计主管的作用

    How to realize the actions of assignment accountant officer of state owned construction enterprises

  14. 充分发挥基建会计工作的作用

    Fully Giving Play to Capital Accounting

  15. 本文研究了企业战略转变中会计信息的作用问题。

    This dissertation answers the question that what role accounting information plays in corporate strategy transforming process .

  16. 论会计监督的作用

    Function of Accounting Supervision

  17. 财务总监通常在财务、会计领域发挥作用,内部审计则涵盖企业经营管理的各个方面;

    The chief financial officer usually gives play to the finance and accounting , the internal auditor covers all aspects of the enterprise operation ;

  18. 政府在会计治理中作用的发挥,最直接的方式就是对会计工作的管理。这也是我国政府主导型会计治理模式的重要特征之一。

    The role of the government is administrating accounting directly , which is one of the main features in the government-led accounting governance model .

  19. 要坚持系统的观点,既要重视控制环境建设,也要重视内部控制制度的建设。在发挥内部会计控制核心作用的同时,发挥内部管理控制的保障作用。

    Insist on systematic viewpoint , pay attention to both environment and institution , play a important role in internal accountancy control and internal management control .

  20. 而根据税法对会计的导向作用不同,税务会计的模式可分为统一模式和独立模式。

    In light of the guidance of tax law to accounting , tax - related accounting models may be distinguished as the unity model and independent model .

  21. 会计环境直接作用于会计实践,决定着会计发展的方向。从会计产生的历史来看,会计是会计环境发展变化到了一定阶段的产物;

    Accounting environment play a direct role in accounting practice , decides the quality and quantity of accounting information as well as the direction of the accounting development .

  22. 寻找新的委托人来加强委托方对会计行为的作用,削弱代理人对会计行为的不正当影响,开展会计诚信的道德、法律教育,改善诚信环境,从而恢复会计诚信危机。

    Investor should strengthen im pact with accounting , weaken agent 's negative influence with accounting , carry on moral and legal education in accounting trust , so that get over accounting risk .

  23. 同时,随着经济的发展,会计信息的作用日益重要,上市公司的会计盈余质量已经成为一种重要的、投资者最为关心的会计信息,也始终是会计监管的焦点。

    At the same time , with the development of economy , the accounting information becomes increasingly important . Earnings quality has become important accounting information , which is most concerned by investors .

  24. 本文认为提高地勘单位的经济效益必须重视和发挥会计核算的作用,而会计工作也应以提高经济效益作为自身的根本任务。

    The essay holds that geological prospecting units should attach due importance to the role of business accounting to improve their economic performance , while accounting in turn should take raising economic results as its basic task .

  25. 研究政府成本会计报告的作用、目标和使用者,探究为了达到预期目标及使用者的需求,政府成本会计报告应该包含的内容,并针对这些内容设计了对应的报表。

    This chapter researches government cost accounting reports ' role , objectives and users , explores what government cost accounting reports should contain in order to achieve the expected objectives and needs of the users , and designes the corresponding reports .

  26. 通过对会计规范约束作用的理论分析,发现会计规范对非公平关联交易约束作用的发挥,既取决于关联交易会计规范的内容,又取决于关联交易会计规范发挥作用的外部环境。

    Through analyzing the refraining function of accounting rules , the thesis finds the full play of the refraining function of accounting rules to the unfair related transactions depends on the content of the accounting rules and the external environment of the accounting rules .

  27. 实践证明,如果企业不能有效的发挥会计的监督作用,就会产生会计息失真,违法乱纪以及腐败现象,从而导致诸多的社会问题;

    Practice proved , if the business can ′ t effective play the role of action of the accounting supervision , it can be bring about the accounting information distortion , violate the law and discipline , and corrupt phenomena , thus lead to many social problems ;

  28. 关于加强管理会计的地位和作用的思考

    A Reflection on Strengthening the Status and Function of Management Accountant

  29. 计算机在会计核算中的作用日益突出。

    Computer 's function in the accountant checks and calculates is outstanding day by day .

  30. 会计控制系统的作用表现在战略管理、企业内部经营管理以及出资者对经营者的控制上。会计信息系统具有法定的基础,会计信息具有与其他经济信息不同的五大特征。

    The accounting information system has legal base and the accounting information characterized by 5 features that are different from the traditional system .