
huì tóu
  • initiator of mutual-aid society and first recipient of payment
  1. 温哥华冬奥会头八天的比赛工作安排招致了很多争议。

    The first eight days of the Winter Games in Vancouver have had plenty of controversy .

  2. 你知道当你跳楼自杀的时候本能地会头先着地吗

    Did you know that it 's human instinct to go head first when you leap to your death ?

  3. 可是会头打来电话,态度是那么的诚恳,正所谓盛情难却,不行也得试试啊,谁叫咱有瘾那!

    But will the first call , then the attitude is sincere , is the so-called , not have to try ah , who told God that there is addiction !

  4. 昨天我还在娘家,村里的会头《操办秧歌的人》打来电话,要我赶紧回家办个角色。

    Yesterday I was home , the village will be the first " people who make arrangements for Yangko " made a phone call , asking me to hurry home to do a role .