
huì zhǐ
  • Conference site;the site of an association or society;the site of a conference or meeting
会址 [huì zhǐ]
  • (1) [the site of an association or society]∶协会或学会的地址

  • (2) [the site of a conference or meeting]∶召开会议的地址

会址[huì zhǐ]
  1. 休斯敦被选作大会的会址。

    Houston was chosen as the site for the convention

  2. 这个城市被选为下届奥运会的会址。

    This city has been selected as the site for the coming Olympic Games .

  3. 来自全世界各地的抗议者来到法国里维埃拉G20会址附近,EranHakim从以色列来到这里,他谴责领导人们造成了世界发展不平衡。

    Protesters came from around the world to demonstrate near the G20 meeting on the French Riviera . Eran Hakim flew in from Israel . He blamed the leaders for the growing inequalities in the world . going higher and higher inside countries and between countries . They are managing it , they 're responsible .

  4. 图示浸信会建于礐石的会址,左下方为该会礼拜堂。

    The building on the lower left is the main chapel .

  5. 协会选择巴黎为下次会址。

    The association has picked Paris for its next meeting .

  6. 第三条仲裁委员会会址设在深圳市。

    The Arbitration Committee shall be located in Shenzhen City .

  7. 教师中心在北角和红各有一个会址。

    The centre has two branches-one in North Point and the other in hung hom .

  8. 该学校被指派为业余艺术俱乐部的会址。

    The school has been designated as the meeting place for the evening art club .

  9. 石库门建筑群以一大会址和新天地为代表。

    The Site of First National Congress of CPC and Xintiandi are the best representative Shikumen-style complexes .

  10. 我首先给斯大林写信。据我知道,他是赞成以德黑兰为会址的。

    I addressed myself first to Stalin , who I knew favoured the idea of a rendezvous at Teheran .

  11. 位于希腊首都雅典西南的奥林匹亚,就是古希腊奥林匹克运动会的会址,今天奥林匹克圣火就从那里熊熊燃起。

    Olympia locates southwest of Athens capital of Greece , is the ruins of the Olympic Games in ancient Greece .

  12. 城市新规划地土壤动物群落组成和多样性:以上海市世博会会址为例

    Community composition and diversity of soil fauna in the land use of city planning : a case study in Shanghai World Exposition Site

  13. 会址的上空因为中央的关怀洋溢着无限的喜悦。

    There is endless pleasure which is showed love care for the people in Old Revolutionary Area by China Center above the site .

  14. 她说:这是世界上最具活力的地区,最具活力的城市,最宏伟壮观的会址。

    This is the most spectacular site , in the most dynamic city , in the most dynamic region in the world , she says .

  15. 乌克兰南部位于黑海边的旅游城市;是年同盟国会议的会址,由罗斯福、丘吉尔和斯大林出席。

    A resort city in S Ukraine on the Black Sea ; scene of the Allied conference between Churchill and Stalin and Roosevelt in 1945 .

  16. 在联合国大会会址确定之后,印度新首相莫迪周日在纽约受到了热烈欢迎。

    A day after addressing a hush UN General Assembly , India 's new Prime Minister Narendra Modi received a thunderous reception in New York City Sunday .

  17. 我们找到了一个很合适的会址.教师中心在北角和红磡各有一个会址。

    We have found a meeting-place that will serve our purpose . The centre has two branches - one in North Point and the other in Hung Hom .

  18. 宁夏作为中阿经贸论坛永久会址,也为宁夏机场开通至中东、中亚阿拉伯国家的客货运国际航线提供了很好的时机。

    Because Ningxia is the permanent site of Ningxia-Arab Economic and Trade Forum , which provides a good opportunity to develop the international routes to Middle East countries for Ningxia airports .

  19. 博鳌是论坛的永久会址。论坛也将是首个永久定址中国的国际会议组织。位于博鳌水城四面开放的论坛会场,白色的波状屋顶像海边展翅的海鸥。

    Boao is the permanent venue of the Asian Forum , an international conference body seated in China . The Boao Plaza , the main conference venue , is a structure that is open on all sides with the undulate roof resembling a seagull ready to take wings .

  20. 在这种状况下,利用后发展机会,利用南宁市作为东盟博览会永久性会址的机会,寻求旅游开发的最佳契合点,避免走先开发后规划,先污染后治理的老路子,大力发展生态旅游。

    Under such circumstances , it should take the opportunities of after-development and ASEAN Exposition in Nanning City as the permanent venue to seek the best conjunction spot of tourism development , so as to avoid " developing before plans , pollution before governing " to develop the eco-tourism vigorously .