
  1. 我们认为,我们的投资者和董事会都代表了公司的DNA,我们很高兴能有更多志同道合的投资者加盟。

    Our approach was that we think our investors and board really represent the DNA of the company , and we were excited to add some more likeminded investors .

  2. 花旗银行(Citi)、美林(MerrillLynch)和摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)的董事会都曾与他接洽,询问他是否有可能管理它们境况不佳的公司。

    The boards of Citi , Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley have all approached him as a potential candidate to run their ailing firms .

  3. 当人体中PH下降,哪怕是仅仅1度,上升的酸度会都会立即被体内数十亿的细菌解读为躯体死亡的标志。

    When the pH drops , even by . 1 , the increase in acidity is interpreted by the microbes , already present in the body in their billions , as a sign of a dead or dying body .

  4. 现今大多数上市公司的董事会都只有一位高管,那就是CEO,而剩余的董事应该独立于管理层。

    Today , most large public companies have only one manager on their board , the CEO , and the rest of the directors are at least deemed to be independent of management .

  5. 罗尔斯罗伊斯首席执行官约翰里斯顿(JohnRishton)表示:我希望清楚地表明,无论是我还是董事会都不会容忍任何类型的不当商业行为,并将采取所有必要的举措来确保合规。

    John Rishton , Rolls-Royce chief executive , said : I want to make it crystal clear that neither I nor the board will tolerate improper business conduct of any sort and will take all necessary action to ensure compliance .

  6. 许多学校和红十字会都提供这些课程。

    Classes are offered by many shchools and the red cross .

  7. 你和你的宝宝会都爱上这些游戏。

    Both you and your baby will love playing these games !

  8. 建房互助会都推出高息存款来吸引新储户。

    The building societies are offering high-interest accounts to tempt new savers .

  9. 我没想到你们会都在这儿等着。

    I didn 't expect that you would all be waiting here .

  10. 很多人是来看热闹的,这种情况每届交易会都有。

    Many came for the entertainment that all fairs have .

  11. 她的每次演奏会都是满座。

    Every concert of hers has been a sellout .

  12. 亵渎,它可能会都我振奋,并得到我说,教令。

    Desecrating it would probably both cheer me up and get me that fatwa .

  13. 你的角色很重要,家长们会都觉得很有趣。

    Your part is very important . it 's very interesting for the parents .

  14. 很多大型招聘会都会在三月召开。

    Many large fairs are scheduled for March .

  15. 斯蒂文?雷德格雷夫成为第一位连续五届奥运会都获得金牌的赛艇选手。

    Steven Redgrave became the first rower to win gold medals at five consecutive Olympics .

  16. 需要有些奖励,否则整个家可能会都垮掉。

    That reward needs to be there , or the whole thing falls apart . '

  17. 地处大西洋两岸的这两家公司的董事会都为这些谈判召开了数十次的会议。

    The negotiations were the subject of dozens of boardroom deliberations on both sides of the Atlantic .

  18. 每届部长会都制定既具指导性又切实可操作的纲领性合作文件,对会后三年双方各领域合作进行全面规划。

    Every ministerial conference has adopted feasible plans to guide cooperation across the board in the next three years .

  19. 大部分的讲习会都是由当地教授用英语讲授,不过我们教职人员中会各有两名跟着每个小组,并且也会开讲习会。

    Most sessions are taught in English by local professors , but two of our faculty accompany each group and also give seminars .

  20. 德国的六大政治基金会都和政党有着密切的联系,在德国的外交决策体系中扮演着重要的角色。

    The six biggest political funds of Germany all keep the close relationship with German party and play an important role in the German foreign policy decision-making .

  21. 在这种情况下,任何董事会都应该努力找出并解决真正的根源问题,而不是采用迂回方式达到目标。

    It behooves any board in such circumstances to try to address the real source of the difficulty , rather than use alternate means to accomplish a goal .

  22. 使问题更严重的是,美国许多公司董事会都存在令人震惊的权力集中现象:董事长和首席执行官由同一人担任。

    To add to the problem , many US boards have an alarming concentration of power through the combination of the roles of the chairman and chief executive .

  23. 每一届世博会都是当时时代的缩影,近160年的世博会发展历史点点滴滴的记录着现代建筑的进步。

    Every session of the World Expo are the epitome of that era and the World Expo history which has nearly 160 years records the development of modern architecture .

  24. 我对他们说,如今太多的公司董事会都犯了和微软一样的错误,那就是他们认为继任就是寻找候选人。

    As I explained to the audience , the mistake so many boards make these days , as in the case of Microsoft , is that they think succession is all about identifying candidates .

  25. 如果斯蒂芬、金不曾写过小说,不仅他自己不会成为富翁,而且我们也会都为没有机会读到他的小说而感到比较遗憾。

    Had Stephen King never written a novel , not only would he not be as rich , but we would all be poorer for never having had the opportunity to read his novels .

  26. 根据在第一街银行多年的工作经验,查理知道每月的第三个星期四执行董事会都会把钱存入金库,检查门闩,更换大金库的门锁。

    From years of experience of working at the bank on First Street , Charlie knew that every third Thursday of every month , the executive board would replenish the supply of money , check the bolts and change the locks in the main vault .

  27. 所有的董事会都应当评估董事会准则和章程,以确保董事会对这一过程拥有控制权&而且,他们应该每年进行评估,制定可靠的继任计划,并找出任何有可能影响工作流程的障碍。

    All boards should review their guidelines and charters to ensure that they actually have authority over this process – and they should review every year the extent to which they have developed a solid succession plan and identify any obstacles preventing a flexible , working process .

  28. 怎么会事事都出这么大的错呢?

    How could everything go so disastrously wrong ?

  29. 我会什么都不干,就只悠闲地晒晒太阳。

    I 'll just lie around in the sun

  30. 转成付息的活期存款账户,并保持账上有余额。多数银行和较大的购房互助会现在都能开立这种账户。

    Switch to an interest-paying current account and stay in credit . Most banks and larger building societies now offer these accounts